PCschoolorebel's forum posts
plus i find it much more difficult and creative to create a world as convincing as the real one that doesn't actually exist than to try and replicate the real world. but that aside, it takes nothing away from crysis, amazing amazing graphics.ronniepage588
I don't know if you're talking to me or not, but if you are I'm just telling the tc not to compare them. He said that KZ 2 had better grunt faces then Crysis, which, imo, is not true. That is all.
Some games make you jump in your seat, some games are revolting, but some games are downright disturbing. I'm not talking about scary games like doom or ultra viloent games like GeoW, but games that make you feel uneasy and keep you awake at night. Mine would have to be the Darkness, sorry it's a console game, it's a good rental.
When Jackie dies for the first time and you're in WWI/hell its so creepy and it makes you feel alone. The game isn't really scary but the atmosphere is so messed up that you are relieved when you get back to New York.
On the part with the ship there is a mutilated/burned person like thing in a box. What happened is not explained, but I think he was a stowaway who was tortured by the crew for fun. The voice for the darkness is also pretty creepy and the guy who does it had no post work done on the voice.
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