Out_Kast3000's forum posts
What are all the "AAA" exclusives that are coming out for the 360 "left and right" this holiday season?
I'm not changing the subject, you are. I'm explaining how your logic doesn't make sense when you compare it to past examples.
Xbox 360 was the first console to:
1.) Make 720p HD games standard.
2.) MakeDolby Digital 5.1 standard in every game.
3.) To have built in wireless for all controllers and most peripherals.
and the list continues. You fail.
LOL, those are significant changes? LOL, NO.
It was the first to have built in wireless for all controllers? No. The Wireless controller is still only standard for the PS3 and Wii.
Go out and buy an XBOX 360 controller and there are wireless. And wired controller still comes with the Core/Arcade(cheapest) package.
[QUOTE="nervmeister"][QUOTE="rocktimusprime"]You conveniently left out that SMG more thanmade up for it's graphical inferiority with it's amazing Wii-mote gameplay mechanics.And you're bashing a AAA PS3 game for not being.......... "AAA enough"? Real clever on your part my friend.I guess then you'd agreed it pretty revolutionary that a game with lesser graphics got a 9.5 while Uncharted got a 9?
oh im not raggin on SMG, im raggin on Outkast for hating on SMG and whining that it got lower than SMG theres some subtext to that post.
I still love Mario Galaxy. It still doesn't change the fact it didn't deserve a 9.5 for graphics, but I still love the game and love the Wii.
Nintendo had Rumble before Sony
Atari had BC before Sony on consoles. Nintendo had it on Handhelds.
You had to buy the rumble pack for the N64. It was not standard like with the PS2.
Notice how I said it was the first major console to have BC. That Atari console sold nothing.
[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]I was debating with my neighbor on this earlier(huge lemming failure sometimes).
Lets look at it:
THe Wii: Even though Nintendo decided not to make it ultra poweful(more powerful than any console last gen though) It still trying to revamp while improving the way we play video games.
PS3: Not only is it's improving and giving us a new way to play video games much like the Wii(Sixaxis), but it's the most powerful console ever and has introduced a new, better format to make better games(Blu-Ray). The PS3 and Wii have been revolutionary. Not to mention inovations with online like with Home(released spring 08 btw).
XBOX 360: I don't care what anyone says, it's just a rehash of the XBOX 1 really. All Microsoft did was improve the power of the system(and not even to the point where it has the most power). The XBOX 360 controller is a better design than the XBOX 1 controller, but that's all it is, a small change to the design. Just a copule buttons mapped in a different place with a smaller controller.It didn't bring anything new like the XBOX and Wii controllers. It still uses DVD(even if it's a somewhat improved version of the DVD from years ago, it's still just a DVD). Not to mention it introduced a defective console design which has the worst failure rate in video game history.
And what exactly did the PS2 bring to the table? It added a more power and a DVD ROM, and it dominated last generation because of games. Now Microsoft uses the same technique in making a console that is easy to develop for, inexpensive, and has the most quality games of any console and that all of the sudden is bad? I don't think so.
-The PS2 was the first console to have rumble as standard.
-The PS2 introduced Backwards Compatability to major consoles.
-The DVD, obviously.
Anyway, we're not taking about last gen are we? We're talking about this gen right now. Stop trying to change the subject.
How is that epic fail? That's from a consumer who actually beat the game. And not some employee rambling about how long he hoped the game to be.
You're the one who's failing.
[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"][QUOTE="htekemerald"]You lost me when you called the PS3 revolutionary. So far all its managed to do is crash and burn with its so called "revolutionary" blue ray. Funny how Mass Effect is 30-40 hours on DVD 9 and Uncharted is 8 on a format several times larger.rocktimusprime
At least spell Blu-Ray right. That's automatic fail for you.
Mass Effect is about 20 hours, but either way it's already been confirmed that Konami needs Blu-Ray for MGS4, and that developers have had problems with the DVD compared to Blu-Ray(GTA4, Assassins Creed). And the developers of Killzone 2 too have said that Killonze 2 couldn't work for the 360 becuase of Blu-Ray's superiority to DVD.
""It took me about thirty to forty hours to do just the core story, and another twenty, thirty hours of uncharted worlds beyond that. I think most players will probably spend forty to sixty hours, somewhere in there ... this is a big game. It's all at the same production value too. It's all consistent high-quality. I'm amazed, the team has done an amazing job."" - Ray Myzuka Bioware CEO.
"Q: how long did it take you to go threw the game?
A: A little over 20 hours."
The Wii is the only thing brining something new really. 360 is a beefed up 360 and the PS3's Six-Axis isn't new since the Wii had the things done before the PS3. Blu-Ray, Cell, whatever don't contribute anything new to the actual video games themselves. They are just Hardware.
But why do you have to be new to be good?
meh, the PS3 came out before the Wii(lol).
Even though it's still not the point since the Sixaxis controller is still improvement for gaming. It's combined the traditional controller with the motion sensitivty of the nunchaku for the Wii. Definitely an innovation, whether the Wiimote was shown first or not.
You lost me when you called the PS3 revolutionary. So far all its managed to do is crash and burn with its so called "revolutionary" blue ray. Funny how Mass Effect is 30-40 hours on DVD 9 and Uncharted is 8 on a format several times larger.htekemerald
At least spell Blu-Ray right. That's automatic fail for you.
Mass Effect is about 20 hours, but either way it's already been confirmed that Konami needs Blu-Ray for MGS4, and that developers have had problems with the DVD compared to Blu-Ray(GTA4, Assassins Creed). And the developers of Killzone 2 too have said that Killonze 2 couldn't work for the 360 becuase of Blu-Ray's superiority to DVD.
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