Platformer- Easily Nintendo. Anyone who tells you different either has very bad taste or just a fanboy. Mario Galaxy and Mario galaxy 2 9.5/10 (rated by major sites) Is the epitome of the Platformer Genre. Nintendo also pushed the Wii like no developer can. If you look at Mario galaxy 1 and 2 there is not one Game even in the same ballpark technically/artistically as the Mario galaxy franchise. Then you Go way back with Mario galaxy 3, super mario world, super mario bros, etc etc
RPG- Not of all time but Recently it has to be Bethesda. Fallout 3 is just amazing and Oblivion was the first true Next gen rpg. They have evoloved the genre and right now are on top.
Racing- This depends if you like arcade or Sim. I like Arcade so I'm choosing Criterion. Love burnout and love what I am seeing from the New NFS 2 hot pursuit.
Action- Epic. Gears of War 2 is just pure action.
FPS- So many choices; I"m going to go with EA with bad company 2. This genre will switch several times thorughout the year but IMO bad company 2 is the best fps to come out in a long time.
JRPG- This genre is just stale. Square/enix is just a shadow of their former self's and there hasn't been a groundbreaking JRPG this whole geneeration. I don't care for any IMO. FF13 by default so Square
Puzzle- Valve/ portal
Name some of your favorites
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