PCschoolorebel's forum posts

Irecently got an Uber gaming rig and have relatives eager to waste their money on me. I had all kinds of great game ideas like Assasin's Creed and Drake's Fortune and Crysis and CoD 4, but I already have Crysis, I'm getting CoD 4, and am undecided on AC and Drake's Fortune (I know it's ps3 only). I'm undecided on AC and UT 3 (I didn't like the demo much) and Uncharted is too short for a purchase. Is Bioshock really worth it? I played it fpr about and hour at my friends house and didn't like it much, should I get it? If there are any other games worth my family's money please let me know. Thanks. If the games aren't put yet, but will be when Christmas rolls around those count too. :D
P.S. This same topic is on the PC forums.
You murder someone and your freaking out because you are wondering why they haven't dissapeared yet.
Game - Bioshock:
When you find a needle on the beach, and you think it's a washed up plasmid, straight from the depths of rapture.
New Plasmid acquired! TETNIS!
That one made me laugh.
you find your self questioning wether or not to do some thing, and you think well let me just save.
-you left hand instantly is placed on wasd when ever you lay it on a key board
-when walking you some times imagine your self with a gun in you hand from a fps you play
-you fail a test and the first word that comes to ur head is "pwned"
I always wish I could save life, my hands always go to the WASD keys, and when I paintball I look down and am astonished to see my feet, no kidding.
Naughty Dog 110%. God I want a new Jak!!!!!! Also I have to agree with this comment, as harsh as it is:
Insomniac = Rehash City
Naughty Dog = Passionate game developer
I gotta go with Insomniac. For some reason I couldn't finish Jak 3, but I own every insomniac game from the original r and c to r and c future. ur sig scares me.
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