Whoa !!! with this most recent of releases the Wii actually may have like 8 titles now that are rated above an 8 out of 10, but sadly 5 or 6 of them are made by Nintendo so let's see now...
Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Legend of Zelda T.P., Metroid Prime 3, WarioWare Smooth Moves, Super Smash Brothers Brawl,
No More Heroes, Medal of Honor Heroes 2
Can you guy's smell my sarcasm yet?, and these are the titles you brag about?, this is the system selling games for Nintendo? Well guess what you have one more Nintendo title on the horizon, being Super Mario Kart Wii and after that, Nintendo is fresh out of successors until these listed here get their sequels in about 2 years.
So, i wouldn't go on bragging if i were you about your sales records or Wii games because guess what the descent games well is running dry and soon you'll have to hope and pray that you can rely on the 3rd party developers, but with the Wii's limited, last gen hardware i seriously doubt developers will want to waste time making cute little mini games catered to the Wii-mote and downgrading any multiplatform titles they have, when they can rely on the sure money of an HD high performing power house title for the real next gen systems.
So to all Nintendo fans i say enjoy your little cartoon character rumble because it very well may be your last little hoorah on the Wii.
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