If you are not done shopping do not start freaking out. You can always start that later, I do. If you are looking for great deals you may find some over the weekends or online.
Anyway, I was told that my aunt and uncle were given ideas on what to get me for christmas. I am the only male nephew that they have(I believe). So my mom told them some things that she wouldn't really tell me, but when I asked if it was movies, she said that the movies I wrote down were hard for her to find. I then asked which movies and then stated where I was able to find them. So she may need to call down to Virginia and tell them the new info.
The films were:
The Sting staring Paul Newmen and Robert Redford
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly staring Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef
Star Wars The Original Trilogy(which I hope the p. units get me, cuz I want it to replace the VHS tapes)
but the list could have been longer, but they had trouble finding them, and I could walk in to a Target or Best Buy and find most if not all of the movies I want.
But today I was an ad for the 75th anniversary of 20th Century Fox and the movies that they are re-re-releasing look like a great list. fromCavalcade(1933) to Avatar(which I don't think is that great, for my own reasons with the story). Movies like Alien, Patton, MASH and the many other older films are going to be great redone on DVD but who in the world needs a fourth copy of Avatar? I mean really there isn't that much more they could add to the DVD that isn't already out there. What did they add a program that lets you make your own Navi and control it in an MMO game. They should have just gone with the older movies that are not on dvd yet or only have the basic version out.
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