The combat just feels too clunky and over-complicated. The idea of creating your own combos is cool, but I don't feel that this is the right way to do it.
@debryson Boo hoo. Metal Gear used to be a Sony exclusive till recently, I don't know why you're crying.
All this shows is that Kojima appreciates the loyalty of their die-hard fans. While you were busy playing Halo1 on your Xbox, I was busy playing Metal Gear Solid on my PS1. If for some reason Halo went multiplatform but loyal microsoft console players would get a few extras, would I be crying? No, because I understand that loyal fans should get a little more than the newcomers, and that's ok.
TL;DR: Stop crying and be glad you actually get to play a Metal Gear game.
Platinum Games has never disappointed before, I doubt they'll start now. I'd go as far as to say that they're the best fast-paced action game developers in the gaming industry right now.
I know this game won't please everyone (mainly the narrow-minded ones of the MGS fanbase), but I, someone who has every single Metal Gear game (including Metal Gear 1 and 2), can't wait for this beauty to be in my hands.
Outer_Raven's comments