PCschoolorebel's forum posts
Actually my friends disc reader broke. He was playing cod and his friend wanted to play gh. So cod got jealous and broke the system. Actually his friend took the disc out while it was running and it broke it.
DOn't underestimate Killzone2. It has a 40million dollar budget, been worked on for 4 YEARS (thats the whole lifesapn of resistance1 and 2) Have u not seen how this game will revolutionize the console! It has the best graphics, adds then new cover system to FPS, is huge technical masterpiece. I just hope SONY will not release these 2 games close to each other so it wouldnt mess up sales.bluray29
I hope KZ 2 will be awesome, but as of now it revolutionizes nothing. The first person cover system is just like RS:V cover (in first person, not really new). The graphics are revolutionary (for a console). Games do not need to revolutionize to be great, like CoD 4, because as long as they do everything very well. CoD 4 brought nothing new to the table, aside form perks, but since it executed everything perfectly it is, imho, goty.
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