@dark_drag765: In portable mode the core and memory clock speeds run lower to give a longer battery life. Dock mode runs off the mains so the switch runs at its full speeds.
PCgameruk's forum posts
Microsoft can't release a 4k console then a game that isn't 4k. Its a destructive game that will be heavily intensive on hardware and to output at 4k would be a challenge. Who knows how scaled back this game became, can't blame devs for this shit show blame M$. People seem to take the piss but both the previous crackdown scored well.
Far Cry 2 really annoyed me because it has so much potential. Some ways ahead of its time with attention to detail. Yet ruined when you need to put a magazine full of bullets into someone, and then have a camp respawn 10 minutes later.
I got kind of burned out play FC4, didn't even finish it (maybe 10 hours total)
So I don't think FC5 would really be worth it, since I haven't heard anything amazing about it
I loved Far Cry 3 but i thought 4 was boring i didn't finish it either.
I used to have the same problem now i stick with 3 games to play at once with a piss about game. I mix the genre up, I was playing Wolfenstein 2 which i finished this morning and will go onto Far Cry 5. Shadow of War im playing currently and will go on to AC odyssey. Rocket League for random quick games, Sunset overdrive to piss about because it doesn't feel like you need to Finish it, i can come back after some week off and jump back in to it Like Doom.
Worse thing you can do is play multiple games with long stories that feel the same. Would be like playing a Sony game ZZZzzZZzZzzz
So does AMD own xbox because its hardware is AMD based...
Can we do a framerate comparison? No.... lets ignore a smooth gameplay experience, lets ignore the fact Anthem demo drops to its low 20's on console and 99% of console games still run at 30fps. But it doesn't matter about a bad experience as long as it looks nice.
@boxrekt: Xbox One title? Its on PC who cares about Xbox one...
The amount of money they will lose.... Gamers would use Metro to bench new hardware like they did with Crysis and previous metro games.
All they needed to do was sell it on all the stores but like 15% cheaper on the epic store. That's how you would bring gamers over... Not making it exclusive and having a tantrum because gamers want it on their own chosen store.
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