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Omni-Slash Blog

Unexepected Trip

Heading back home with the "wife" this weekend, there's a storm tonight and well, I'm not to comfortable with her driving in it........not with my boys in the car anyway.....I'm going to be hanging with my brothers at least.....see you all on and off all weekend long......

Well I'm back

After much soul searching, and a little prodding. I thought about the way I had left last time. Quite honestly I wasn't proud of it.......I felt like I had just pulled up anchor because things had gotten tough in my life....and well...that's not fair to my friends.....GS....and well....myself......I know I can balance things in my life better then I did....I just wasn't going about it the right way......I'm not going to be on as much as before.....but I will be here...doing my best to make GS a better place......for everyone I just bailed on....I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done it...and well...i won't do it again....and if I'll be for the right reason....not my own inablilty to handle something......thanks for all my friends that have stood by me...... live and learn....:) it's good to be back....


One word, sums it all up huh?  Just thought it was time, I spend a lot of time here, too much that's for sure.  I'll miss so many of you, sandlot76...I don't think there is anything else that needs to be said :blush:...... N3MO, Kitty, Dark Catalyst, to name a few.......not to mention all the great people in SSN, OT and the rest of the under appreciated mod guys truely do own.....  You guys have been a big part of my life for about 4 years now, and many of you will continue to be....I suck at goodbyes so here it is.  Be good to each other, treat everyone as though you are meeting them for the first's amazing how people can treat strangers better then their friends some times......Love deeply, passionately...there is no tomorrow.....wait.....and what you had may never be.....and most of all enjoy short to be miserable......bye guys...

PS....Bill first rounds on me.........

A look back on 2005....

Hmmmm I'm another year older.  I guess that means I'm supposed to be another year wiser. I really don't know if that's the case.  Sit back and reflecting upon my year I have today, I can say it's been one interesting ride.  Failing marriage had the introduction of a new child into it and no matter what let me tell you he's truely a blessing.  Gabe and him continue to make me proud and happy every moment I get to spend with them.  The way son or daughter can make you feel is really unequalled.  No matter what has gone on between me and my wife i will never regret any decision I have made because those two boys are amazing. 

    This year has also brought me the best friend I never knew I didn't have.  Amazing how you can just bump into someone.  Have a chance meeting and your life is forever changed becasue of it, never knew somone could become so fundementally important in a life in such a small amount of time.  Every day I've known this person has brought me joy that really is unmatched. 

I've made mistakes this year, of this I am certain.  Been thoughtless when I should have been thoughtfull, been emotional when maybe I should have been reasonable.....letting that special somone get back on that plane.....doh! But I digress. As I stumble into a new year with a new life I find that for the first time in years I have a chance to make a life for myself.  I know the life I want.  I know the person I want to share it with. (in whatever way that may be) Now it's just up to me to figure out a way to do it :)

I guess in all of this mess if I have something to say is this.  The new year starts in 9 days.  Take advantage of it.  Is there a person you've always seen yourself with?  Is there a hobbie you've always wanted to try?  Some weight you've always wanted to lose?  Don't wait, don't settle for what you've always been or what is comfortable to you.  Go out and take the chance.  Life is too short to wait for something good to happen to you.  Make it happen.  Take it upon yourself to make your life better in whatever way that is.

Happy New Year everyone. :)

Tis the Season to be Merry.......

Well as the holidays are upon us I wish all of you a great Holiday season fiilled with friends, family and all those you love. :)   This holiday is a rather interstiing time for me as it is more of a new begining for me...I'm about to move out of my house.  No sadness, that time has passed.  I know what is ahead of me is for the best, for me, for her , and for the kids.  (which are the main focus of everything I do)..... wise I'm looking at some rpgs, Magna Carta, Dragon Quest VIII amongst others.  I also want to get around to picking up God of War..yes I may be one of 2 forumers whom have never played it.......also looking to pick up Mario Kart DS and a wi fi adapter for my comp so I can hassle a friend...currently I'm still playing castlevania DS want 100% souls and map the 90's for both at the moment...

Well anyway I hope you get to spend the hlidays with thsoe that you love...i can't wait till my friend stops by for New'll be a blast..hope you guys have somone you're looking forward to being wiht over teh holidays... :)

Sometimes the best gifts.....

...are those that just bring a smile to your face.  It's been a pretty tough week for me. Things at home aren't the best and needless to say I've been a little down.  My apologies to the spammers in OT whom have felt my wrath....well not really but you get the picture. ;)  Anyway i got a package in teh mail from a friend today and i about laughed my ass off.  Hands down it's the best gift I've recieved in a long time.  So this post is more or less a thank you for brightening my day and a chance to show off my new hella cool T-Shirt.... :) Hope everyone else is doing well and staying out of trouble...and're only in trouble if you get caught ;)

Thanks Ms Sands....made my day :)

Mr Mom Week One....

As many of you know I've now switched my job around in order to keep day care costs low and as such I'm now taking cae of both of my sons M-F 8-5pm and working at nights and this little ditty is about my adventures in being Mr Mom...

I'm generally pretty relaxed...and handle most things well...but even the most patient man on the planet is put to the test when you have a 2 month old screaming bloody murder while you are changing them (probably shouldn't hold them upside down by one lege and hose them off with your free hand...just a little tip from me to you)....all the while a three year old is asking repeatedly "what's wrong daddy"...and it's even though you want to scream be quiet you know it's pointless...he's just concerned..not helping..but concerned ;)........and this owas just10 minutes after the wife left for work... ;)

2 Month Olds.....they poop..a lot...the also eat a lot.....right nnow he's knawing on my arm..don't know why...he just ate..but you learn that that doesnn't matter..he eats...takes a breather..eats again...then looks for my boobs ....I'm jsut happy I haven't started lactating yet.....but funny thin is when thhey smile at forget all the inconvenient things throughout the day.... :)

3 year olds....well They like attention..a lot of attentiion....we sepnd the mornings cooking something usually...Tuesday it was Banana Bread....Wednesday was Italian Mashed potatos...(btw check out Everyday Italian on the food network if you like cooking..... ;) )......then it's an art project in the afternoon.....what's always a bolast with mmy particular 3 year old is that he's always in need of having a question answered right when the 2 mmonth ol is having a nuclear meltdown......."Daddy why did Dora get stuck behhind the gate?".....I don't know son...maybe she was'nt smart enough to wal around the 4 foot long gate.....but answering that is never so easy when you have ascrfeming 2 mmonth old neeing man boobs.....

As much as I joke I gotta say I do enjoy my time with them..they're both great kids...only thing I do miss is the ability to talk wiht my friends while at work......a big reason why I look forward to my job and late night XBL sessions.....big reason I'm looking forward to heading out to see a friend next weekend...a weekend off wiht some grown-up interaction should be just what the dr ordered.....

anyway I'm to feed the baby...and off to play some Castlevania DS while he sleeps.....if you don't own a DS and this are missing out ;)...anyway have a great day guys..see you tomorrow night :)

Tough Day Today.......

Well....October 14th....use to be a happy day.......anyway at least in 4 weeks I'll get to hangout with a good friend for the weekend...should be fun :)

.anyway....since you've joined me last I've picked up Castlevania DS and X-Men Legends 2. While I haven't spent all that much time wiht X-Men 2 I have to say it's pretty solid....sometimes you wander a bit trying to figure out what's going on but it's fun...if it wasn't for Burnout Revenge eating up all of my online time I'd probably give it more of a go...:) Castlevania DoS Freaking rocks.....any of you would be gamers who have a DS and have not picked this up deserves a good cuff upside the head.....great artork...nice soundtrack..tested gameplay.....damn thing deserves to be in everyone's collection...2 D the way 2D should be done....

This weekend consists of going out to dinner tonight........then going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow :) should be a blast...gabe has so much fun (as do I)......then tomorrow night will probably be a night of Burnout re3venge fun followed by the Jets throttling on the Buffalo Bills on Sunday.....Hope everyone has a great weekend ;)

Side Notes: Good luck the the Badgers and Packers..... :).... and for the love of god Major League don't need a replay but somone has to get hteir head out of their ass and make a correct call :)......and Colemen...prepare to be crushed in the Fantasy League :)

I'm back......

Okay enough of this crap.....sick of feeling sorry for the situation I'm in....and sick of whining about. Let it be known that Omni has now re-enterred the GS world. :P....Unfortunatly for many you will be seeing a lot more of me moderating, posting and participating on the Gamespot boards as a whole. As many of you have known I've been going thorough a tough part of my life and it has been rather draining. but earlier today I decided to say **** it and move on. Decided that it;s in my best interest and all those that I care about to move on and make sure I am happy and in turn make those around me happy as well. Decided to say to hell with worrying abotu what people may think and love the one I'm meant to be with, whatever may come. Well that's that :)

Friday look for the What are you Playing this Weekend Threads to return as well as a more active me in many of the boards I frequent or use to frequent. Gaming wise i plan on playing Burnout Revenge this week along wiht some Meteos and I'm preordering Castlevania DS...still on the fence about X-men Legends 2......if you have thoughts send them my way....and besides that...catch you all on the boards......have a happy guys and girls.....

PS-damn you Jets Grrrr...and the close.......

PPS...anyone but the yankees and braves.....

PPS...Love ya Hon ;)

Where has Omni Been?

Well for the 2 people that have actually noticed that I've been gone....I am a father again

Zachary Aidan was born last Monday...

and with my little bundle of joy comes.....a backlog of work since the students have I've been stopping in from time to time....but my effort has really gone into getting this work is going well as can be....a good friend has been there for me......someday i hope i get a chance to bump into them.....preordered myself BurnOut Revenge.....nothing beats playing your friends...driving fast cars and watching stuff blow up.......

and with the sports seasons heating up or starting's feeling great to be a mets and Jets fan these days... :)..anyway....have a happy you all...