What you're looking for is a VGA cable. Unfortunately the only one Sony ever made for PS2 was for this Linux kit and would only work while running the system in Linux. There was this 3rd party one, thought I forgot what it was called (Blaze? Idk) but that was EXTREMELY buggy and only ran a few games with very fuzzy graphics. But I never really kept track, maybe there's another one out there...
POkemonfreak101's forum posts
Hey all. I have about $20 to spend for the rest of the summer, and I'm looking for a good fighter game to purchase and play online regularly. I'm stuck between downloading Marvel vs. Capcom 2 or buying the original BlazBlue CT. I'm leaning towards BlazBlue but since the sequel is coming out in a couple days, I'm not sure if there will be many players online. Any suggestions? Also, I guess any tips for other good games under $20 would be appreciated as well.
Hello. I only have about $20 to spend for the remainder of my summer break (what a bummer) and am looking for a good fighter to play on Xbox Live. I've heard many good things about BlazBlue, and of course, the prestige of MVC2. Which one of the two will I get more online matches out of? I know with the coming release of Continuum Shift, CT might not get as much players online, but as of right now, I'm leaning towards BlazBlue. Suggestions? Thanks
Thanks guys. I'll look into a quad core. Also, I forgot, would aCorsair CMPSU-750TX 750-Watt TX Series 80 psu be good enough?
Hello. I posted a topic yesterday about a gaming rig, but have since found some new components that have pretty good reviews, and everything came out cheaper. But I'm still fairly new to this, so I was wondering if the users here could check if this stuff is compatible with all the parts and if it is suitable gaming rig (i.e. good enough to run every game up to this point)?
CPU -AMD Phenom X2 550
MoBo - Asus p7p55d
RAM - Corsair XMS3 4 GB PC3-12800 1600Mhz
Video - Diamond ATI Radeon HD5850 PCIE 1024 MB
HDD - Western Digital 500 GB Caviar Black SATA 7200
Case - Silverstone ps05
Monitor - ASUS VW224T 22-Inch Wide LCD Monitor
Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
Hey I'm new to this stuff, still researching.
CPU -AMD Phenom X2 550
GPU-XFX 9800 GT 512 mb DRR3
RAM - Corsair XMS3 4 GB PC3-12800 1600Mhz
MoBo - asus p7p55d
any feedback is appreciated.
I have an Xbox 360, but pretty much all the games I have/want are also on PC. I'm going off to college after this next school year ends, and my current laptop is barely good enough to go on the internet and stuff, so an upgrade would be required anyhow. But I'm not really good with hardware and stuff. I mean I can look at the specs of a game and find a laptop to match them, but perhaps not super efficiently. So my very general question is what's a good cheap (meaning no more than like $1600) laptop for playing games that are currently out and from the past? I'm fine with brands if you don't want to go super specific. Games I would get for sure would be Fallout 3, Mass Effect 1/2, Grand Theft Auto IV, Dragon Age Origins, and games around that sort of specs. Thanks in advance...sorry for the wall of text...I always feel the need to explain unnecessary crap when asking questions.
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