PC-Gamer's forum posts
Is counter strike source quite tactical online?
Not really. Not in public servers. If you really want a hardcore tactical game then I suggest Red Orchestra Ostrfont 41-45 but since you're new to PC shooters you probably won't enjoy this game as much. This game is NOT noob friendly. It definitely caters to the hardcore.
I suggest BF2 or BF2142. Both have the most people playing them right now and I find those two to be the alot more fun compared to BF:V and BF1942.
I have multiple accounts.
1.Level 49 Fighter Scania
2.Level 46 Assasin Bera
3.Level 38 Spearman Bera
4.Level 55 Cleric Scania
5.Level 49 Cleric Windia
6.Level 63 Ice/Lightning Scania.
:D Thats a wrap.
All of them have up-to-date items and future level items, and enough money to supply healing items for.....maybe 10 levels on the 63.I dont wanna do any estimating on the earlier levels. And thats on EACH of them.
That's sad.
Imo, it's the not the game that makes you addicted, it's you. If you can let a little game consume your life you are one sad example of a human being. It's called self-control. If you don't have it, stop blaming the game.
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