Any advice for the part before it. I'm doing my first run through on hard and I've gotten to the rocket guys when I'm on the second floor. They always kill me after ten minutes of fighting through the other waves. ARGHHHHHHH
I got it for computer a while back. It's a great game with a lot of atmosphere. It doesn't seem amazing at first, but it grows on you. Don't judge by the demo. Just buy it and play it. It got Goty a ton of times for a reason/
My friend and I played the endless setlist on expert today. We spent at least 7 tries a piece on outside and run to the hills, losing 15,000 fans each time. I didn't think we had lost nearly that many. We got 254/290 stars, not too bad. We failed a maximum of 16 times I think. We should have lost 240,000 fans, but gained 1 mil+. Anyone know why this happened. 6 hours of work for 40,000 fans is pretty frustrating.
He's kind of right about the graphics. But the game has massive scale and draw distance. And multiplayer never looks as good as sp games. Anyway graphics dont matter, gameplay does and warhawk's fun.
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