@TheOnlyConan @deathstream Still similar though. It's true, the rumored GPU is better, simply because its an AMD chip as well, and is from the generation after the 720's chip, and they're both in the "mid-range" for their lines. That lower RAM thing does kind of bug me though. Having lower RAM than the competition was a problem with the PSX. They've admitted the lower RAM being a problem in the PS3. Here they are potentially again making that same mistake again.
@andrew_ribbons @popegtr It's all smoke and mirrors at this point. There really are some things abotu XBL Gold that boggle the mind. Like requiring gold for access to their new music service, which is in of itself a pay service. You originally also needed Gold for access to FFXI, but that was thankfully rectified.
Paying Gold to play CoD online is also a joke, because Activision uses their own servers for that.
XBL Gold made sense when it first came out. It still does, in some ways. I am of the opinion, though, that it's going to need restructuring for the next system.
@fillup0 Honestly, your PC really should be more powerful in terms of processing power. That's what computers need. Gaming consoles don't need as much processing power. Sure, it would help everything run smoother and faster, but MS and Sony are both trying to keep these systems near the break even point for launch.
The main driving force behind a gaming console is going to be it's GPU.
@mike300zxt @OmegaGear We're arguing semantics. Yes, the design dictates the range the processor clock can reach. Beyond the design, its i the clock rate that determines the raw processing speed. Trust me, we're on the same side here.
@megatronx2 What does this have to do with the 720 though? Only their GPU is AMD based. I haven't read anything about what kind of CPU is going to be used. On that note though, the original linked article does say the 8 CPU cores are split into two 4-core modules.
@mike300zxt @demonic_85 Clock totally does dictate processing power. It's just not the only thing that factors into it. It is also totally true though that CPUs have become much more efficient at lower speeds with multi-cores. If we were still on that 1 core GHz race, we'd have computers generating enough heat to keep a house warm in the winter in Wisconsin.
People complained about having to unlock extra modes and campaigns? Wow, I thought I'd never see the day when people complained about unlockable bonuses.
@SauhlGood Let's look at it this way. This is what the NRA did, in order.
1. NRA didn't support anti-violent video game agendas.
2. NRA blamed the Sandy Hook shooting on violent video games.
3. NRA releases shooting iOS game.
What about that process seems questionable? Maybe this guy is doing this just for his personal gain, maybe he isn't. Forgetting him though, the NRA's recent behavior shows they really do have some issues that need to be addressed.
This politician's main beef isn't with the game itself either, it's with the NRA's actions. If he wanted to make this about VGs, he would, but he's after the NRA in this case.
OmegaGear's comments