First is The Dark Knight Rises. This image is most likely going to change. Looks a little too much like the Dark Knight poster.
The cast for the film is looking great, with Tom Hardy playing Bane. He was great as Handsome Bob in Rock n' Rolla and amazing in Inception. Can't wait to see how the story of Bane is going to be shown.
Next is The Three Stooges. This film could be a great thing, or a terrible thing if not done right. I have not watched much of the old show, but I want this to be a good film.
There is also the bad idea like this film.
Yea the game is now going to be a movie. I played the game and enjoyed it, but if I want to watch a great submarine film there is The Hunt for Red October. No need for a new film based on a game.
Next are two films that are on the same subject.
So this film at one thing going for it that I was interested in, Viggo Mortensen was going to play The Huntsmen. I like most of the roles I have seen him in, haven't seen all of his great performances, but would have seen this film, now not so much.
Then there is The Brother's Grimm
This film is now in the lead for being seen over the one above. Julia Roberts playing the Evil Witch and Nathan Lane who is just funny in most of his roles that call of it. I want to see how the twist of the Brothers Grimm take on the story.
There was also the reboot of Superman, The Amazing Spider-Man. Both that I think will fall on their faces. There is also the new Men In Black 3. A film that could be good, not great, but good. I may rent it or just wait to see it on dvd.
So that is it for now. Running out of ideas on what to write that is not film related. Any suggestions?
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