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The Best 131…


Why E3 2011 was Disappointing + inFAMOUS 2

So its been a week since E3 2011 wrapped up and now we're just here waiting for the winner of Best of Show! But I can't help and feel a bit dissapointed with this year's E3! For me and most of the industry, E3 is all about the "Huge Announcements" and we literally had only ONE Game announcement, Halo 4. Even that wasn't shocking because the news was leaked on Microsoft's official website a few hours before the conference.

Last Year, Portal 2 was announced for the PS3. The year before it Final Fantasy XIV was revealed. In 2008 God of War III was announced. In 2009 Nintendo came out with Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Other M trailers. Hideo Kojima came out on Microsoft's Stage to reveal MGS Rising was coming on the 360. I could go on forever. Years of JAW DROPPING Announcements... This Year finished and I was still waiting for that ONE announcement that wasn't going to make me sleep. WHERE WAS THAT?!? Every one played it safe.

The only surprising announcement for me was the Vita's Price. And I didn't really care much because I'm not into hardware. Us as gamers, we care about one thing. I dont care about the Wii U, I don't care how it looks like, I don't care about a stupid video of game creators talking about the potential of the system. I don't watch E3 to see an Orchestra playing Zelda tunes for 20 minutes. WE CARE ABOUT GAMES! When you're up there, I care about that Halo 4 announcement, I'm waiting for that Uncharted 3 showing. I'm Excited cause they could potentially reveal Resident Evil 6, God of War 4, and Metal Gear Solid 5.

And Disneyland ******* Adventures and MUPPETS?!? Are NOT Equivalent of games! Why the hell were they showing those to millions of Harcore gamers?!? When those 3 companies are out there, they literally have 1 hour and a half - 2 hours max, showing us what's in store for us this fall, and NEXT YEAR! Its an event that showcases the future of gaming, yet these companies come out and waste our time. Next year as a 360 owner, I'm only looking forward to Halo 4. As a PS3 Owner, Starhawk and The Last Guardian. (This game could be delayed till 2014 and I still won't be surprised) WTF IS THIS?!? AM I THE ONLY THIS MAD?!? THE WORST E3 IN RECENT MEMORY.


I remember getting my first ever Platinum Trophy for inFAMOUS. Well Today I got the Platinum trophy for its sequel! Yes thats right I finished the game twice, I collected all the Blast Shards, and here is a review of inFAMOUS 2! (17th Platinum)

From the very first moment of controlling Cole you will feel the major improvements in this game. From Animation, Graphics, Cut-scenes to the Voice acting. Everything EVOLVED from the original except one thing. The Game. The core of inFAMOUS is still here. Sucker Punch have really pushed the visual aspect of the inFAMOUS franchise but not the core mechanics. Which is fine... I've repeatedly said that the original is incredible and the only major problem for me was its graphics and lip synching. Well the Production Values have risen quite significantly since the last game, making the world much more alive. The City of New Marais is just so much more detailed than Empire City.

The Story is just as strong as the original. It has it's twists and the endings make the experience worth it. Its really Great, and if you loved the Original your gonna love this one even more. Now onto the Problems. The Camera sucks. Yes, plain and simple. The camera is annoying, its interrupts the experience, and can make some moments very FRUSTRATING! The camera wasn't a major problem in the original but here it just gets in the way. And thats mainly because of Scale. Boss Fights are just so much larger and they're attacks are much more chaotic, resulting in awkward moments. But even that isn't a huge problem. The problem is apparent, but it doesnt make this game bad.

Don't get me wrong the game is AWESOME. Its just this one annoying thing that drags the experience down a bit. Overall, every PS3 owner should buy this exclusive. It cements inFAMOUS as one of the key Playstation Franchises.

Score: 8.5

Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2011

Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2011

5. Bioshock Infinite - Loved the original Bioshock, never played the sequel. And that's because the 2nd just wasn't as magical, or special as the first. After watching this game in action, I think irrational games did it again! Bioshock is back, and it looks just as good as my 2008 game of the year. I wanna see something crazier, a new gameplay mechanic, something that will really separate this game from any other experience in 2012.

4. Batman Arkham City – Who isn't excited about the next Batman?!? Villain reveal after Villain reveal, you just can't help but think how HUGE the single player campaign is. The Penguin, The Riddler, Joker, Catwoman, Two Face and Hugo Strange all in one game! WOW!

3. Battlefield 3 – Every shooter out there just looks like a plain copy of Call of Duty. So it's refreshing to finally see a military shooter that doesn't do that. It does what other developers should do! Destroy Call of Duty. Jaw-Dropping Graphics, Destructible Environments, Incredible Animation, Say hello to the current king of Military Shooters! E3 Prediction: The demo will be shown at Sony's conference as a way to fight Microsoft with their Call of Duty Demo.

2. Uncharted 3 – I consider Uncharted 2 to have the best demo of E3 history. I remember how blown away I was after watching that demo. So it's crazy when Naughty Dog come out and say that the Uncharted 3 will be even better! I can't imagine how could they top it, but if there is one developer who can its Naughty Dog.

1. Mass Effect 3 – We haven't seen any gameplay from this game and that's mainly why I can't wait to finally see it in action! Every game on this list I've seen a glimpse of, except Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect 2 was my Game of the Year, not to mention my favorite RPG of all time! If there is one reason why I am excited about this year's E3, is that I will finally see Mass Effect 3 in action. Welcome back Shepard!

Killzone 3 Review

Before Everything... My 16th Platinum!

It's hard to describe my final thoughts on Killzone 3... I've been playing for months now, and I dont have any clear indication where this game stands among other shooters. Cause it kind of tries to do EVERYTHING! What I will say is that this game looks incredible. Right out of the gate, its definitely one of the most impressive looking games out there, but graphics can only take you so far. I'm not disappointed from Guerrilla Games , cause at the end of the day they made a Great, Solid Shooter that competes with any shooter out there. But here's the thing, its an impressive looking Call of Duty clone. Now I'm also not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, cause I love Call of Duty, and I think we can agree, there isn't any multiplayer game out there that is as much fun as COD!

And thats what Killzone 3 does, the multiplayer here outshines anything packed in the whole game! I firmly do believe that this is the reason people SHOULD buy the game. I'm not into multiplayer games in general, but I got addicted, and I can definitely see my self playing more of the game, even after my Platinum trophy.

Single-player wise its not that great. I mean the set pieces are ridiculous (in a good way) but at the end of the day its FORGETTABLE! You ask me in 2 months what happened in Killzone 3, and I wouldn't know. The story sucks, and the characters lack any kind of personality. I mean there isn't even ONE decent character. But it wasn't like I expected the greatest story of all time. Coming out of Killzone 2, which also had a mediocre story, I never ever cared about the campaign. It was the multiplayer that got me attached to that game, and thats exactly what happened in Killzone 3.

The Shooter "mechanics" if you will, of this game are top notch. Any shooter fan will feel right at home when playing this game, and it looks and PLAYS better than most shooters coming out today. The only real problem I see with this game is that there isn't anything entirely special about Killzone 3. I mean there's nothing that sets it apart from other shooters. In Killzone 2 it was the graphics, but now with games like Crysis 2, Battlefield 3, & Bioshock Infinite, you cant help but feel that the Killzone franchise in general has lost its identity in some way.

To conclude, if you're a PS3 owner, and love First Person shooters in general, then go buy this game. The online portion of the game was the real highlight for me, and it will last you for months! If you don't like Shooters then Killzone 3 won't really change your mind.

Score: 8.5

P.S: Can Guerrila Games work on another IP?!? I really feel the Killzone franchise has hit its stride at this point...

An Angry Response to Mr. Clarke

I was reading this IGN article written by Scott Clarke, and it kinda pissed me off! So before you read this blog please go ahead and read it here:

Alright for those who don't like reading, the article was mainly comparing God of War III and Batman Arkham Asylum and what each game can learn from each other in terms of Story-Driven experiences, and it just occurred to me how WRONG this guy is! (On both games)

First thing "It's just a pity that Kratos is a horrible, one-dimensional character with paradoxically convoluted yet simple motivations and no inside voice."

See I hate when people say stuff like this, it just shows how he DIDN'T understand God of War III! If there is ONE, ONE SINGLE message God of War III is trying to send was that Kratos is not a one dimensional character who just yells… It shows you how a guy who just wanted to destroy literally everything , grew in the course of the game to sacrifice his life for the people to give them hope. How a girl (Pandora) managed to affect him emotionally, and really change his point of view towards life. How he refused to kill Pandora because of his selfishness. That's GOD OF WAR III, It wasn't about a guy who just kept yelling throughout the game until he got what he wanted… It was the progression of Kratos.

"Kratos is cast into the shadows of his mind, forced to relive his past deeds and face up to the monster he has become. This scene is simplistically genius and surreal in its design. It reduces the game to shades of grey and the glowing red of Kratos' tattoo."

If there is one thing I agree with this article it was this… Many people talk crap about how BAD the ending of God of War III, and how it didn't give justice to Kratos's trilogy! I on the other hand was one of the FEW people who just thought the ending was INCREDIBLE! I kept arguing with Setho10 over this… It was something I didn't expect, It was risky, and It really changed the way I looked at Kratos as a character, something Mr Clarke didn't really understand! I'm just glad there is someone out there who thinks this ending was just plain Genius…

"All the developers of Arkham Asylum had to do to put the icing on the cake was the only thing that God of War III did right."

Ok this was the thing that mainly pissed me! First of all, he makes it sound as if Arkham Asylum was perfect in everything except the ending, Which is not the case! I platinumed both games, so this is coming from a person who really did everything possible in both games! Now I loved Arkham Asylum, I agree it was the best Comic book/Superhero Game of all time, but that's why it mainly shined. Playing the game I really felt as if I was "The Dark Knight". There were detective elements, the combat was great, and stealth was a big part of the game. It really was great. But he goes on and argues that the story of the game was Amazing… and the climax was just too generic. This is not the case. What was the story of Batman Arkham Asylum?!? Seriously? The story wasn't in any stretch the best part of that game… It was actually the worst, because there is no plot! It's just Batman trying to save the day, it's THAT generic!

And as for God of War III, I do agree with people when they say it could have been better, and I do agree that it wasn't the best God of War, but when someone just says that the ending was the only thing right about that game?!? That's just Naïve. There are so many things God of War III did that Batman: Arkham Asylum can learn from. .. Gameplay wise, and Story-wise.

Overall I gotta say the article IS interesting, it's just that Mr Clarke doesn't understand God of War III… He took what just surprised him as a gamer and wanted it to be interpreted in his beloved game… Games do not work that way, and it's such a shame to see a guy who works in the industry think like that.


E3 2011 Predictions

E3... 1 Month... Predictions... Here... We... Go...


- New "God of War" Game announced. – I HOPE to god this is the climax of the Sony Press conference… It's weird when there is no God of War around, and Sony don't really have anything for next year…

- Uncharted 3 Demo – This could either be the First or Last Demo, either way it's going to be great…

- Resistance 3 Demo – One of the first few Demos to be shown at the conference, do I care about this game?!? NO!

- Modnation Racers 2 Announced – Stupid Prediction?!? I don't think so… There are a ton of cool things they can do to improve the original… I don't see why this won't happen!

- Real Name of "NGP" Announced – No Shocker here, move on :)

- NGP Launch titles revealed – I expect Uncharted to be one of them…

- Starhawk Announced – Its going to happen could actually even happen before E3… They've teased us enough, expect a 2012 release date!

- New Collection – Possibly a Metal Gear Solid Collection… They always announce a new one; I expect this year's collection to be big!

- 500 MONTAGES – Worst thing in Sony Conferences, and they never stop doing them, I hate these Montages, but they always show up for some reason…

- Twisted Metal Trailer – New Trailer, Don't expect a demo…

- Third Party Demos - Could be any title… Maybe Assassin's Creed Revelations or Skyrim!

- Do not expect The Last Guardian demo or any Agent gameplay…


- New "Halo" Title revealed – 343 industries are reportedly working on something Big, 2012 September release…

- Forza 4 Demo/Trailer – Possibly a Kinect Demo…

- Codename: Kingdoms – Last year Microsoft announced a new exclusive being developed by Crytek.. I expect a full reveal at this year's conference. Oh and its coming in 2012…

- Call of Duty Demo ( Opening of Conference) - This has happened for the last 2 conferences, and the trend WILL continue! Modern Warfare 3?!? (Whatever the new game is called) will Kick off E3 with a BANG as usual…

- New Rare game – Expect Kinect Support, could be Banjo & Kazooie, could be Perfect Dark, Who knows…

- Kinect Demos – I DON'T want this to happen, but do we have a choice?!? NO!

- Halo Combat Evolved HD Announced – The 10th year anniversary of Halo is coming, and so we should be getting a re-release, or maybe something bigger!

- New Gears 3 Trailer - A small mention I guess…

- Alan Wake 2 + Crackdown 3 announcements - :)


- Skyward Sword New trailer – And finally revealing the release date of this game, Expect it to be a Holiday title!

- New Console announced. – It's been confirmed... So let's just wait and see what it really brings

- Mario 3DS title Shown – release date, demo… The reason people will buy the 3DS!

- New IP – Miyamoto has teased that he's working on a new IP for Nintendo, The last New IP was Pikmin which was actually released in 2003!

- Pikmin 3 Announced - Probably New Console Launch title

- Kirby Wii Release Date

- 3DS Titles Revealed – New titles revealed for 2012!


I Don't know why but I'm not THAT excited for this year's E3! Why is that?!? Probably cause there are already many games coming out this year that I just don't care about next year!

What I want in the NEXT God of War!

Alright Today marks the first anniversary to God of War III. Yes time flies... For all my blog readers, you all know God of War is my favorite franchise! God of War II is my favorite game of all time, and NOTHING excites me more than a new God of War game... Santa Monica Studios are working their butts off on something new, and I dont know if its even God of War related, but I know what I want in the next one, and so heres my God of War wishlist coming from a long time fan!

The List:

1. Kratos - This is my number one priority! I want Kratos to be in the next game! I dont want to play as his son, his brother, or his 2nd brother in law!!! God of War for me = Kratos! Its that simple, you change the main charactar of the series, this series dies! Thats how much I think this charactar is ICONIC! I mean he has been voted as the best "Playstation" character, so I dont think they really have a choice...

2. Replay Value - This one comes pretty close to my number one, but Kratos is more important than this! :) Anyways, I want Replay value! For me one of the more disappointing parts of God of War 3, was that it had NO replay value at all! I mean it had the higher difficulty settings and your occasional arena mode but THATS IT! It was a 8 hour game that costed $60, Those 8 hours might be better than 95% of games out last year, but for your average consumer its a pretty rough deal! Especially since MOST games come out have multiplayer these days! BUT just to be clear, Im NOT saying I want Multiplayer in the next God of War!!! No, what Im saying is that the team has to be more creative when it comes to replayibilty. When you see something like inFamous 2 with users getting to create their own missions, Arkham Asylum with those Challenge Maps?!? (I dont know what theyre called..) Anyways you get the idea! If they can put multiplayer in God of War and it actually keeps that EPIC vibe! (Titans battling each other, LMAO) Then why not... BUT ONLY IF ITS REALLY GOD OF WAR!

3. Innovation - When the first God of War came out it changed Action/Hack & Slash games FOREVER, with games like Castlevania Lords of Shadow, and Bayonetta being inspired by it, But its been about 6 years since the original and that formula proved to be incredibly successful, but the God of War MAGIC is decreasing with every game released! They have to make it fresh again and what perfect way than NOW! The trilogy ended, and now they can alter the formula... Make it more This GEN! Again I dont know how, but there has to be a way in which Santa Monica can. One way of doing it is make those Quick time events more interactive...

4. Change the setting -This is one of the more "Controversial" things I want, but here it goes: I dont want Greek Mythology! Before you start getting annoyed, read what I have to say. Bioshock was my Game of the year in 2008, I loved everything about that game, Rapture was an incredible City by itself! I mean Bioshock was all about its setting, but then again you look at Bioshock Infinite, somehow its still Bioshock, but because of the change in setting, Its totally fresh, and thats something that lacked in Bioshock 2. We had 5 games in Greek Mythology (6 if we were to include the mobile game) SPOILER ALERT: The Gods died at the end of the game, and I dont want a resurrection! Changing the setting not only would make the game look fresh but will give the developers room to explore new gameplay, etc... Maybe they can mash Greek Mythology with something Modern, I dont know... I just don't see how they can explore Greek Mythology anymore.

5. No Prequel - Now that the trilogy is over, there are rumors saying it will be a prequel to the original game! We have had 2 Prequels on the PSP! I dont want this series becoming Devil May Cry! Dont mess up the Chronology!

That ends my list... Outspoken statements I know, but this is necessary for the franchise to keep pushing the genre. Anyways I expect the next God of War game to be announced during E3... Sony needs something for next year if Uncharted 3, inFamous 2, Resistance 3, Killzone 3, Motorstorm 3, Socom 4, etc.. are all coming out this year! I mean all those games are from Sony's biggest First (and Second) party studios! But who knows...

God of War III sold nearly 4 million copies since its launch and is the second best selling PS3 exclusive in the United States after Metal Gear Solid 4. (Pretty impressive for an 8 hour game if you ask me) The Sky is the limit for the Next God of War game! But I know one thing for sure, when it eventually gets released, I will be buying my copy FIRST DAY!

First 20 hours of Fallout 3

Blog 93 starts now! Alright I have been playing Fallout 3 these past few weeks and I just crossed the 20 hour mark. So much to do and here are my impressions as of right now:

I actually have no idea where to start… First of all, I'd like to just state that this game dwarves any other game I have ever played to date in terms of scope! The world is MASSIVE! As soon as you get out of the vault and that Blur effect happens, and for the very first time you see sunlight and that huge vista… It's like the developers are saying welcome to your sandbox! This is the playground! And for me, it's not only one of the highlights in the game, but in gaming in general! And there a ton of highlights to point out! No spoilers here, but for those wondering, I went to Megaton… And yes I did it!! :P It was one of the first missions I did in the game!

Fallout 3 is one of those games that start slow, and the more you play it, the more you come to appreciate it, and then actually loving it! Now I've only played 20 hours, and that's NOTHING for a fallout game! So I aint jumping to any conclusions here… But this is definitely a 9.0+ game, definitely one of the best PS3 games out there, and definitely worth every buck you spend on it, because it will just leave you playing for months!

Now for those wondering where I am exactly, I am close to ending the Main Quest! Lamplight Caverns to be specific! I personally didn't expect the game to be THIS good… Again so many high moments! And so much to explore! I still haven't visited some iconic Washington sites, but I will be doing just that in the next few weeks! I'm addicted, and this game will not allow me to leave any time for Killzone 3 this month… But I really wanna thank you guys for making me buy this game! Cause I was so close to missing out on not only one of the best games of 2008, but of this entire Gen! (Yes, that's how much I loved it)

A member of the Brotherhood of Steel Thanks You! :)

How to Appreciate Video Game Developers...

We all play games, but have you ever appreciated the amount of work these developers put in? Well one way to appreciate them is by actually using 3d max and try to model something, and thats when you can actually really feel how much time it takes to make the games we love so much! Well I went and made a fan, with the guidance of a video tutorial, and thankfully I managed to pull through:

I made a freaking fan, and boy is it DIFFICULT! First actually making this one thing that probably will act as a decoration in a room, that the majority of gamers will not even recognise is SO HARD! Modeling it, covering it with appropiate materials, and finally putting a bit of lighting is just so time consuming! Now you might be arguing that game developers are actual "professionals" But it doesnt change the fact that these guys actually work so hard to entertain us :) So here's a tribute to all those wonderful developers who sacrifice their time for our pleasure.


Fable II...

Alright wrapped up my Fable II adventure today, and it was an intresting ride! It was the first time I experience Fable, It was very different, and as I was playing it, my bro was simultaneously playing Final Fantasy XIII. And its funny cause even though both Fable and FFXIII are RPGs, theyre both VERY different! As I was playing Fable, my bro kept making fun of the graphics of this game.. And I kinda agree it was outdated in some way, but you know what I was kinda laughng too as how outdated FFXIII is compared to RPGs these days.. I mean Final Fantasy has quality, but RPGs are more than a great battle system with quaity graphics and over-the-top story. Today, RPGS are all about exactly that! ROLE-PLAYING! You control the charactar, I can be good, I can be evil! Heck I can be both at the same time If I want! And even though Fable wasnt as pretty as Final Fantasy, but the game design surpasses FF13! I mean we still go in corrridors?!? REALLY?!?!?

Let me explain just how deep this game is:

You can be a boy or girl, Good or Evil. Depending on your actions, you affect the rest of the world! So if your a hero, the city grows and its more like metropolis! While if your evil, everyone is scared and the city looks like crap! You can get married, bring a child. With Children you need to spend money on them. So you get a job. How about buying property?!? You have Houses to buy, Shops! Food, the more food you eat, the more fatter and unattractive you are! Clothes, weapons! Basically the list goes on forever! Not to mention the side quests and the Main story missions too! So you have this huge, MASSIVE game! It really is very deep...

But also when you go this deep, the developers kind of distract themselves or are just simply not up to the challenge. And thats exactly what happened here in my opinion! First of all, The story here isnt exactly the best story out there. BORING! I mean it has its high moments, but overall the story doesnt exactly keep you intrested. The combat is OK! It gets deeper as you gain more experience, but its just not as balanced as you would hope. Another thing is difficulty... There is no challenge here! I seriously mean it.. You die, lose experience and after one second wake up and continue from that very spot! Theres no GAME OVER screen! Only consequence is experience and even that isnt as big of a consequence as you would like! So everytime I die i wait and just continue fighting! And NO the enemies health dont return from scratch... Also a few bugs here and there.

Overall Fable II is a very good game, infact its deeper than most RPGs out there, but a few questionable design decisions hold it back from achieving greatness.

Going for Fallout 3 now, Hope this game lives up to the hype!