Wow, so all of the madness around Episode 3 wasn't enough? Now we have to throw Episode 4 into the mix? This is going to eat people's brains more than George Lucas starting with Episode IV.
@CaptainBerserk I think he can be claimed to be less of a d-bag only because he had more experience to back up that cockiness of his. Other than that, I really don't see what the big deal is.
@Drilbit777 @OmegaGear LOL. I have. I don't think it's terrible. It's in the top half of the VA I've heard, and by no means the worst. I just think that, compared to the rest of the package, it is the weak link.
@Drilbit777 Yeah, they wanted this to crash and burn, because it's "blasphemy". Honestly, it's different, so I judge it as a new direction on its own merits. It's not like they took the classic formula and failed, a la DMC2. My only real beef is that I personally think the voice acting is bad.
@JohnMark320 Well, his devil trigger makes him look like classic Dante. So, if there's a infinite trigger bonus mode like in past games, then yeah, gamers can get their classic look all they want.
@SolidTy This isn't a movie tie in, per say. It's within the movie universe, but it is not directly tied to the next movie. It has its own story, and is meant to stand on its own.
It's not hard to shift more revenue when the system costs 50-100 dollars more than the Wii did, and it had more, better games at launch. Besides Zelda, the Wii launch slate was severely lacking.
OmegaGear's comments