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#1 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

taken from the IGN review so you fail

and stop bringing up last gen games we are talking about current gen games

if they were reviewed now they wouldent of gotten the same scores


There was also a review that said the game would be about 10 hours, so you fail.

It's not their length that would have changed their scores, it's the fact that they would be technically outdated in a sense(graphics). In reality, both those games are still better than most next gen titles been released so far.

The standard for game length hasn't changed, so stop failing. The average RPG is still average 25 hours just like 10 years ago. ANd shorter games are fine, especially if they have replay value and extras(God of War).

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#2 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts


-The game is more like 10 hours.

-It definitely has replay value.

-It's not all about length. Shadow of the Colossus, God of War = 2 of the greatest games last year, and also could be beaten 10 hours or less(especiallly SotC).

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#3 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

LOL@ you trying to flip-flop because you're failing.

Your logic has been exposed for what it is, just quit.



My logic has not once wavered, but you can keep trying to salvage what reputation you might have left at this stage.

Your posts are kinda like the recycling logo:

It just goes in circles.

I know, to admit you are wrong is to break a rule of trolling.

Believe me though, had you actually made a point and/or proved me wrong on something, I would have admitted it, because I am a gamer, and I do occasionally make mistakes. Here, however, I have not made a mistake, and I assure you that no one believes that you did anything but looked foolish here.

lol, you're the one flip-floping and trying to use stupid unreasonable numbers to try and prove a point that is wrong.

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#4 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

Lets look at your (stupid)logic.

If the XBOX would have sold 120 million units(like the ps2) instead of 20,

Halo would have sold 48 million copies.

Halo 2 would have sold 72 million copies.

PGR would have sold 15 million units.

You're just using numbers without accounting for the variables(one being that the XBOX had a very small selection of games and good games at that).

You're failing hard.


No, its called ratios. I am not claiming that they would have sold those numbers had the Xbox had a bigger base. I just took the ratios of software sales per game title to the overall user base.

Simple statistics. I never made the claim you could extrapolate the data in the manner that you want to. You just chose to, which means you owned yourself. Hard.

But be sure to try again when you mistake what I said for what you want to have read.

LOL@ you trying to flip-flop because you're failing.

Your logic has been exposed for what it is, just quit.


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#5 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

Everyone I listed sold 1 million units or more (Out of 20 million systems, that is 5% or better, not much below your MGS2 example). What is your definition of popular?


Lets look at your (stupid)logic.

If the XBOX would have sold 120 million units(like the ps2) instead of 20,

Halo would have sold 48 million copies.

Halo 2 would have sold 72 million copies.

PGR would have sold 15 million units.

You're just using numbers without accounting for the variables(one being that the XBOX had a very small selection of games and good games at that).

You're failing hard.

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#6 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

Halo 2 is a special case just for the fact that the XBOX library was so bad and Halo was the only really popular series on the system.


Spoken like someone who never played an Xbox.

What was PGR? Splinter Cell? Fable? KotOR? DoA?

So you're telling me all those games are very popular like Halo(which is the most overrated series of all time btw).

They weren't, KOTOR was a good game, but it was not extremely popular or anything, it just wasn't.

The other games too, not that popular. ANd Splinter Cell could be played on the PS2 and GC.

Halo is the only series that kept the XBOX alive. Disputing any of what I said would be failing hard hard.

THe XBOX probably had the worst library of any major console.

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#7 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

And stop trying to act like all 7 million copies of MGS2 sold in that year alone.

And there is also no way to prove that any game on any system sold systems as well.

All you can do is show a correlation, as a correlation in sales between the two cannot and will not prove cause and effect.

Take any basic statistics study before you bring that forward as proof of anything. When you get to advanced stats for research methods, they'd just laugh at you for that.

Now you're trying to dispute whether MGS moves units?

LOL, you know nothing.

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#8 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

I'll give you Final Fantasy there are 4million plus people waiting for that in Japan alone. I won't give you MGS. The 1up Yours podcast talked about this the three biggest selling games of last gen were: GT, GTA, and Halo. Halo 2 sold better than Halo 1, GT4 sold better than GT3, and GTA:VC sold better than GTA3.DaysAirlines

GT3 sold 11 million units.

GT4 sold 8 million units.

Halo 2 is a special case just for the fact that the XBOX library was so bad and Halo was the only really popular series on the system.

I don't know about GTA and if it actually sold more, but GTA: VC is special as well just because it was basically multiplat since it came out on the XBOX a few months after the PS2 version where as the XBOX version of GTA 3 didn't even come out for like 2 years. That changes things.

Still did I ever say that it was written in stone? No, I just said that's a trend.

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#9 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

MGS2 sold about 7 million, not 9. And 7 (or even 9) out of a user base of 120 million is not exactly some kind of mind blowing ratio. (About 8% if you like math)

And LittleBigPlanet will hardly appeal to everyone.

And I don't know what I am talking about? I am a CS major who has been gaming for decades, on almost every major system released, regardless of brand.

I also would be willing to bet that I have a much better reputation for posting in an unbiased manner here than you do.;)


Too bad you don't go by just userbase. That's not how it works. And It doesn't change that it's one of the most popular series' of all time. That's still over 7 million people who've played it. The PS2 also had a much bigger and much better library than the GC and XBOX. Bigger library also effects sales since you have more choices.

It's still funny though how you're doing the sales from how many PS2s are sold now. MGS2 came out in 2001(PS2 was 1 year old) and was an extremely hot seller then.

Stop trying to act like MGS doesn't move units, it moves lots of them and trying to dispute that = failure.

This isn't bias, this is facts. Ones you're getting owned with right now.

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#10 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts
[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]MGS4 is one of the most popular game series' ever. MGS2 sold like 9 million units alone.

And even if MGS4 was only "hardcore" the PS3 still has games like Tekken 6 and Gran Turismo 5 which are the most dominant series' of their genres. Especially Gran Turismo, which sold like 9 million as well.

Not to mention LittlebigPlanet, which will appeal to everyone.

again, people need to stop posting if they don't know what they're talking about.


MGS3 sold only a little over 3 million units at a time when the PS2's install base was 100 million. MGS2 sold 6.5 million worldwide. Do you relish being misinformed or are you just accidently misinformed?

MGS2 sold like 7 million or whatever, but still whether it's 6.5 or 7, it was still one of the most popular games last gen and MGS is one of the most popular series' ever, which is the point.

Stop failing. The 2nd of the entry into a console for a game series a lot of times does worst than the first.(Final Fantasy X-2 did worst than X, Kingdom Hearts 2 did worst than KH1, GT3 did worst than GT2) It's just how it's worked. Are you going to tell me that Final Fantasy isn't one of the most popular series' ever too?