Oligarchy_USA's forum posts
Diablo knock off? EA cash cow? Not free online? Wrong on all 3 points. Try again.
Yep, it's a Diablo knockoff with levels that randomly switch enemies.
Sorry, you get 1/2 of the online for free, but it's not really online, more like a gimped online.
EA cash cow is guaranteed, what with microtransactions and monthly fees for anon persistent server, can't wait until the horde of expansion packs arrives or the various console ports, either.
There would be no problem if Imagine: Fashion Designer had a metrosexual on the cover.
And props to the guy who named Imagine: Speak when spoken to. Classic.
Tango is a fool.
First off, Blu ray sales are killing HD DVD sales. Warner's Blu ray sales are 70-80% of their total hi def sales and they release MORE titles in HD DVD. The Standalone ratio is not 3 to 1, it's more like 55/45 and closing. Small studios are releasing on Blu ray only because going multiplatform would damage potential profits.
Oh, and hardware sales more important than software sales is bogus. Software sales are important to the software makers, and hardware is important to the hardware makers.
Anybody who is thinking that HD DVD can win is lying to themselves. That will not happen, period. The only thing possible for HD DVD at this point is to exist with Blu ray at its side.
Thusly, either Blu ray wins or both formats coexist. There is no Blu ray defeat anywhere in the future. Fact.
oligarchy show us a link to where they've said its mulitplatform, which is interchangable with "multiple consoles" Korrigan777
I've already posted it.
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