If you want to add me my gamespot name is my PSN account name. "poison_fury"
add me if you want. I will not join any unions.
If you want to add me my gamespot name is my PSN account name. "poison_fury"
add me if you want. I will not join any unions.
They're rereleasing GoW I and II on PS3 with trophy support each mastered in HD!!!! COOOOOOL! LOOK IT UP GOT OF WAR COLLECTION!!!!
Thats right my WiFi connection fell off of the shelf it was setting on and KABLAMMY! it hit my laptop. The PC is fine. It knocked off a few keys but theyre stuck back on now. It's as good as ever. But unfortunately, my WiFi got broke. How the hell does that work? I know right? But that's why I haven't been online for a while. PSN or Internet. It's getting fixed! Oh yeah, MGO is the greatest game EVER! I'm dying to play it. Ugh! But I'm really busy this week. Second week of school and I'm sick. Sore throat and headache. Friday I gotta take off of school to go to work because something crazy is going on. This weekend I'll be busy all weekend long. Saturday I gotta work and then make Brooke's party. So If I've got Internet I probably won't be online anyway. So i gotta skeet. Later!
Okay, I'm still ranting about Microsoft and their habit of making life harder than it needs to be. But from what I understand, Microsoft is going to start making some programs (such as Visual Studio 2010) compatible only with Vista and Windows 7. I like to program, and Microsoft Visual Studio is what I use. Now that's okay for me because I have Vista, but I can't have Vista or Windows 7 to do everything I want. It's all about compatibility. I can't upgrade my system just for one program and leave my games (which I said earlier already have issues with Vista) and other important stuff behind. And I can't change Microsoft's mind can I? So what to do, what to do...
Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this yet, but I got my hands on a real Gibson Les Paul! It's incredible in every sense of the word, BUT...
(Betcha didn't see that one comin' did ya?)
...Buying stuff for it is way too expensive. The pedal I want for it is the almighty BOSS GT-8. A little over $400 new. I don't even have an amp yet! Everythings so expensive! It's hard to have a hobby these days!
No I'm not going to go on and on about how bad my life sucks, because I ask myself, "Where has it gotten me so far?" so just chill. What I'm ranting about now is the fact that I just got a new computer over Christmas. I liked the idea of having Vista at first, and through the stretch up until now. The only difference is, after only nine months, Microsoft has a new OS coming out. Which sucks. Windows 7 is supposed to improve upon everything that is wrong with Vista and add new features and all that good stuff. That's cool and everything but my question is why couldnt they just offer these features and improvements in the form of a Windows Vista update? Oh yeah, my main problem! COMPATIBILITY! I've gone over this before haven't I? I already have problems with games I love to play on Vista! So now I have to get a whole new OS to cause even more problems? Okay Microsoft, I'm done! The next computer I buy will be a MAC!
The funniest thing happened today. Not funny as in it makes me laugh, but funny in a "WTF" type of way. My parents sold this potentially gorgeous car, which was promised to me as a 16th birthday present. For some reason though, she sold it for a tiny price. I'm serious. A beautiful 1998 Caddillac, luxury. Leather interior, seat warmers, a CD rack in the glove box, BOSE speaker system, 12 CD changer in the trunk, and a beautiful blood red exterior paint. The only flaws were that it had been keyed, the rear bumper was a mess, and the horn didnt work. All of which are fixable problems. All of which I planned on fixing. But for some reason, my parents sold it for a tiny price of $600. What I paid for my PS3, ladies and gentlemen. So with the money, she did some shopping around. I was already p***ed that she sold my car, but she bought an iPod, used of course, and bribed me with it. The catch was that I had to go to her church every Sunday. I've went over this before havent I? I REFUSE TO GO TO HER CHURCH. I denied her offer and went on. I figured four Sundays of WORKING could get me a better, NEW iPod. I know shes emotional right now but I didn't mean to make her CRY. God I feel like unless I be the person my grandma and my dad want me to be (which are two EXACT OPPOSITE personalities) I'm nothing to them. I dont know what to do. My dad says "Dont let anyone push you around, be a fighter, stand up for yourself, go down fighting." My grandma says "Ignore them, put your problems in God's hands." And my mom hasn't said SH*T to me since I was about four years old. So I'm back to where I started. Square one. I can't be who I want to be without hurting anyone. I don't even know who I want to be. I don't know who I am. My grandma became so hard to live with. My dad already is. I'm in a really tight space.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate my life. Since my grandma lost her job, we're broke so my birthday isn't going to be much of a birthday at all. It sucks mainly because it's what I've been looking foreward to all year. But we're so dead broke that I got chewed out for getting a glass of milk. Yeah. I know. So my sister got an incredible birthday party. She got an incredibly expensive trip to a church camp for like $400, and then presents. I get nothing. Call it jealousy, but I'll call it MAJOR SUCKAGE.
So I guess my birthday present is the job I'm going to get. I'll be 15 on August 19th, and elegable for a job. I guess I'll apply a week beforehand so I can start on my birthday. Then I'll buy my own birthday present a few weeks late. Ugh.
Oh yeah, I found a possible logo : M/\J0R G/\MES
Man when my dad kicked me out I felt two feelings. Happy because I was going home, and worthless because even my dad couldn't stand me. Now that I'm back home I realized that my grandma, who I thought was easier to live with, is the same person my dad is. I've been thinking a lot lately. Like when my grandma (who raised me) kicked me out, the only place I had to go was my dad. And soon enough, my grandma said she regretted kicking me out. So it was a big fight between my dad and my grandma about who I should live with and why. It never occured to me then, but now I'm looking at things from a different view. Who am I to make my dad and his own mother fight over who I belong to? I feel like I'm the cause of all my dad's and grandma's problems. And yes, it is my fault, because I wanted to go back to my grandma, and live with her in the place I called home. I made that clear to her and my dad. And I though, and still have reason to believe, that living with my dad in those conditions was unfair. Living with people you hardly know is hard. And when Maylen (the woman I so hatefully referred to as the evil step-mother) left, I learned a lesson that I've learned so many times, once more. You don't know what you have until you lose it. I cried when she left. My dad became depressed, which had an effect on me. I also became depressed, let my grades drop, and developed a habit of having to take sleepers just to be able to sleep at night. It was just me and my dad. He alone, depressed or angry, mad me feel like I was trapped and had nowhere to go. When you're stuck in a bad situation you can't get out of, you feel like all you can do is cry. When he kicked me out, and I went back to grandma's, I thought everything would all get better. After leaving dad, he left me with the ability to look at things from a different perspective. And now my thoughts go into more depth than ever. Not in a good way either. I think about different scenarios about simple things. I think about the other person and how they'll react or feel about a decision or action. Like standing outside looking in. This new perspective made me realize that my grandma is the same person as my dad. And I still feel trapped. I am the blame for everything that goes wrong according to them. My grandma got laid off, and became as angry as my dad. Now she literally screams at me for asking questions. I feel like I have nowhere to go. I'm living with the same person I did six months ago. She cries a lot. And the only thing I can do is go away. I haven't seen my dad in a while. I'm afraid that he's going to be like my mom and forget that I'm still here. Just kind of leave and have nothing to do with me. I don't know how to describe it. My mom isn't around. She doesn't even send letters anymore. I haven't seen my dad in like forever, and my grandma isn't much of a person to be around anymore. She used to be awesome. So, no mom, no dad, and no grandma. Who do I have left? I don't have many friends, and the ones I do have are hard to call friends. What do I have left?
Okay, so I'll start this post by saying that I quit my job, because I had to work with a bunch of pricks. But, there is a bright side! I was left with $200 of spending money! So I decided that I should open a teen bank account. Well I did and the dude that set it up put $100 in my bank account, and the other $100 in a savings account. Okay well that sucks, because I was going to buy DARKBasic and the two books that teach the program. That would've been about $185. So that's out of the picture, but what I did, with some money I already had, was buy a wireless HP mouse. It works great! Love it! I also bought the StarCraft Battle Chest from GameStop, and this game is outstanding! I'm addicted! I still play Diablo II but lately I've been playing more of this. Okay, just one issue in this blog. The Battle Chest I bought was a recent re-release of the games. And that's just perfect, because these versions were updated to work with Windows Vista without any compatibility issues whatsoever. That's great because I have Vista and love these games. BUT! When I bought the Diablo Battle Chest recently, I had to go through all the trouble of patching these games to get them to work with Vista. And here's my problem ladies and gentlemen! WHY THE HELL CANT YOU MAKE A PATCH FOR THE ORIGINAL DIABLO, TO MAKE IT WORK WITH VISTA? If Blizzard is going to put the game in the Battle Chest, shouldn't they make the game compatible with modern PCs? I went to their support page and tried downloading the latest patch but I can't because I have Vista! So I read a few FAQs and forums and all I heard wat to go to properties > compatibility > run in compatibility mode for XPSP2. Tried it. Made the game glitch up more than ever. Why even put it in the Battle Chest? Nobody's going to downgrade their system to play an old game! Okay, I covered that issue, so now back to the basics. I also (believe it or not ladies and gentlemen) got my hands on a brand new, factory sealed black label Kingdom Hearts at a Hastings for only $10. Go search eBay and see how much I saved! Unbelieveable!
'Till Next Time,
Jesse James
Thats right! I got wifi and now im an online maniac! join me on warhawk! or killzone 2! or metal gear online! my player name is poison_fury no capitals 1 underscore!
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