what hasn't been going on?.....Zach is solidly walking now........Gabe continues to learn Algebra.....yeah I know......don;t even get me going on that....Working on my site......(new launch date)...... I've just started the groundwork to begin a Gamer's Perspective Union. If you didn't get an invite to co-found it, it means you already have co-founded a union in the last 30 days....ahem Miss Sands (drums fingers on the desk)......
Heading to Baltimore this weekend....My best friends birthday was at the end of January...problem being a weeek before his twins were born so it was completely his wife is throwing a 30 1/2 Birthday bash....looking forward to seeing the gang......
Work has been a beast's why I'm so far behind on the site and haven;t been modding as much lately....hopefully this will pass soon... :)....well I hope everyone is taking care.....see you next time :)
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