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Omni-Slash Blog

Merry Christmas

Well after today I'll be on GS in only a limited fashion till next week so I wanted to just tell you all that I hope you have a great Christmas and get to spend it with the ones that you love. :)....

Thought I'd jsut leave you with a Classic Christmas Moment....I'm not religious by any means.....but it is the reason we all celebrate  this time of year.....not to mention a little faith never hurt anyone...:)

Merry Christmas Gang.....

Big news!....

No....I'm not pregnant.......though that would be something wouldn't it?...:?....

My site's forums are now up....

Please check them out.....

I just want to say thanks to Kcube, Jess and and everyone else that helped to make this happen....I'd be completely lost without you guys :).....

My site is up...

Yeah I know...old news....but then again :P......I guess the lack of a wii this weekend and being stuck at work gave me the time to finally finish the design of my site....make sure to check it out...:) I'm looking for people to hook me up with Wii, PS3 and PSP if you'd liek to write just let me know :)..

....other than that...I'll be working on FFXII and heading to the inlaws this weekend for Thanksgiving.....and hopefully I'll have my Wii at the end of the week....:evil:...hope you are all doing great and have a great Thanksgiving....

Now if that aint just a kick in the junk.....

Got a call from EBgames today "I'm sorry but we don't seem to be recieving the number of Wii systems we were expecting to get into our store.  Unfortunately you and 3 other people have been bumped til the next shipment. :evil: because you were the last 4 whom preordered."  Jeez thanks, I could have gone to 3 other places and preordered it. So much for previous employer loyalty (I no longer have friends working there to bump me up the list :( ) so pretty much I'm Wii for me at launch unless somone cancels. (not holding my breath)....but they did say they were expecting some in within a week and I can pick up my copy of the Legend of Zelda TP anytime.:|......*you know where I think they can stuff that :evil: *.. if anyone is getting a Wii on launch day and wants to write a little dity for my site that would be greatly appreciated......:) other than that...I'll be sitting here.....sulking....:(

....Boys are growing up...:(

Well Gabe turned 4 yesterday.....4.....I still can't believe it.....seems like just yesterday I was taking the wife to the hospital.......and getting D batteries thrown at my head.......long story....still emotionally scarred from it....:?.

...we had the family over on Sat....and his Preschool friends over on house full of 4 year olds......should have bought earplugs...:lol:.......anyway......busy weekend....updating my site tonight...... for those that haven't checked it out..... please do so.....  ....last Friday I worked the Hillary Clinton Debate on campus.......and for those that want to know....she's running for president...(looks like I'm voting Republican)....The University President was asked by her people if we'd like to hold a Presidential Debate....(since he was peeved that no students were allowed to attend) even though she has yet to confirm've heard it here first.....;)......

well this week I'll be around more.....lot of work to get done you'll probably be sick of me popping my head around GS.....anyway...hope you're all having a great day.....

PS..Zach is starting to solidly talk now.....:(.....they're getting so big.....:cry:

More Pics of the Boys....Woot!

...just when you htought that Omni might get tired of posting them....oh no....there's more....:).....

Gabe with Starfire......continues to be a ham......

then there's Zach.......playing the part of the Angel.....

.....then he attacks!.....:shock:

...other than that....I'm busy this weekend....Drew Carey show starts in an hour......I'm actually leaving here shortly to ride in the limo to escort him here...woot!.......but i'll be on more tomorrow morning.......then busy again at is coming along great.....if it is delayed again it'll only be by a day or two... cause it's almost set..:)......anyway......hope you all have a great weekend....:)

Crazyness I tell you....

Last night was a pretty crazy night in OT......started off the typical disgruntled poster making an alt account telling me that I know..a normal Wednesday night.....well after that the I love Omni threads starting appearing.....I swear..some of these guys and gals need to get out and make some friends.......well after threads about an Omni-Wikipdia insert (which is now erased)....somone made a pic of me....and let me tell you..kid was pretty damn good....his names was Dragon600 or something similar...not a poster I even really recognized...but anyway..I thanked him for the pic...and I thought I'd share it with you guys :)...

....other than that....  is finally coming togehter.....the new coming soon page is up that will reflect the layout of the if any of you have some articles or reviews that you want to have on it make sure to PM them to me or email them to me asap...anyway....Smallville season premier is on tonight and I'm completely stoked......and I'm looking forward to getting some game time in after that tonight....anyway..have a great one gang :)....

A Farewell.....

Francis S Mravlja..... August 7th 1924-July 30th 2006

...Well what is there to say?.....he was born in Slovenia....left for the US in the around 1940...bought some land in the middle of nowhere after earning some money doing manual labor in NYC........started a farm.....raised a family......had a grandson in 1976.....He was a great man...I really don't know how one leaves thier country with little and scrapes together an existance.....don't know if I ever coud have that kind of fortitude.........even though his accent made him hard to understand.....I never missed an oportunity to listen to his stories........he always had a smile on his matter what he went through.............I'll miss him.....

The more things change.....well....

the more they change.....

It's tough....went back down to Baltimore this weekend to spend time with my best friend and our group of friends that I grew up wit...we're all close...always have me..the stories they know about me would make your hair curl....yes even yours Miss Sands :P...... I spent time with everyone it dawns on me.....I've changed......I'm not one for wild parties anymore.....don't really care about living in the past (all grew up in the same town) and a few of them are still there......and all they talk about is the "glory days"..:?........while it's nice to remember...those days certainly don't define later that night Bryan and I got to talking.....and we both realized that as much as we like seeing everyone from time to just...well....isn't like it use to be...we're much happier sitting on the back porch talking about baby stuff than trying to remember who slept with who in highschool :?.....anyway.....just a little venting....have a great night all.....