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Some new movie images

First is The Dark Knight Rises. This image is most likely going to change. Looks a little too much like the Dark Knight poster.


The cast for the film is looking great, with Tom Hardy playing Bane. He was great as Handsome Bob in Rock n' Rolla and amazing in Inception. Can't wait to see how the story of Bane is going to be shown.

Next is The Three Stooges. This film could be a great thing, or a terrible thing if not done right. I have not watched much of the old show, but I want this to be a good film.

The 3 Stooges

There is also the bad idea like this film.

Bad film idea

Yea the game is now going to be a movie. I played the game and enjoyed it, but if I want to watch a great submarine film there is The Hunt for Red October. No need for a new film based on a game.

Next are two films that are on the same subject.


So this film at one thing going for it that I was interested in, Viggo Mortensen was going to play The Huntsmen. I like most of the roles I have seen him in, haven't seen all of his great performances, but would have seen this film, now not so much.

Then there is The Brother's Grimm

Brothers Grimm

This film is now in the lead for being seen over the one above. Julia Roberts playing the Evil Witch and Nathan Lane who is just funny in most of his roles that call of it. I want to see how the twist of the Brothers Grimm take on the story.

There was also the reboot of Superman, The Amazing Spider-Man. Both that I think will fall on their faces. There is also the new Men In Black 3. A film that could be good, not great, but good. I may rent it or just wait to see it on dvd.

So that is it for now. Running out of ideas on what to write that is not film related. Any suggestions?

It takes a Women

There have been many women in video games over the course of the industry. From Princess Zelda and Princess Peach to Lara Croft and Shepard(if you play as a female). They have been the object that the player needed to reach to finish the game, to a playable main character, to a character that could be selected to be played. No matter what the choice or category, female characters come in all different forms.

There is the object of the game. Zelda, Peach, and the women of the earth(Duke Nukem), they are all the object that you as the player must reach to finish the game. Most of the time the female character was kidnapped or lured away in some fashion or has gone missing(think Silent Hill or Resident Evil 4). These women are not given much growth in the game. They only have the beginning and the end of the story, unless there are flashbacks or glimpses of them throughout the game. Their story is short and not too exciting. Which is a bit of a low, because what is to say that the female character is not strong or willing to fight? They can get out of it unless there is something impeding them, which is the case most of the time. Be it a spell, physical restraints, or some type of drug being used.

The next type is the Main Character. From Lara Croft to Beyonetta to Chell. There are more females in the role of the male. Which is a good thing. Lara Croft was the first big name to make a place for women characters. She could do most anything a male could do. Somethings better and others worst, I assume, she's not perfect. Then there was Perfect Dark. It put a women in a role that is most like James Bond. She could use any weapon and deal out a lot of punishment. Beyonetta was a flashier style and more eccentric female character. Like Danta from Devil May Cry, just not a demon. Chell is the one that let her actions speak for her. She took down GLAdos with a portal gun and some nifty leg attachments. Shepard(If you play as a women) can handle most anything. From falling from space to taking on a whole alien army. Shepard is a new breed of female heroine. There are many more female characters that could stand toe to toe with the guys.

(Update)Female NPCs are a mixed bag. Alyx Vance is Gordan Freeman's sidekick/potential love interest. She can handle herself very well in most situations. She is smart, funny, and brave. She is just a little headstrong and goes full charge into a situation without looking sometimes. Cortana is a NPC that helps the player uncover Master Chef's identity and helps the story of Halo evolve(no pun intended) into the great story is it. She may be an A.I., but she does feel very real and someone that you feel like protecting. Most female NPCs are just there to help move the story along like in GTA games or other RPGs. In most other games their the love interest or the victim. Fighting games give the female characters interesting stories, but for the most part the story is somewhat the same. The best female characters are the ones that evolve with the player, even if their not the main character. They help move the story and are made to feel important or real, they just make the gamer have a connection with their character.

In the future there is a new Lara Croft coming. She looks more like a modern Indiana Jones then ever. What could be in the cards is a main female character(doubtfull, but hopefull) in the next GTA game. Not a male character like all of the previous games. It would be nice to have a female in the main role and see what could be done. It may just be a great game with a unique story.

Female characters had a long road to get to where they are, but that road is full of great games and moments. I look forward to seeing what is to come and experience the next great female character. Like Samus who everyone though was a man, she blow the lid off in space for the female character. Who is the next female to blow the lid off? What genera is the next game going to be that takes the chance?

LA Noire is noir in so many ways

After completing LA Noire I was tempted to write this review right away, but I held off. I did review the game the next day but that was with my first reactions and not much time to think about it. So after some time and some thought here we are.

LA Noire is an amazing story that feels like something Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, or James M. Cain. These three men made Noir what it is today. A story that is full of characters that walk the gray line between what is morally correct and what is morally wrong, what is good or bad to make it simple. Most of the protagonists are people that are brought into the story be way of stumbling onto, into, hired, or forced to help figure out a crime that has happened or find a person or item that is missing. LA Noire is a story where the protagonist is give a case and from what he finds that leads him to the an even bigger case. One that if he follows will lead him down a dark rabbit hole where he might not like the decisions he must make or the out come that will be waiting at the end. Cole is like Mike Hammer(Kiss Me Deadly, a great film) where he is on the case to find out about some crimes that may be connected and that leads him to the bigger problem. If he goes to the press with what he has then the bigger issue is exposed but the consequences would be bigger then the problem that caused them.

The world in which LA Noire is set in feels amazing. The buildings are all well done and look amazing. the smallest detail is not missed. The famous sites give the city a reality that you are in the city of LA during the 1940's. Sadly no famous people are in the game that are from that era, but their names do appear in logs and some other places.

The music is composed very well with the game. When there is action the music hits the right note and the suspenseful parts are made to feel like terrible parts if you don't do what is needed to survive. The radio is great songs from the 40's. From The Ink Spots to that song Jessica Rabbit sings in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, they all make the world come alive.

Now that acting. What an amazing technology they used. It gave the characters more weight and made me feel more connected to them. If made interviewing people harder to tell if doubt or lie was the better option. Being able to see a real face in a game made me feel like this person could have existed, and the emotion from their performances added to the effect of the game. By the end I went through a ton of different emotions from anxiousness to hatred to sadness to understanding. The emotions helped fuel the game and the storyline. Without it the story would have felt flat and not very interesting.

Noir is a hard genera to work in. You need the right balance of morality and inmorality or good and bad to make the story move the way you want it. LA Noire has a great balance of both. At points the scale is tipped to one side or the other but not for long. This game is not going to be for everyone. If you want action and gun fights and car chases quickly then this is not your game, but if you want a story that is engrossing and will keep you on the edge of your sit or bed or whatever you sit on, this is the game for you. Just a word of caution some of the cars in the game handle terrible and the lack of consequences while driving around makes the game feel a little dull. I know your a cop and all, but hitting someone is still a crime and yet you can get away with it. It just hurst you at the end of the case in the rating you get.

Update on things that interest me.

Ok so I have been on TV.com and looking at what shows will be back, cancelled/ending, or are new. So far most of the shows I watch are coming back or at least one or two more seasons. Burn Notice may be in the end phase of the series, but I will add that show to my library of dvds. Some shows that were cancelled was S$%@ My Dad Says, which I am more then happy see go the way of the dodo. Also The Event is over. I only watched one half of one episode and I was saddened. This show could have been just as good as Lost(no show will ever be as complicated as Lost), I should know I was confused from people telling me about the show. Anyway The Event was sad. It was trying to be The X-Files , Twin Peaks, Lost, and any other show that was full of confusing story lines that ran deep.

Shows that are coming back that I can't wait for are True Blood, House, Burn Notice, Futurama, Royal Pains, Psych, and Boardwalk Empire. House is losing Cuddy, which I am saddened by, cuz I like the House and Cuddy couple story line. But the 8th season may be its last. True Blood is going to the 4th season/book. Witches are coming and Sookie and Eric start their love story. Can't wait to see the season unfold and ask my girlfriend what is different from the book. Burn Notice is going to be fun(I think). What with Michael back in with The Company. Royal Pains is turning into a great show that I can't wait to see how the characters change. Boardwalk Empire is a show I watch for one reason. Steve Buscemi(Mr. Pink) is just amazing as Nucky. Also Kelly MacDonald is a great actress(No Country for Old Men).

In gaming I am now playing Fallout:New Vegas and L.A. Noire. Both are great games, with LA Noire taking more of my time. Can't wait to see how both games end. Also looking forward to E3 like most, if not all, of you are. I really want to hear more about Titan and see more on Dark Souls.

Movies are just something that will be what they are to me. With that being said, I can't wait to own True Grit(Cohen film). I am looking forward to seeing Super 8, The Hungry Games, what comes of The Dark Tower film, the 24 film if that happens, The Hobbit films, and all of the remakes of stories or film franchises. Like Snow White and The Huntmen, Hansel and Grital:Witch hunters, The Brothers Grimm: Snow White, Man of Steel, Men in Black 3, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and The Amazing Spider-Man. Some are different takes on the stories, like the Brothers Grimm. But most are just a way to make a film without thinking of something original. Like the reboot of Superman and Spider-man. I don't need a new spider-man film, what I need is a new spider-man 3 and an end to the transformer movies. I also need more Chris Nolan films, so hurry up Batman and whatever original idea is in his head.

The new MW3 trailer.

Ok so I watched the trailer and I was excited for the game. It looks good and interesting. The different locations appear to be as accurate as I can see. I don't know much about Germany to know if that is what the city they are in really looks like. But New York, London and Paris look great. The action looks great and a little better then that in MW2. With the date of 11/8/11 it is only going to make me feel more exciting as the date gets closer.

My only disappointment in the trailer is the music. The music makes me feel like they just really liked The Terminator. The warning siren just reminds me of the trailers for that film series. It would be better if there was a build up in the sound. The siren starts off softer and grows as the trailer reaches a climax. But I may be a little picky about that. The overall affect of the trailer is great. The words at the end really add to the tension of the series so far.

Will this be the end of the series overall or just the next chapter in a series that many gamers enjoy? I for one would like to see one more game just wrap up the story in a nice, neat, little package. But if this is the last then it was a great ride and I will relive it as much as I can.

In other news the world did not end and is now slated to end on Oct. 21st, which was the date the whole thing was suppose to finish up, but hey if you don't get the date right then you just pick a different day till you do. I think the world will end.......

[spoiler] when the world ends, or when the sun goes to a red star and engulfs the earth. [/spoiler]

Games I am looking forward to.

Before I start off the list, I just want to say that if I were able to get all of these games I would not have the time to be on here and read what all of you write in your blog entries. So the list is in alphabetical order, cuz I do that do my DVDs and video games, till I play one and more it to the top or watch a movie and don't return it till much later.

Alice: Madness Returns; I remember when the first game came out. My sister was excited for it, she loves the books and most of the films based on the books. I did play it, not all the way, but being on a PC, once something happens to make the pc not work that goes out and the game is just forgotten. But the new game looks great so far, need to see more.

Batman:Arkham City; Enjoyed the first game. Was in aw of the commercial and all the hints in said commercial. Want to see more of the game. Glad it has no tie in to the films(which I also enjoy).

Battlefield 3: Now what could this group of guys get into now. What else could they possible destroy and where could they go? Well I don't care where or what, I just like the group and will be glad to see them again.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3; Not much is out on the game that I can see, but it is early and with all that legal stuff that happened or is still happening(I haven't heard much else), the fact that there is a third game coming out is something I can't wait to see and get a hold of.

Dark Souls: I never got to play Demon Souls but I wanted to. I though that game looked beautiful and would be amazing. I know it was hard from the review on here and from friends who own the game. But I want to experience the world and the game. So happy that Dark Souls is coming out for the 360.

Diablo 3: Yea I watched the announcement from Blizzard and was speechless once the guitar started playing. I just wanted the game right then and here. Now I still want the game, I may need to update my video card so it can handle the game.

Duke Nukem Forever: A fan of the original games. I have more play time in the FPS game then the side scroller, but nonetheless I was excited to hear about the game, then sad that the game was not going to be made, then stuck in limbo as the game kept flip-flopping between studios and green-lighted to not going to happen, to finally a trailer and the Duke doing what he does best. Saving the worlds women.

Gears of War 3: Love the commercial and the series so far. Can't wait to see what is in store for the Delta team and Carmine. Will he survive or is his fate sealed by a avatar t-shirt sale.

Mass Effect 3: This game will hopefully be the best in the trilogy and be one of the best stories to a grand close. Once I saw the trailer I was hooked into Mass Effect all over again. Now I want to play 2 for the third time.

Skyrim;Elder Scrolls V: I know the title is The Elder Scrolls...., but I wanted a game that started with an S and there was Skyrim. I have not finished Oblivion yet, I can't remember where I stopped, but I was drawn into the world with the beautiful graphics and the exploration of a world that is set in medieval times. I just like swinging a sword and taking down an enemy with one great placed hit.

So that is it so far. It will be a bigger list as the year gets closer to summer and the all encompassing deadly winter season.

What to watch?

I have a problem. I am not sure what film I would want to watch next. Right now on HBO OnDemand I'm watching True Blood season 2, which I have seen when it aired, but I want to pick one of the films to watch. Now this sat. is the start of Get Him to the Greek. I saw this film at college, and I did enjoy it. It wasn't Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but it had some funny moments. So I don't know if I feel up to sitting through it again right now.

There is Scott Pilgrim vs The World. This film looks promising, but I think Michael Cere needs to stop being the lovable loser / on that gets the girl. He needs to right out for different roles. Anyway, that doesn't effect if I watch the film or not. I just don't know that much about the film other then Scott is dating a girl who as 7 evil exes. All of them are different and range from big name people to not so much. The music sounds good and the effects of the fights look great. But I just don't know how I would feel after it.

On Encore there is Capitalism: A Love Story. I like Michael Moore, I own Bowling for Columbine and watch it ever once in awhile. I did watch Fahrenheit 9/11(good but not great) and Sicko(which I also enjoyed). So do I want to see what the economic collapses was all about or no feel so down about the country?

Or I could watch one of my dvds. Which there are is The Rocker which I got as a gift from my aunt and uncle and I have not watched yet or I could finally watch all of Braveheart, which I hate that I have not seen the whole film of, but the end, and the same few scenes that I keep catching on tv.

So what should I watch when I have some down time in the next few days?

My updated playlist.

So when I play online, especially FPS games, I sometimes get bored of hearing the other gamers get whiny about how their playing or boosting too much. I open up iTunes and either hit the shuffle on all my music or I have a game/bar playlist. If there is a song that I really want to hear I usually go for that song right away or when I think of it. So anyway I found some new songs that I just added to the gaming playlist.

Ghost n Stuff - Deadmau5: a great techno song that some how works for me. I don't really listen to much techno style music, but I have been hearing people talk about certain artist and I have been checking them out. This is just one of the few songs I have by this artist.

I Want it All/We Will Rock Up(Mash Up)- Queen andArmageddon aka Geddy(Sucker Punch Soundtrack): I love Queen and was surprised that this was not on Glee. Still the song is a great mix of 2 great Queen songs. It works for the movie and I will enjoy listening to it while I game.

Woo Boost(Borgore Remix)- Rusko: Another artist I never listen to till someone but up his album on the EGofOT forum. What a song and a great beat.

Dust Bowl Dance- Mumford and Sons: Yea I know it's a slow song in till the end, but that does not matter here. What does is the words. When you hear the singer say "The I'll go out back and I'll get my gunI'll say, "You haven't met me, I am the only son". What a great line and the rest of the song is just as powerful.

Going Out in Style- Dropkick Murphys: Another amazing song from the band from Boston. Can really help block out the voices of the whiny gamer.

Till We Die- Slipknot: Yes a sad song when you think about the bass player Paul dying, but it works for the band and is very moving.

Rusty Cage- Johnny Cash: I love the Soundgarden original, but the voice of Johnny Cash addes something to the feeling of the song. That and the way the band plays the song helps.

and the two songs that maybe just the best for any gaming situation

Requiem for a Dream theme- Clint Mansell and Raindrops Prelude- Chopin: Requiem is just a wonder song that adds the right amount of suspense to the game atmosphere and can get you to feel differently from one second to the next. Raindrops Prelude is the song in the Halo 3 clay model commercial. It is just a beautiful song that all I can think about is Halo and I take that a put it into the game I am playing even if its not Halo.

What really is paradise?

I would like to think that paradise is a place where you can get lost and feel at ease or let loose your emotions and just be you. So is paradise have to be real or can it be a false setting? I think paradise is what you pick it to be at that moment. For me paradise is watching a great film, sitting behind my drum set, or playing a video game. Right now it's traveling the Mojave Wasteland and all the is in the border of the wastes. Before Mojave it was the city of Repture and the DC Wasteland.

In the Mojave Wasteland I can get lost and do what I want to do, when I want to do it. That is what is so get about paradise, it's what you make it to be. Now I enjoy going out and seeing what I can find and what is lurking over every hill or inside every building. If that means I need to fight my way back out then that is what is needed. Now I don't go looking for trouble, but if it is unavoidable then I just have to make it work to my advantage. By paradise is a fragile place.

If you stay too long then it may lose its appeal or if you don't stay long enough you won't see it when it shows up. Along with that is if you don't make it your own then it is just someone else's and thats not fun. You need to make it your own special paradise. Shack it up and don't regret what you do, did, or have planned.

The best thing about the Wasteland is that everyone is looking out for number one, even if their in a town or city. They just want to survive and will either help you out or try to hurt you. I know that is not a great view of paradise but if you make it a safe place you may not enjoy it after some time. If you make it a dog eat dog world, then you have to remember your on someone's list to be taken out. But that is what can be fun about paradise. You may shape it and once it is, you may have to fight to survive to stay in it just a little longer.

Mojave is different the DC. DC is full of water, elevated highways, sewers, a big city with a subway system, and some great sites. Mojave is Vegas. The lights, the music, the gambling, the criss-crossing people. it is the world of if you have the control you have the power. But paradise, like I said before it in many different forms. What is your paradise and why?

Bioshock 2 what can be said...

Bioshock was a game I got in college on the day of this release on the world. I was so excited and scared to play the game. Excited that I finally got this game, but scared that I got it without waiting to see how it would be reviewed or if friends would play it and say what they though of it. But in the end I was overjoyed that I picked it up. Now with Bioshock 2 I really wanted the Special Edition. My girlfriend picked it up for me this pasted march for my b-day. It was $50 on Amazon and most places if you can find it goes for the same price. So the box comes with many things, a vinyl record of the Bioshock soundtrack, a cd of the Bioshock 2 soundtrack, 3 mini posters, and the Bioshock 2 Art book. All of these items were just icing on the world that is inside the game.

The game is not long with a run time of 10-12 hours if you don't run around like I did and get killed plenty of times. Anyway, the opening is creepy and emotional. You get the main reason for your character in the opening. So the emotion you have at the beginning will evolve throughout the game. Which is one reason I enjoyed both games. I would go through small moments of anger to relief to hope to worry. The moral choice of the handling of the little sisters not only affects the game, but you may be affected by it depending on what you choice to do. The story overall is great and has some amazing moments that are sure to stay with you.

The music is just as eerie and in Bioshock. There are some songs that really get to you and others that you may not notice that much. Overall the soundtrack fits in great and helps the atmosphere of the world. Along with music is the sound. You make loud hits when you jump from an elevated position to a lower one. The weapons sound different and effective. The drill is one thing that sounds like it should when tearing through a person. Each plasmite sounds great and what you would expected from what they do. The ambianted sounds give the city a very creepy feel. The sound of a distant record player or radio will peck your intrust and then you'll not notice the people in the room. The city itself sounds amazing. Like it wants to collapse in on itself, but it just can't not without a push.

Now the lighting of the game changes with the different areas. Sometimes the only light is from outside lights in the sea, to the lights on your suit and plasmite hand. But the creepy factor is highest when you can see, because you will feel safe in the light and not see what is coming from the direction your not looking.

The look of the game is just up there. Some of the best images are outside in the ocean as you move to a new building when need be. There are some amazing things on the walls in the city, but the main thing is a Butterfly made from what I believe are the hand prints of the little sisters. And the art deco feel is just everywhere, which I like because I like the look of that period of art. The suit looks great from the hands that you can see when you pick up a little sister. The shadow your suit makes will change with the gun you choice at that time.

I would say that the game was better then the first game, but Bioshock has the feel of a great first film that is in a series that goes down a little with the second game, but not be much. Bioshock 2 is a great game and should be played and enjoyed by anyone that has played and has not played Bioshock. Just be ready to see somethings that may not make you feel so great about what happens.

If the next installment is anything like the first game it could pass Bioshock 2. But we will have to wait and see what the city in the clouds will hold for us.