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Alright, I'm a big music guy, so this is a blog dedicated to music. As for the console reviews, I'll finish them up eventually. Though I don't know when that will be. Though it might come in the next few days. Why? Well, I'm sick. I've missed school on Monday and Tuesday. I went back today, but at lunch, my mom had to pick me up because I was feeling horrible, and she's decided to keep me out for the rest of the week. My sickness is the common cold. Except this one is bad. I mean, BAD! Like, as in REAL BAD!!! Anyways, I'm feeling fine (as long as I take my medications). Oh and my dad's car broke down (a little while ago, I'm just reporting it now). So, these aren't great times for me. So, what do I do when things aren't going good? I listen to music.

Music means a lot to me. It's art for our ears (which ironically got infected today and was the main reason why I had to get pulled out of school). My personal preference is heavy metal. Black Sabbath. I'm a huge Black Sabbath fan. I play guitar because I'm inspired by Tony Iommi (who should be more popular than Ozzy Osbourne, the most overrated singer ever, Tony is Black Sabbath, Ozzy is not). His riffs are simple, yet they are brilliant. In fact, don't you notice? The most simple stuff are always the most brilliant stuff? Everybody nows the Ironman riff. The riff near the end of War Pigs is my most favourite riff ever. The riff of Black Sabbath (the song) is truely satanic (not that I am, neither is the band, but the mood is there). Electric Funeral (especially when distorted) sounds like true heavy metal. Planet Caravan is a great song to calm you down after having to hear Ozzy constantly swear at the crowd to go crazy. N.I.B also has that awesome heavy feel. This band was truely great. This was heavy metal/hard rock n' roll at it's finest.

Oh, but I don't only love Black Sabbath. Led Zeppelin. Stairway to Heaven is without a doubt one of the greatest songs ever. Why on't we hear music like that nowadays? The immigrant song is also awesome. Oh, and Kashmir was a great musical performance. Oh, and lets not forget The Beatles. I know not everybody nowadays like them, but back in the 60s, they were the band you listened to (I didn't live in the 60s however). Their stuff was also pretty simple, but always had a good beat. Queen was also an awesome band.

As you can see, I love classic rock. That's my area of music. You just don't hear music with anywhere near the quality back then. In fact, I'm disgusted by the music today. It's rather disgraceful. The only good music of today is videogame music. That's the only thing in terms of music that didn't go downhill.

As for playing music, I (obviously) played recorder (I still have one, I might play it more often, you can make good music with recorders, like Stairway to Heaven). I also used to paly the flute. I wouldn't mind continuing to play it, but it's not cheap. Though now I play the (electric) guitar. I'm not that good at it, but I haven't been playing it much. I hope to get down to some serious practising this summer. Right now, I only play it like for a few hours every week, which I know is not nearly enough. I mostly just fool around with it, but I do practice seriously a bit. It's something I want to really improve at. I'm considering switching to bass in the future (and if I do, it will be because of Geezer Butler, also a member of Black Sabbath). Though for now, I'm perfectly fine with the regular electric guitar. I actually tend to play heavy riffs on it (what a surprise).

So, heavy metal/classic rock is my musical preference (I do listen to classical music like Mozart and Brahms from time to time too), and guitar is my current instrument. So, what is your take on music? For me, it really helps my mood, cause I don't have it easy in my life, and I do tend to waver towards depression more than I would like to. So if I do, I go on this computer and turn on my tunes. It always makes things better for me.

My Console Reviews- GBA


System Design- 9/10

It is well designed. With the original GBA, you hold it like a SNES (or NES) controller, except with the screen in the middle (there was actually a version where they made the GBA look like a NES controller). That means it has a classic feel, which is a good thing. With the SP version, they made it smaller and look more like a big cell phone or small laptop. It also had it's own light, so that means you could play it in the dark. I can't find anything to really complain about the system. It also had just about no competition either.

Graphical Potential- 9/10

The graphics for the most part look pretty good on the GBA. Nothing special or fancy, some games look really good. I reall don't have much to say about the graphics on this system. The sound quality was good and there was a bit of room for voices. Though really, there is not much to say on this department.

Games- 9/10

Some of the games on this system was actually really good. The Advance Wars games were just exceptional. This system was the first in North America to have a Fire Emblem game, and that's a great thing. There was lots of good stuff. There was also a ton of ports. 5 good old Final Fantasy games (there was also Tactics Advanced, and it was a good game too). There was Zelda: ALttP, which was a very good thing for gamers like me who never owned the SNES. A bunch of NES classics were ported (though were a bit overpriced). With no competition, any developer that wanted to make a portable game immediantly looked at the GBA. It had some good games. Just that it's too bad that within the last year, the only good game to come out was FFVI. Oh well, now we got the DS.

Other- 8/10

There really was not much other stuff about this portable. There was the E-Reader, but that was just about nothing. You could link the GBA to the GC, though that was for only a few games (though a few of those games were awesome). It's also a good thing that this system has backwards compatibility. So if you never owned a previous Gameboy, then this was a good choice for you. Overall, this is just a plain straight portable console that is simply meant to play portable games, and that's the way I like it.

Reviewer's Tilt- 9/10

This is a very basic system. I don't have much to complain at all about it. I really did enjoy this system. I had to bags of games (about 6 were GBC or GB games). I loved playing this system when I was going to bed. I just didn't like the battery system, and I'm glad that I don't really have to worry about that kind of stuff with the DS.

Overall- 9/10

I'm sorry that this isn't really a great long review. This is a very simple system with a list of very good games. That's all there is to it. Which is a good thing.

Next up- NGC

My Console Reviews- N64

Well, now time for the N64. Though before I do that, I'll just say that I got MKDS. It's obviously a lot of fun, and I'm quickly unlocking everything. Though what I'm not having fun with is my WiFi connection. I know the problem (IP Address), just that it's a huge pain for me to fix it. Any help would be appreciated. Well, that's it for now. Time for the review.


System Design- 7/10

When the N64 was coming out, it quickly got a rival, the Sony Playstation. The PS was starting to use Compact Disks instead of cartridges. Though the N64 was still using the cartridges. The advantages were the quick loading times and no need for memory cards. However, they had less memory space, and if you needed 2 cartridges, that was just about impossible since it would be too expensive. That's why Nintendo lost a lot of 3rd party support here (and why they lost the Final Fantasy series). They recieved a lot of criticism. Not only that, but the controller was rather akward. However, above all of this, it was a good solid system. It worked very well, had an awesome graphical potential (next section) with the low memory capacity it had, and had some nice new features. You could also have 4 players. It was a good system, but Nintendo decided not to advance in some areas, and that cost this system big time.

Graphical Potential- 10/10

Nintendo made a jump into 3D. A big jump. There were a few 3D games before, but they were just not good. Though with the N64, it showed the world the power of the third dimension. Since Nintendo didn't want to jump into using CDs, they had low memory capacities. Though some games look absolutely amazing, and were perfect in terms of jumping into the third dimension. You could even slightly improve on them if you were willing to spend $40 on an expansion pack (which allowed you to play great games like Majora's Mask or Donkey Kong 64). The sound quality was also very good. Though remember, with the low memory capacity, voice acting was just a no. Though some of the music was awesome. My most favourite Zelda music comes from the two N64 Zeldas. This system really reached it's graphical potential, even with the low memory capacity.

Games- 8/10

The best two Zelda games (obviously in my opinion) are the two N64 games. My most favourite Mario game is Super Mario 64. The best FPS at the time was Goldeneye 007. Rare made some absolutely awesome games. The Star Fox on this system was classic. However, after all of these sensational games, that's when they drop off. Since Nintendo lost so much 3rd party support, there was just nothing that really great after those games mentioned above. Lucky for them that Rare decided to stick around for a while longer. 

Other- 8/10

Nintendo decided to try out a few things that's actually becoming essential to consoles nowadays. There's the rumble pack. It was a minor thing, though it really did add to the gameplay. There was the Game Shark, which let you really screw around with games, especially Ocarina of Time. As mentioned above, there was the expansion pack, which improved the graphics. They didn't have a whole lot of extras, though at least with the stuff they had, the stuff actually worked.

Reviewer's Tilt- 8/10

The reason I like this system is because of the list of exceptional games. It also had the best 3 Mario Party games, some very fun Mario sport games, and other really fun games. However, after those amazing or very fun games, there just isn't really that much to show for with this system. It's also known as the system that brought Nintendo to the bottom of the pile, which is certainly not a good title. Though I myself did enjoy this system.

Overall- 8/10

The two things that are bad about this system and gave it a bad name was the akward controller and the use of cartridges (while the PS was using CDs). This did bring down this system. However, this system made an excellent jump to 3D, and had some amazing games. Good console, but it could've been improved, which is what brought it down and why Sony jumped to the top. Though I myself still liked the console.

Next up- GBA

My Console Reviews- NES

Well, I have/had 5 consoles/portables. So I'm going to review them (NES, N64, GC, GBA, DS).


System Design- 8/10

There was a surge in gaming with the Atari 2600, but it went downhill. Though Nintendo decided to jump into the market. After making a few arcade games, they made their own console. It's obviously the NES. It had a simple design. It was a technological box. The controllers were boxes. The cartridges were boxes. The design was simple. Though when you're trying to pick up a marker as a whole/jumping into the market, you always start with something simple. The system played games, and did it well. Though it was not without flaws. You inserted the cartridges like you would into a VCR. Push in, push down. However, this caused some problems. Remember constantly blowing the cartridges, or putting in alcohol? However, this was Nintendo's first console, and it did do it's job at a good degree. In good condition, you'll find no complaints, and if you do, you're probably being picky. Though still, some areas were just flawed, and it's a good thing Nintendo fixed it with their next console, the SNES. Oh, and those controllers worked, but they weren't so comfortable. It's a minor thing. However, they were strong. That's a great thing, especially with the wide list of aggravating games.

Graphical Potential- 9/10

For it's time, this console was a big step up in the graphical department. It's also amazing how throughout it's generation, the graphics kept on dramatically going up and up. Look at SMB and SMB 3. The graphical potential was there, and was very good. As for sounds and stuff like that, they were simplistic MIDIs, though there was some absolutely awesome music. The music was very memorable, and some games had great compositions. The sound effects were good, as long as they sticked to the basics. Trying to add in voices and stuff like that didn't work too well. The graphical potential was great, and was a huge step up the ladder.

Games- 9/10

The most important aspect of a console: the games. This is an area, especially at that time, where Nintendo absolutely destroyed competition (though Sega had some good stuff too). Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Double Dragon, Contra, only to name a few. With a list of games like these, you'd epxect a 10/10. However, there was a dark side. Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Wayne Gretzky Hockey, Where's Waldo, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, only to name a few. Though if we can just overlook and forget these appaulling disastrous piles of ****, then the light shines bright on the console.

Other- 6/10

This console created the golden era of gaming. I mean a time where the consoles were made for gaming, and companies were producing some awesome classics. No other **** (*glares at Sony*). However, Nintendo did try experimenting with technology. There was the Zapper, which was a laser gun. It was used for a few games, such as the classic Duck Hunt. It worked very well. Unfortunately, this is the only real experiment that passed. There was the Power Glove. "Put the glove on, and now you're playing with power." No, now you're playing with ****. This thing was a nice attempt at trying to advance gaming technology (it worked sort of like the Wiimote... except that it didn't work). Though it failed miserably. There was also ROB, which I can't really tell you about since I myself don't know much about it. Though it didn't work out so well from what I've heard. There was some other sutff, though they weren't significant either. Though hey, give Nintendo props for trying to advance ahead of the crowd back then.

Reviewer's Tilt- 10/10

I got this system at a time when SNES was in it's late stages, and the N64 was starting to be developed. Though I was naive back then, so I had no idea. Instead, I just picked up the controller and enjoyed this console fully. It was great. I loved this system, and I have some awesome memories. This system made me a gamer. Unfortunately, my parents sold it. Even though I was enjoying my N64, I missed it back then, and I certainly miss it now.

Overall- 9/10

This console got the videogame market going, and it's still going well today. All because this thing worked well, and had some amazing games. If you never played the NES, then you really missed out. There were some real downsides back then, but the games were simplistic, and were pure fun. They were true classsics. Not this Halo stuff we got today (Halo isn't a bad game, but it's seriously overrated).

Next up- Nintendo 64

FINALLY, I got a DS!

Today was the first time I entered the store Best Buy. Wow, great store for electronics. Especially since they had DSs in stock! I think now there is one or two left in stock (after me buying one). Unfortunately however, they didn't have Mario Kart DS, so I bought NSMB. Wow, I love this game. I just entered the 2nd world. A bit on the easy side however. The only way I'm dying in this game (I only died like 2 times) are from poorly timed jumps on my part. Though it feels great playing this game. My first game ever was SMB, the first game I got for my GBA was Super Mario Advance (SMB 2). So I guess it's destined that I got a classic platformer first. I also got myself the WiFi thingy, so when I do get a WiFi compatible game, I'm ready to go online. Well, I might be writing my first DS review tonight if I get far enough in the game to feel like writing one. Also, my DS (Lite) colour is just plain white. I was hoping for black, but as they say, wanters-of-stuff-that's-low-in-stock can't always be choosers.

Oh, and if you're wondering, there were HUGE piles of PS3s, PSPs, and XBox 360s at Best Buy. Meanwhile, there were only a few DSs and no Wiis. Nintendo Power!!!

Bad News For Me, Good News for Nintendo Fans/Sony Haters

Okay, earlier today, I was expecting to write this blog post in a mood of celebration because I thought I would be playing my DS right now. Well, guess what. I went to 4 different stores, and they were all completely sold out! Also, one of the store clerks told me that there was another guy who visited the store before me went through 24 different stores and still couldn't find 1 DS. The same goes for the Wii, since I didn't find one either. Here is the good news for you people who hate Sony (yes, you Stonetowerghost). In each of the stores I went to, I found huge piles of PSPs and PS3s. Sony is failing! Nintendo is winning! At least we can celebrate the fact that Nintendo is grabbing the VG market! 

...Only problem is that I'm sitting here DS-less... :( Now I have to wait for a bit before I get one.  

Good News!

Sometime within the next seven days, I'm getting a DS! Probably on Saturday (my birthday is on Sunday). Well, this does somewhat make up for my robbed miracle. Though I would rather have a Wii over a DS. Anyways, what game should I get with it? I'm thinking of Mario Kart DS, though does anybody have a good suggestion? I'm preferring a good multiplayer game for now. I'm also hoping I can get a WiFi thingy so I can maybe play with some of you. 

For my current gaming news, on TP, I got to the Hyrule Castle, though I've stopped. I'm playing Paper Mario: TTYD right now. I don't feel like finishing TP. TTYD is a much much easier game to come back to than TP.

Reviews and Images

As I'm looking through my list of reviews, I laugh at my Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde review. It's my most recommended review. Though I would say it's my funniest review, along with my Where's Waldo review. It is fun going on raids on horrid games.

I also just wrote a review for Paper Mario. After writing it, I now so badly want to play that game. Just like Majora's Mask. I do have TTYD, though I want to play the original. It was such a great game. I miss it. I haven't played it in years either. When I get a Wii, that game is going on my VC.

I like the new addition of Images on Gamespot. It's a nice idea. I already got 4 images up that you really should check out. However, there are also glitches. There are 2 other images I tried uploading, and I couldn't. Argh, Gamespot has so many glitches!

I 'm Replaying TP...

... And I'm actually enjoying it more than on my first run through. Why? Well, I'm not sure why. Though I'm guessing it's because those disappointing areas don't feel so disappointing now that I'm over them. I also named Link, "I R DUMB" and Epona "I SUCK". Conversations are so awesome! Right now, I've just entered the City in the Sky... So I'm not so quick to jump to my GC right now... Seriously, the last three dungeons of this game just sucks. This is something that I'm not quick to get over with. Ever since OoT, Nintendo has been failing on final dungeons (MM doesn't really count). For a final dungeon, I expect a long, hard dungeon. One that doesn't take a few minutes to beat and will probably make you die a couple of times. To finish off a good hard dungeon, I expect a good hard final boss. Now Nintendo fails this in probably every game. What the hell are they thinking?! Final bosses are supposed to be HARD. They are FINAL bosses. If you want to see the game ending screen, you should have to earn it. In TP, the final battle is good. I'll give them credit for making it long and interesting with many stages. Though come on, I want a difficult final boss. Nintendo, get your head in the game!

You know how I said it would take me a miracle to get a Wii soon? Well, that miracle came. Unfortunately, because of my mom, I can't make use of that miracle!!! Okay, here's the scoop. I'm starting lacrosse now. When handing in registrations, I handed mine in early. People who hand their registrations in early get entered in a draw. Well, I won that draw, and recieved $215! However, my mom got a hold of that check, and she won't let me use it. "Just cause you won the draw doesn't mean you get to use the money." What the hell kind of logic is that?! If I had that check, I'd grab my wallet of $60, head to a store, and get a Wii! I WAS THAT ****ING CLOSE!!!!!!!!! I almost screamed!!! My mom had better get me a DS for my bithday (which is in a 1 and a half weeks)! ARGH!!!! I can not believe this!!!!!!!! I WAS THAT CLOSE!!!!! I think I'm going to cry now... (even though this was already a few days ago) Now I know how it feels like to get robbed of a miracle. :(

0.0 Did I just do that?!

Okay, so, I'm still enjoying LoZ: MM. Right now, I've got all 4 remains, and am getting ready to face Majora's Mask (I just need the Mask of Truth, which I will get maybe tomorrow). Anyways, at Stone Tower, I had the battle of miracles. Okay, so I go into the boss battle thinking I'm all prepared and all (I've played this game before, so I know what I'm doing). Out goes my Giant's Mask, and the fight begins. However, I wasted my time. I just screwed around when I was a giant, and I only got a few blows in. After that, I lose all my magic, and I'm back to being my normal size (I never upgraded my Magic Meter, and I had no Green Potions or anything). Well, there's my first sign of being screwed. There's also the fact that I had only 7 hearts left. So out comes the bow, and I start shooting for dear life. This was the most insane thing in my life. Try shooting to worms that are 100x bigger than you, and you got only one place you can shoot at (the tail). I was getting a few hits in. Though this is harder than it sounds for any of you who haven't done this. Eventually, I completely ran out of arrows, and I was low on health. "Okay, I'm screwed." So, in total desperation, I get on the sand, and start running to all those stone pillars. One of them get me, but I was standing right next to one of those blocks, so it broke. 10 arrows came out. Though now I only had 2 or 3 hearts left. So I ran right back to solid ground in the middle. Out goes the bow, and I start praying that they have low life. Cause I certainly do, and with very little ammo. I start shooting. After like 3 or 4 shots, one of die. Yay, maybe I can win this! Oh wait, I got only like 6 or 7 shots left, and only one heart. Game Over. Though I still tried. Hanging on to the skin of my teeth with barely any ammo with a collosal worm trying to eat me. I start shooting. 6 shots left. 5 shots left. 4 shots. 3 shots le... He died. He died. He... died....... HE DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!!!! What in the world did I just do?!?!?! That was the most unbelievable battle in Zelda I've had. I just saved myself from a rare Game Over screen with the skin of my teeth! I was amazed! Oh my goodness.

Anyways, I love this game. It rocks. Definetly the hardest 3D Zelda to date. Oh, by the way, I died against Gyorg. Yes, I died against Gyorg. Hold on a second... Gyorg was the last boss to kill me 5 years ago! Wow. Okay, he is officially the toughest boss in 3D Zelda to date. Well, I'm almost done with this game. Only a few more days, and then it will be another long strech before I play again. *sigh* To make matters, worse I'm writing mid-terms in school. Well, they shouldn't too bad... EXCEPT FOR THIS GOD FORSAKEN SCIENCE TEST WE WROTE TODAY!!!!!!! I HATED THIS TEST!!!!! IT WAS DEMENTED!!!!!!!!