I dled the beta recently, but have not had time to play it with school and relatives coming for Christmas. I played for all of 2 minutes and it felt too similar to BF 2142 (which was ok, BF 2 was better). Do you guys think it's worth my time, especially when I'm getting Rock band and Cod 4 for christmas. Thanks.
In the comparison videos the PS3 version has a noticeably lower framerate most of the time then the 360 version. The framerate isn't bad it just isn't as good.
Most of the things will be fixed in the patch, like spawning in front of people and if the host leaves someone else automatically becomes the host w/o messing up the game.
I have a killer PC and a PS3 so I play both, but unless a game is better on the PC, Orange Box, I get it on the PS3, COD 4, so I can play with my friends.
who cares? Gears was an overrated hunk of junk. It was short and the "amazing" mp was just a rush for the rocket launcher and sniper. They say it is all about teamwork, but it's kinda hard to do when the levels are narrow and linear.
When I'm playing online shooters (Warhawk, Rainbow Six Vegas) with a mike the other people with mikes are really nice, funny and helpful. I've added 25 friends who are just random people online. They use teamwork and are even courteous. In Warhawk I was waiting for a plane to spawn and someone was going to get in untill he saw me and let me have it. When I play Halo 3 or RSV at my friends house on their 360s the people are rude, vulgar and all around jerks. I don't know why this happens, but I'm glad I got a PS3.
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