While I think he could have been more professional in the language/writing of the article, his points were very correct.
When the Wii came out I was a bit excited. I couldn't wait to see how they could make use of this new tech. The excitement died quickly though. Even without owning a wii myself, I got sick of playing games on the wii. Even Super Smash Bros couldn't hold my attention which is just insane as me and my friends had been OBSESSED with Melee and spent hundreds of hours duking it out.
Even my friend who was a hardcore Nintendo fan has let his wii collect dust and has turned to his 360 (mainly because of L4D) for his gaming needs. I use to kind of argue with him because he always defended Nintendo while I had my major gripes with the Gamecube (didn't care for the controller as much and I felt it lacked strong titles granted it did get a decent number of good titles by the end of it's lifecycle) but now he doesn't even seem to care about Nintendo which is a big change.
Nintendo is making money so more power to them I guess in that regard, but honestly making money doesn't get my respect. The way I see it is they are like those crappy music artists who push out that low quality crap "music" and get rich off it. Nintendo is now just appealing to the lowest common denominator (little kids and casuals who most likely couldn't care about games with strong story or deep multiplayer) and they make bank but have lost my respect.
Somewhere along the line Nintendo stopped caring about anyone but themselves in a sense. They don't care about their hardcore fanbase which they had up till the Wii and a while back they stopped caring about trying to get 3rd party games (My major gripe with the cube was that it seemed to rely way too heavily on 1st party games and the Wii has made that exponentially worse). 3rd party support can make a system and the PS2 (my all-time favorite console) is the shining example of that. Unfortunately Sony kind of lost sight of how a strong library beats processing power and without an amazng online community setup like XBL it they made a console not worth it's price-tag which is sad for me as I had owned and LOVED both a PS1 and PS2 and had hoped to continue on with a PS3.
Thankfully the 360 has done enough to adequetly fill my gaming needs and thats with only one exclusive (L4D) that caught my eye.
the only game you actually mention is L4D which isn't exclusive, far from exclusive, it is 5x better on the PC (and 2x cheaper)
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