a smart fanboy should think about their "excuses" to hate on stuff.
for example, its okey to laugh at the wiimote, aslong you have a reason that wont backfire later.
like the uber funny "i dont like to wave my arms around like an idiot". i remember lots of people useing that one. And that makes it even funnyer when the same people start praising the Move or Natal, whats even funnyer are those who compare the WM+ to them, and then they claim "i dont like motion controles, but which one is better?"
That's the point I was trying to make. All the haters could say was, "wagglewagglewaggle, omg it's soOOooo teH funniez!" Now the lolcats pissed on their legs and suddenly everyone is saying, "Hmmm.. Interesting, indeed. I shall have to satiate my curiosity and see how things unfold. I look forward to seeing if this is an experience worth having, as I have yet to try it. Ah, time will tell."
I hope anyone who fits this description stubs their toe tomorrow morning when they get out of bed. And if you're that person, and you stub your toe, you can thank me for it.
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