Oom_Gert's forum posts
Frank Klepacki is god!
- C&C TD, TS, RA 1, RA 2 and Universe at war.
Frank is a LEGEND! I love his music, I must admit I listen to C&C, Red Alert & Univers At War soundtrack in my car - damn I'm a nerd :D
So yeah his games gets my vote!!!
Something like Ace Combat on PC, which I am a big fan of the series. For me it would be a welcome change for the PC. Hopefully, they do not take a cue from their previously released flight series, Blazing Angels.Valkyrie_44
Blazing Angels was horrible and if these are the guys who makes HAWX then I don't think it's going to be good. The graphics looks great but I much rather play more realistic games like IL2.
God I hate the cheating enemies of Far Cry. If I ever go to hell it would be because of all the "bad" things I said while playing Far Cry.
To be honest, I was looking forward to Mass Effect but after I read about the activation scenario I really don't think I'm gonna get it. Not just to prove a point but because I know I'm struggle to keep my game activated at all times.
I don't know what EA's idea is with "everyone is always online" crap. I don't have a decent internet line and getting one on my country is a mission and damn costly. And why did they stop taking LAN connection out of their games for multiplayer?!?
Great goin EA, your just gonna boost the pirate industry with this stunt as more people would rather pirate the game than go through with you activation crap. All this while the people who did pay for the game gets all the hassles.
Stop asking difficult questions!!! DAW2....no wait StarCraft2.... no wait....... DAW... StarCr...... Aaah What the heck, I'l get both! :D
I love both DAW & StarCraft, and I'm eagerly awaiting both. DAW2 seem like it will be a bit different but Relic has never dissapointed. StarCraft 2 has also had some changes but once again Blizzard has never dissapointed.
I'm not gonna choose between them, both will have their flaws and both will have their strong points. Too keep on speculating which one will be best is pointless at the moment as no one here has played either. I'm such a strategy fanatic that I'll get both and enjoy both. we'll just have to wait and see which one is best thoegh.
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