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Grounds for Divorce

I as a gamer have kept every game I have, meaning I have never traded in a game for a different game. Yes, I have traded games with a friend for a few weeks of at most 2 months. But I have never gone into a EB Games which are now Gamestop to trade is a game. I just have this weird feeling that in a few weeks or months I'm going to want to play that game and not having it would be frustrating. Also I have had to go to a store and replace a game for different reasons, such as the disk was scratched in the case before I paid for it, or some other reason that I had no control over. But I would always get the same game. Does this make me a minority in the gaming world? I hope not, I would not like to be the only one that feels that a great game should be experienced multiple times.

I have a friend that would trade in between 1-4 games in a 2 week period ever few months. Most of the games were games that get a new one in a series like Madden or MLB or whatever sports game you enjoy. He did this to get money to place on a new game that he would eventually trade in. I also didn't think it was worth the money that they would give you for a game. Last time I looked a game was not a car and loses value once it is taken out of the store. Do games what a speedometer on them that the store can tell how much it was used? What if it's a game that the person didn't want but was given as a gift and tried it out, didn't like it, and in the same week it was released trades it in? What is the game worth then? I can see the value drop if the game has been out for a year or more. That also reminds me, what is up with the price of a game not going down once the game hits the one year mark? I don't think a game should be $60 for over a year. I want the price to go down after awhile, or once the next game in the series is out drop the price then too.

Now for a different reason that falls in the realm of grounds for divorce. Games coming out with a film or being made into a film. If the film does a decent amount in the box office the studio gets it into their heads that they should make more. Bloodrayne was not good from what I heard, and the Resident Evil films have been slowly going down hill. Uwe Boll just stinks at directing and he is the reason his video game films fail. But games that are made to come out with a film suffer because they are not up to what the company could do, because they are rushed to get the game done for the release date of the film. Games like Transformers or Pirates of the Caribbean do not need to be made. They will not make much money, so stop it.

In other news, Pride & Prejudices and Zombies now has a director. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is still in the books to be made. So if you have read of seen Pride & Prejudice then the new film will be terrible unless they somehow get an amazing cast or something happens.

Song of the Day: "Grounds for Divorce" - Elbow(see Left 4 Dead commercial)

Behind the Game presented by Opnotikis

The Game: Earthbound

Year: Some time in the mid 1990s

Genre: RPG

Company:Nintendo and Ape Studios


This is a game that opened me up to RPGs. Before I was playing Mario, Zelda, TMNT, and most of the other big games out at the time. But Earthbound was that one game that I got hooked on. Not only me but my sister was also hooked into the game. What made this happen? What was it about this game that worked so well that we just had to play it over and over.

What was it about the game was it was just something we rented one day. Why? I'm not really sure what it was exactly. It may have been that the guide book was given out with the game, it may have been the look on the back, or that it would have taken more then a one sitting to finish the game.

What happened after was the story and look and the humor of the game shined through. The story is simple enough. Alien crash lands in a small town. Curious boy goes to check it out and finds that he is the savor of the world. Then he must find 3 other kids that will join him on this quest to save the world. Along the way they will meet help and face may enemies. After a long journey they will face Giygas. The graphics at the time where good maybe even great, but now just old. But the world looked amazing in my eyes. The view was a combination of 2D and a false 3D view. The different locations where all amazing to see and wonder around. The humor of the game was in great amount. From being trapped in a mall to The Blues Brothers wannabe band to a blue cult that looked like the KKK, but worshiped the color blue(which was really purple, but its their game not mine). There were plenty of funny moments that were balanced by more emotional moments that were not overly sad or heart pulling for a kids game.

The reason for this all happening was that the game Mother was only in Japan(I believe) and they wanted to being it to the USA. So Earthbound was named. This was my first time, I believe, into the realm of RPGs. I never played a game where I got to answer the question of what my favorite food was and what to name my dog in the game. Then there was the guide. which I knew of guides, but never had the money for one or ever wanted one. I just wanted to finish the game on my own if I could. But this guide came with the game no questions asked you just got it. But it was nice to have the guide with in reach. If my sister or I ever got stuck at a spot for what ever reason we just open the book. Another reason is that the other games where go from point A to point B and repeat every level. Earthbound was you needed to go to point A then hit point B then point C and maybe back to point A then you could get to point D. So you needed to think more and remember what happened to get you were you needed to go.

If this game was not in the rental store I most likely would not have gotten into RPGs till Final Fantasy 7, but that was only because of friends talking about it in school. Now I can't stop playing RPGs or games that have elements of it. From Fallout 3 to Oblivion to Fable just a few games that I own that have elements or are full blown RPGs. Nothing will ever replace Earthbound as the first RPG and it will always have a special place in my heart.

AMC just grabbed me in with...

The Killing

The show premiered on Sunday at 9 pm with a 2 hour episode. I watched the repeat which was at 11pm. First off I only watch AMC for some of the films they show. But with the show Breaking Bad, which I would watch from time to time in college was amazing. Now having been able to catch a show from the beginning, I feel that the show is going to be great. I missed the killing of the girl, but what I did catch was incredible.

The family of the girl are going to be one of the story lines. The mother is played amazingly. She may know more about the death then she lets on. The father is most likely going to do something that may land him in jail, and the two young sons are going to be sent somewhere or taken by the killer.

There is the story line of the case from the detectives. The head detective is trying to leave as of a transfer to San Deigo. Her partner is a smoker(pot while on duty), rude, and does somethings that could be seen as shady. Their partnership could be a distraction if he does something stupid.

There is a mayor campaign where someone on the staff of the challenger is not on his side completely. Someone may have had a hand in the killing of the girl.

While the show just started there are plenty of questions that will hopefully get answered by the end of the season, unless they try to make the investigation go over to season 2(if the show is renewed). So far AMC has Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and Mad Men, all which are amazing shows. Hopefully The Killing is a new show they can add to the short list.

Getting Suc ker Punched hurts

So on my birthday I was in the theater seeing Zack Snyder's version of Alice in Wonderland. I will admit I diid not know was the bases of the film. I was in the opinion that it was a graphic novel, which it isn't, but I wish it was. The film clocks in at 109 mins. of 1 hr. and 49 mins. which is a great running time. Watchmen, which I love whole heartedly, is with everything added to it as long as watching The Godfather part 1 and 2 back to back. That is way to long for a film I think. But Sucker Punch is a great run time. Not to long to be drawn out and feel slow, yet not to short that you feel like its over just as it started.

The acting is good. Emily Browning, is great as Baby Doll. She looks so innocent, yet she can still kick your butt. Jon Hamm is great in what little bit of the film he is in. Carla Gugino is great in her supporting role as the dance instructor/doctor to the girls. Scott Glenn is by far the strongest actor in the film. He is amazing in the role of the Wise Man, who helps the girls in their plan. He will make you laugh.

Now the soundtrack is right up there with Watchmen or whatever film soundtrack you enjoy. There are mash ups to originals, that just enhance the scene it is matched up too. There is a mash up of Queens I want it all/We will Rock You. Bjork is on the soundtrack, who I really don't listen to that much if at all, but she does something right here that just can't be explained in words really.

The cinematography is the big thing here. Each scene is well though out and the camera is in just the right spot. The beginning is shot like part of Watchmen if slow motion being placed in to add to the tension. The different shots the camera gives you are just amazing.

The set design makes the world seen real for being in the 1950s. The costumes are going to be out in time for Halloween I bet. But the costumes give each girl their own personality.

Overall if you are a fan of Snyder's work, then you will enjoy this, if your not a fan then you may see it as a film of girls being empowered and enjoy it for that, or if you are not a fan and just think its another action film with very attractive women then you will most likely not like it and think its just basic. I know Snyder is working on Superman:Man of Steel, which may be great, but if Superman Returns has anything to say it's that Superman is not going to be done better then Richard Donner.

Diagnosis of a great video game story line

This day in history 74 years ago a small group of high school students took to the hills to define their town for a foreign enemy. We honor them by watching the film about that.

the channel starts up the film "Red Dawn"

30 mins. in the news comes on with a breaking story.

The Russian Army is attacking the country. They are over I-95 on the east coast and I-1 on the west coast.

Now I know that Homefront is about the US being attacked by an invading army. I know Red Dawn is not that great of a film what with all the jokes about the group's name Wolverines. But the story is one that can hook you in and keep you glued to the tv, if it is written well. But what makes a story line amazing? What games have great story lines that just could not have been told any better?

Well I'm going to start with the name of the games then explain why I believe they have great story lines. First there is Halo:Combat Evolved. The lone wolf story is amazingly handled with the character of Master Chef. When the Flood is introduced in the helmet camera video you get a scary moment that is out of a sci-fi film like The Thing or Alien. Also the built up to the ending of the game is amazing. You get so wrapped up in the mission to destroy the Halo ring that you never knew how you felt about the other characters till its too late. I got so upset seeing Keys incased in the flood organism that I just wanted to take down the whole thing with me hands and gun.

The next game is Metal Gear Solid the series. What a story line that just can't let you get ahead of it at anytime till the end. No game that I know of has ever made me think one thing just to have me question it ten mins. later. A moment that can be a great example of this is the end of the credits of MGS3. Ocelot gets a call and tells one person that everything has gone to plan, then he calls someone and tells them that he just told the first person what they wanted to hear and then he tells a third person something about the other two. Who is he really working for? What country/agency/government?

Now on to the bad guy turned good. Red Dead Redemption is a great example of this. You start off as the guy left for dead and then as the game progresses you learn about his past. Now by the end you have to decide how you really feel about him. Do you side with his story of change or do you keep the fact that he was a bad guy in the back of your head and decide to hate him? I have to go with the side of change. He is being used by the newly formed FBI and his family is taken away from him and held till he finishes the task they make him undertake. In the end if you side this way (or even if you don't) you should feel that the west being taken over and the indians being made to live on reservations is a terrible thing and that life may have been different if the west was not changed so fast.

Next is the single/group rpg story line. I believe Fallout 3 and Mass Effect 2 are the best for this. Fallout lets you craft a story that is yours and only yours. The open world hides much and if you go looking for it, you may end up with one great memory. Mass Effect 2 makes the group feel like a unit. If anyone dies you will feel that lose in the end. If you play it right then no one in the main group should die, if not then who knows who will not be back on the ship at the end.

Last is the FPS story lines. Bioshock has a great story line with the blending of Art Deco Utopia and the mid 1900's. The whole story surrounding your character is full of mystery and has one great twist that will shock you. It did me and some of my friends.
Next is the Call of Duty:Modern Warfare story line. Full of action that places you into situations that you feel if you fail the game world is over. You can get wrapped up in the games. By the end of 2 you don't know how to feel about the story in what is told. The story is great, amazing and well voiced.

So if more games were written like these games, more people would be looking into what is going on when someone tells them about a game they just played. A great story line game effect a game just as much as anything else. I believe if the story is weak the game is not going to hold my interest.

Hollywood reboots

Hollywood needs to stop with the reboots of film franchise. First is the reboot of the reboot of Superman. The Bryan Singer film was not great. The story fell flat and the acting was just not up to what was needed. Now they are trying it again with Superman: Man of Steel.

Next is Tomb Raider reboot. Summer Glau and Olivia Munn are two of the actresses on the list to play Lara Croft. They even have the terrible Megan Fox on that list.

Peter Pan is getting a reboot in the means of a origin story. Where Pan and Hook are brothers, which kind of ruined the story. I always thought Hook was supposed to be the father of the kids just as Captain Hook.

If there is any reboot that is most likely going to be hard to but on one side or the other is Mad Max:Fury Road. Mel Gibson is not yet on the cast list. It just may be the best idea to reboot.

Ghostbusters 3 is not just a reboot but a film that I can not wait to see. Why? So far the original cast is all back. RickMoranisis the only one not on the list, but they should get him. It looks to be a great film story coming up from Harold and Dan with Ivan back in the directing chair.

Hollywood needs to stop with the reboots of films. Also they need to stop remakes and sequels that go do long. No one needs a terrible story explained more then one film.

Top Bucket Films 10-1


#10: Jaws: This film made people scared of not only going to the beach, but taking a bath or even using the toilet. The film was going to show the shark sooner which would have hurt the film. Since the shark was not fully reviled till the end the film gained more recognition. The story is strong and the acting is impressive. Robert Shaw is great as the rude sea captian.

The Godfather

#9 The Godfather Part 1/2: These two films are just amazing. The stories are strong with incredible mood and tone. The acting is amazing from Marlon Brando to John Cazale. The sets are in amazing detail and make you believe your in the years 1945-1948 and 1951-1952. Coppola did a get job directing this adaptation of the novel.

No Country

#8: No Country for Old Men: The Coen brothers hit it big with this amazing Western. The story is amazingly told and written as an adaptation of the novel with the same name. The acting is top notch. Josh Brolin was great as the man hunted but the insane Javier Bardem. Bardem was deserving of his oscar win. Tommy Lee Jones was incredible as the old time sherff that was fighting between staying on the force or leaving. The violence is quick and not very bloody, just the aftermath is brutal.

Gone with the Wind

#7 Gone with the Wind: The acting is incredible in a film that covers so much in the running time. The sets are beautiful to look at and shocking to see change. Especally Atlanta when it burns. The lover story is one that is hard to forget. Also the intermision is something odd yet fun to see put it. The acting is just amazing with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh as the two lovers.


#6: Caddyshack: What better comedy could make you laugh so hard about golf. The cast is full of great comics from Rodney Dangerfield who just got a get shot to show everyone just how fun he really was. Chevy Chase and Bill Murrey were great in their roles and Ted Knight was amazing as the judge that ruled over the golf club. The story is one that most everyone has seen before, but not in such a humoris manner. The gopher is the best aniaml in the film and just a great shot of extra comedy.

Dr. Strangelove

#5: Dr. Strangelove: Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb: Peter Seller is just impressive as The President, Dr. Strangelove, and British Office Group Captian Mandrake. He just takes the film to a high level of comedy. George C. Scott is hilarious as General "Buck" Turgidson. He makes the best faces in the whole film and has some of the best lines. The rest of the cast is amazing in their roles. James Earl Jones is in this film for a few scenes on the plane that Slim Pickens flys and jumps out of riding the bomb. A great satire film on the cold war.


#4: Animal House: A better college film there isn't. Not even Van Wilder come close to the shier amount of laughing you will experience watching this film. The cast is lead by John Belushi and he leads it till the end. Most of the cast you will recongize from Donald Sutherland, Tim Matheson, Karen Allen, and Kevin Becon. The story is just hilarious to see unfold and what happens. The film even gives the viewer some information on the characters years later. John Landis does a great job directing this film and goes on to make other great films.


#3: Star Wars, Episodes 4-6: This is the only 3 films you should very watch. They are incredibly written, shot, acted, and the underlining themes are presented better. George Lucas may have fallen in the past few years, but these films are what made him so great in the first place.


#2: Clint Eastwood had his best here. He directed one of the best western films and gave an amazing performance as Munney. A man that gets pulled back into a life he left years ago. Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackmen are just as great in this film. Richard Harris adds some extra charm and power to the story. The sets are amazing in how real they make the world look. The ending is just one great scene that will stay with you.


#1: Citizen Kane: This film at it all. A story that was just incredible that it was hard not to get caught up in it. The acting was impecible. Orson Wells was amazing as Kane a men that was given away as a child to a business man. The opening of the film is just as great as the ending of the film. The whole story is about the last word Kane says before he dies in the beginning. The sets are shot in great form and the lighting helps set the tone for each scene. Orson Wells never came close to repeating the success of Citizen Kane, not even with Touch of Evil.

Top Film Bucket list #20-11

#20: Alien: It's Jaws, but in space and with something you never want to come face to face with. The visual effects and sets make the film feel claustrophobic yet they look so good. The cast is well build with Weaver taking the lead role. Harry Dean Stanton is amazing as the ships engineer and John Hurt did a great job till his fateful meeting. Also don't forget the crews four legged friend the cat Jonesy.

#19: Casablanca: One of the best Humphrey Bogart films. What a story, with different cultural subjects and human emotions being talked about. The cast was great in the roles they all played. The setting for the film was amazing and would not have worked anywhere else.

#18: Halloween: The original film is the best one. From the suspenseful story of Michael and his escape from the hospital to the chilling end. There is not many films that can suck the bravado out of a room. Plus seeing a killer wear the face of William Shatner is kind of funny. The Rob Zombie film is more violent, but not as suspenseful as the original.

#17: Jurassic Park: It made more people want to find dinosaurs then any other film. The computer effects blended so well with the live action you could not believe it. The cast was great with Wayne Knight was great as the bumbling computer nerd and Sam Neill was amazing as Alan Grant the dinosaur expert.

#16: Million Dollar Baby: One of the few films that made me almost come to tears. The story was so amazing and well written. The acting was top notch. The ending was so amazing and emotional it was kind of hard to watch. One of Clint Eastwood's best films.

#15: Terminator 2: Another amazing film that uses computer generated effects well. The acting may suffur in the added in scenes but if you see the theatical version the acting is great. Robert Patrick was amazing as the evil Terminator that would not stop for anything. Arnold did a great job in his role, but you may still hate him from the first film.

#14: Monty Python and the Holy Grail: What a funny film from a group of great comedians. Some of the most memorable scenes in a film. The Black Knight, the Holy Hand Grenade and the first encounter with the French army. So many lines to remember that it is almost do many for one person. The mix of the cartoons adds to the humor of the film.

#13: The Departed: The ending is the most shocking gangster ending ever. The story is strong and handled by a cast that is just as strong. Alec Baldwin and Marky Mark do some great performances in the film for the roles they have. The best ones are Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio just work so well against each other. The music is amazing from Dropkick Murphy's to the classical music being used there is just the right balance and the music never out powers the film.

#12: The Indiana Jones Trilogy: I say trilogy because I do not count The Crystal Skull. The first three films are all well done. They are all different from one another that they can all stand as single films. The weakest one out of the three is Temple of Doom, but it is still a great film that must be seen. Raider's of the Lost Ark and The Last Curcade are the stronger films. Harrison Ford just made archeology a cool major for college.

#11: Toy Story: It made adults miss childhood and made children miss their toys while watching this film. It made me want to work for Pixar. The second and third films are just as great if not the third film may just be better. But the first film is the film that started Pixar on the road they are on and gave us a film that just made you want to play with toys. The voice acting is incredible with Tom Hanks and Tim Allen in the lead roles. John Ratzenberger made a pig cool, fun and gave Pixar his voice for every film so far.

Top Film Bucket list #30-21

#30: Wayne's World: Mike Myers and Dana Carvey make the best pair of knucklehead friends with incredible dreams seem so real. The story is full of great jokes and insane lines. The surprise stars in small roles are great like Ed O'Neal as the dinner owner or Rob Lowe who is in the film I just don't want to wreck it. Alice Copper and his band do a great performance of Feed My Frankenstein. So party of Wayne. Party on Garth.

#29: Rocky: A classic boxing film. A great story of the under dog going against the greatest and coming up like a champ. Also a great way of seeing Philly. Made Stallone an overnight mega star. He did a great job on the script and an incredible performance.

#28: The Silence of the Lambs: The film that made people scared of pits, lotion, and Anthony Hopkins. He and Jodie Foster were incredible as FBI agent rookie and Framed serial killer. The supporting cast were great in their roles and helped keep the story moving at a good pace. Ted Levine was phenomenal as Buffalo Bill. The suspense in the film was high and the violence thou brief was just as scary.

#27: Memento: A great modern film noir. Christopher Nolan did a great job directing this film and the cast were fantastic. Guy Pearce was amazing as Leonard and telling his story in the bizarre fashion. Don't get unset that the film goes from end to beginning just enjoy it and you'll see why this film is praised so well.

#26: Se7en: The story is great. The set is amazing. The supporting cast makes the main characters and the setting seem believable. Pitt and Freeman are great as retireing cop and rookie newcomer. The best performance goes to John Doe, who is insane, crafty and unbelievable in what he does in the film.

#25: Casino: A great gangster film that shows what can happen if you risk it all and try to mess with the boss. Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci protray their characters so well it's amazing. Sharon Stone does a great job trying to survive in a world she thinks she can handle.

#24: Pulp Fiction: The film that was the 90s. It made John Travolta a star again, and gave Samual L. Jackson some of the greatest lines ever. The story is easy to piece together once you see the film the second or third time. You''ll just watch more then that. Christopher Walken gives a funny speach about a watch surviving Korea. Some disturbing scenes are in the film, but you don't see more then a glimmes just so you get the idea of what is going on behind the door.

#23: Best in Show: A film from the people that wrote and stared in This is Spinal Tap are incredible in the film. Yea it's about a dog show, but not about the dogs, this about the owners and their crazy stories that lead them to the dog show. One laugh after another and some of the funniest ideas to show up in a film.

#22: Psycho: Alfred Hitchcock does an insanly good job with this film. The shower scene is terrifing and the story is creey as all he11. The acting is great and the set is just down right creepy for a place to make a film. Some of the violence is funny to watch in modern standers but back when it first came out the people must have been scared to an insane amount.

#21: The Dirty Dozen: What a cast of people. Lee Marvin is great as Major Reismen the man made to lead a suicide mission against the Nazis. John Cassavetes is great as one of the loud mouth cons that gets forced to take part in the mission. Charles Bronson, Jim Brown, Donald Sutherland, Telly Savalas, and Ernest Borgnine are also great in the roles they play. A great WW2 film that is not about a real event.

Movies to See Before you kick the bucket #39-31

#39: Reservoir Dogs: One of the great robbery films, that you never see the actuall robbery. A great story that is cut into great pieces that when but in order makes sense. The cast is wonderfully put in great positions from Harvey Keitel to Lawernce Tierney. Amazing camera work that helps show or not show what the view needs to see and understand.

#38: Shawshank Redemption: An amazing prison story that has a warm heart at the center. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freemen are a great pair. The recap is full of great lines excepially the "I'd like to think the last thing to go through the wardens head, other then that bullet...". The whole film is great pacing from beginning to end.

#37: Shaun of the Dead: What a funny film. A great romantic comedy with zombies. The cast is amazing and Bill Nighy is the only name that stood out, now you can see Simon Pegg in Star Trek and with Nick in "Paul". It takes it's self as seriously as needed for a comedy film.

#36: Who Framed Roger Rabbit: One of the best live action meets animation films out there. You get the feeling that it is real if you don't over think it. Getting sucked into the world is easier then trying to stay out of it. The weasels are amazing as the villan sidekicks and Roger is one funny rabbit.

#35: The Matrix: A sci-fi film that made people think if it were real what would it be like to just take a pill and wake up in the real world. Keanu Reeves does a great job as the laymen that gets thrown into the fight and has to figure it out in time. The rest of the cast is great in the roles they all play and Hugo Weaving is a great villian. Also the story is the best in this film then the other two.

#34: The Exorcise: The horror film that I was able to laugh at(long story of the tv being muted and a cd being played). Still if that didn't happen I would have seen scared out of my mind. The whole film is eerie and full of moments that could scare anyone. The ending is satisfing and the scariest part of the film.

#33: Butch Casiddy and the Sundace Kid: Another great buddy film. One based on actual people and a made up story of what happened to them. The music is great for only being 13 mins in lenght in the film. The ending shoot out is so well done you want to see what happened to them when the frame stops.

#32: King Kong: The old black and white version is the best. Even better then Peter Jackson's version. A great cast and special effects that were ahead of their time then and are amazing to see now. Stop motion is not used as much anymore what with computers. See this film even if you have seen Jackson's film.

#31: Die Hard: One great cop vs a small group of robbers. Alan Richman is amazing as the head of the robber group and does a great job trying to follow his plan. Bruce Willis does a great job as Det. McClane being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The romantic story line is handled well in the film next to all the action.