I realize how old I'll sound typing this, but those whiny 13 year olds are why I pine for the days of in house gaming, split screening some Goldeneye with my friends. Sure, the trash talk was there, but we were still (mostly) civil. The anonymity that gamers get to hide behind nowadays really gets to many of their heads, and that toxic player base is why I stick to mostly single player games...or PC games...because thankfully whiny silverspoon 13 year olds have parents that will dump truckloads of cash on them for their consoles, but draw the line at a gaming PC. Kudos to this guy for speaking up, this kind of thing needs to be said more often.
It's really interesting seeing everyone's take on "classic" Castlevania. Some people seem to think the series started with SotN, and while I love that one, the metroidvania playstyle and the myriad of clones it spawned, I also enjoy the originals, particularly Simon's Quest and Super Castlevania IV, though they don't play at all the same. The originals were slower, deliberate action driven games of amazing quality, SotN was a reboot, and it did the series justice, just as I thought LoS did...they are all very different, though LoS, to me, feels much more like the originals than SotN does...again, that doesn't mean I don't think SotN is an amazing game.
Ultimately, I think it's the story that makes it Castlevania, and LoS has been delivering on story unlike any of the others. Nostalgia (or bad voice work) might keep people attached to the earlier games, but keeping an open mind, LoS is easily the best delivered story, the production quality was astounding, and I like to live in a world where it's okay to enjoy LoS AND it's okay to enjoy SotN...I don't see why I can't have both, they're both amazing. Looking forward to LoS 2, easily one of my most anticipated games of the year.
I had no idea this was in development at all, and I'm a huge fan of the previous AoW games. Very excited to hear about it, I say take all the time you need to keep in line with the amazing quality of the older games!
Seriously, it's like Christmas...with proper elves.
I actually like the diverse array of MOBAs to pick from, because it's such a unique but fun genre. I've put countless hours into LoL, enjoyed it for what it was, it was definitely well made and Riot has been making pretty great strides at alleviating the "toxic" players for those looking for fun. I've dabbled in Guardians of Middle Earth for consoles, which for a console game built around a controller, does a really good job of conveying a proper MOBA experience while still having enough fresh ideas of it's own...plus, wrecking someone with a mace to the face with Sauron is always a good day. Personally, I've also enjoyed the hell out of Awesomenauts, the 2D faster paced MOBA with a huge sense of style.
Looking forward to putting down some hours into Dota 2, which sounds like the main event, and I'm usually a support player who thrives on finding the little tricks to being a great backup, so I'm excited to see what this has to offer. Either way, hey, glad there are options out there for those looking for em'.
@RicanV @Reuwsaat @AMG_75 I agree with just about every point you've made in this thread, but have to respectfully ask why Grown Ups 2 over Pacific Rim? To each their own, I'm just givin' ya a hard time. :D
...I consider myself an open minded gamer. I don't devote blind loyalty to a company, but rather the games themselves. The way they keep marketing this thing as NOT a game device comes off as desperate and alienating. The 360 didn't do well because of the gimmicks...it did well because of the games. Maybe the XB1 will get on board with the games, but at this rate, I probably won't know, because I'll be busy playing my PS4.
@zhurnivuurg @Sleepyhun1 @Oloryn Ha, love this! Huge fan of both Riddick AND LoK! I mean, I haven't had an issue with any Zelda game really, they usually completely deliver, but like many of us have put it, there are so many ways to take on such a massive universe of lore in a fresh way.
@Icepick_Trotter @Oloryn I hear ya, yeah it wouldn't have to be in exactly that setting, just an example, because like you said, in a series where they play with time and setting, it would be cool to see them take a risk and go outside the traditional medieval fantasy motif.
Since the Legend of Zelda kind of hops around to new eras, I always thought it would be neat if they took it to a modern/futuristic time, but clearly only if they could still keep the Zelda feel. I'm not looking for a generic sci-fi action game, but I think it could be sweet to see a post/apocalyptic fantasy setting where Link has to take up arms and destiny (think a less emo Cloud from Final Fantasy VII) to battle ancient magical forces in a world used to science, maybe looking to the temple of time to fix everything to begin with, while struggling with the thought that if he succeeds, he and the ones he cares about may never exist at all...and maybe that's how it ends, bittersweet in the success and tragedy of a hero the world will never know, except to maybe a young couple living in a forest village in the past, aided by this hero, with only the remnants of his name in their memories, enough to name their own child, Link.
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