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Omni-Slash Blog

...busy, busy, busy....... what hasn't been going on?.....Zach is solidly walking now........Gabe continues to learn Algebra.....yeah I know......don;t even get me going on that....Working on my site......(new launch date)...... I've just started the groundwork to begin a Gamer's Perspective Union. If you didn't get an invite to co-found it, it means you already have co-founded a union in the last 30 days....ahem Miss Sands (drums fingers on the desk)......

Heading to Baltimore this weekend....My best friends birthday was at the end of January...problem being a weeek before his twins were born so it was completely his wife is throwing a 30 1/2 Birthday bash....looking forward to seeing the gang......

Work has been a beast's why I'm so far behind on the site and haven;t been modding as much lately....hopefully this will pass soon... :)....well I hope everyone is taking care.....see you next time :)

Weekend Plans.....

Weekend here already?.....seems just like yesterday I came into work :?......Well this weekend I'm heading out to the Corn Hill Art Festival with the wife and kids......should be fun.....looking forward to looking at the different things...and best of all people watch....I'm a huge people watcher.....Gabe is excited because he can get some cotton candy.....he's a big fan of cotton candy.....(strangely so am I :lol: ) ......then I'll be back in later for work.....woot?......looking forward to playing some chronotrigger and DW VIII....think i jsut need to beat that so I can move on to something's good and all...just kinda drags in parts...*sigh*....anyway....I hope you all have a great weekend :).....

New Profile Banner....

Yay or Nay?......I was going to put Tifa in there as well....but..well....I'll give you a hint...never put Tifa FFVII into the Google search image engine.......there are some lonely....lonely people out there.......:?......but the Cosplayers are hystericle...:lol:

Good at scholastics?.......too bad....

What the hell is up with this trend in not honoring Valedictorians and Salutorians....heaven forbid they make the idiots in the class feel bad....:|.......We can prasie mediocrity but if somone does well......lets not say anything....feelings could be hurt.....I thought we were supposed to be desensitized these days.......And another thing....i'm sick of seeing about how tests are unfair and discriminate....... yeah tests discriminate against people.....the stupid ones..I should know..they descriminated the hell out of me until I finally paid attention...:P..anyway..just had to vent........

Hope everyone is doing well....I'm currently swamped at work...things finally get to lighten up in the coming week..and I can finally dedicate some time to my site...:)....Kids are doing well...and for those that don't know My wife and I are trying to work things out.....will it work..I don't know.....but we'll see....that being said I'm going to try to play some DW VIII this week...and i hope o be on XBL this if I have some would be sweet :).......take care gang...:)

Because people asked for it.....

I've had a few people ask me for my workout routine....and instead of me typing it out in OT every time.....I've decided to post it here......Summer Hours at my gym has forced me to take off Sunday usually I just restart my routine and rotate days....but since there's an even 6 days til's the same every week....

Monday Chest and Tri's-

  • Bench Press  Sets of 15, 10, 8, 6, 6, 4
  • Incline Dumbell Press   15, 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Cabel Cross Overs (wk 1) 15, 10, 8, 6,4
  • Butterfly Machine  (wk 2) 10, 8, 8, 8, 6
  • Close Grip Press 10. 8, 6, 4
  • Machine Pres Down 10, 8, 6,4
  • Cable Pull Down (alternate robe and hard handle)10, 8, 6, 4 

Tues, Thursday, Saturday Cardio and Abs

  • 30 minutes on the Treadmill 
  • Lower Back Extension 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Machine Crunch 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Machine Twist  10, 8, 6, 4
  • Hanging Leg lifts  15, 15, 15, 15

Wednesday Biceps & Back

  •  21's (wk 1)  3 sets
  • EZ Bar Standing Curl (wk 2) 15, 12, 10, 8
  • Standing Dumbell Curls (wk 1) (alternating palms out) 15, 12, 8
  • Seated Dumbell Curls (wk 2) (alternating palms out) 15, 12, 8
  • Standing Cable Curl 15 12, 8
  • Widegrip Cable Pulldown (wk 1) 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Close grip Cable Pulldown (wk 2) 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Dumbell Row 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Machine Row 10, 8, 6, 4

Friday Shoulders and legs

  • Overhead Press 12, 10, 8, 6
  • Lateral Raises 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Dumbell Shrug (wk 1) 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Barbell Shrug (wk 2) 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Squats 10, 10, 10
  • Leg Extensions 10, 8, 6
  • Leg Curls 10, 8, 6
  • Barbell Calf Raises (squat rack or smith machine) 15, 12, 10, 8

Well that's it...:)....This weekend I'm going to primarily be working...yeah me.:(..I have an office "retreat" on the 21st that I have to have a whole slew of forms done for...woot?....still working on my site....and trying to learn flash...(I hate feeling dumb).....catch ya around :).....

For those that supported me....

Thanks :)...The Stroll for Strong kids is tomorrow :)....a few of you on the site have donated and it's greatly appreciated....if you haven;t done so and are still interested just PM me and I'l lsend you the appropriate's a great cause......Obviously i won't be on tomorrow during the day..but I should be on tomorrow night......

Lately I've been playing a few games....Dragon Quest VIII and Tetris DS....tetris being online verse random people since I have no friends....*sigh*......

if anyone wants to add me to thier friends list at least to appease me....the codes are as follows....

Mario Kart.

  • 158977
  • 662370

Tetris DS

  • 720980
  • 680370 big plans for the weekend besides the walk...Nohabs stiffed me...*sigh* I know I don't have boobs Nohabs but come on you're killing me...:P.....

Anyway...til next time :)

So pissed......

.....I've been working on a presentation for a University wide calendar program....(lists events all over campus)...I populated it with mock prices....times etc etc etc.....been working on it for about a month...presentation to the dean is next Thursday......our ingenious ITS people upgraded the version of the calendar program....(the software engineers said and still say keeping the data is really easy)..well......they lost basically a month of my work is down the drain and I have til June 1st at 2pm to recreate it......the rage I feel can not be be kind......I beg you....until next thursday night.......or feel my wrath.......

OMG I'm blind!....

Well technically I can't see much without my glasses on :P.....anyway....I'm contemplating Lasik Surgery....Contemplating it now because I have to decide how much pretaxed money to have taken out of my paycheck for it.....good Besides Ms Sands (since i know she's for anything that results in me having physical pain :P ) ....what are your opinions on it?...anyone had it?....(I know you have Jess....I'd love to hear your thoughts)....

other than that I have finally cleared up my domain issues.... is mine...July 10th is my launch date so if you'd like to write some things for me just let me know I already had a Mistress of the DS (hawt) .....but I don't have a 360 (yet) or a PSP (probably never) so I really could use those two anything else is still open :).......

Well Memorial Day weekend will probably be spent with the kids and seeing Xmen 3....I'm 100% sure htere will be a trip to the zoo in ther because the White Rhinos are suipposed to be here this weekend I think....anyway...till next time :).....

Holy Emblems Batman.....

Umm...guess I got 3 new emblems....rock on!.....heading home to see my best friend this weekend....Him and his wife had twins in this will be the first time I get to see them.....I'm really excited.....on the Website front...the complications that I thought were resolved over the name of the site are now I have to come up with another name.....i have some ideas...but I'm not thrillsed with wait and see I guess.....

Currently playing Dragon Quest VIII......looking forward to starting Atelier Iris II.....

Quick hits....Son.y...WTF are you thinking.....looks like I'm getting a Wii and a 360 :)......Ds is looking amazing...Phoenix Wright II :)......and FF III.....good time to be a DS owner that's for sure :).......take care of yourselves :)....

It's Official..... it the coming weeks Gamer's Perspective will be back up and running....I finally got the domain issue out fo the the name is kept.....If anyone wants to help me out by writing review or commentery I'd love the help :).......

Tomorrow night I'm taking Gabe out to a Rochester Red Wings baseball game.....the office reserved the box seats and I scored a couple of that should be fun :).....other thna one of you already knows I've been selected to be on a Committee to choose the next CIO of the University.....(15 member committee).....that being said I had to purchase 2 suits this a suit...lord have mercy........I have enough trouble wearing pants.......anyway....I finished Grandia III I'm starting God of War before I bust into Atelier Iris II and paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door....both purchased this week......

.....:)....have a great week all :).......