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Congratulations & Uncharted Overdose

Before I give my impressions about the Uncharted games, I'd like to congratulate Google. Their Android Platform is officially now "THE MOST POPLUAR" Smartphone Platform or OS in the world, beating Symbian, iOS and Blackberry!


Now time to talk a bit about Uncharted! Yes finished them... Including Platinum trophy!

Uncharted Drakes Fortune: Great game, but has many flaws! Reminds me a bit of Mass Effect! Both games are great but can be annoying in certain levels or really technically flawed! in Drake's fortune I kept screaming at the freaking screen.. I hated the platforming in this game, it was tedious, at times it didn't work! Thats my biggest issue with the game... Platforming i had trouble with.. Loved the story, Loved the characters, And let me just say this game looks really good! I mean it just looked better than a lot of games coming out RIGHT NOW! And its about 3 years old! It just blows my mind how this game can looks so good in 2011! So overall Great game, but the platforming is horrible!

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves: I'm not sure what to say... The game was a blast! Everything here is just done so WELL! The platforming wasn't horrible, it was much better! The shooting felt more like a third person shooter game rather than an adventure game with third person shooter elements to it! (NO offense Uncharted 1) From cutscenes all the way to the end, it was just one BIG Roller coaster ride! Still, I had a few bugs here and there! Not to mention Drake got stuck in a crate! 2 Criticisms! Sure everything in this game was Amazing but there wasn't ANYTHING original here! I mean it deserves 9.5! (which is my personal score) But, theres NO gameplay that the Uncharted franchise created or will be known for! For me what this franchise does best is that cinematic feel to it! and the pacing is the best! But again its a rehash of all these games in one, and the quailty is so high that just makes it amazing! Another thing, The multiplayer was fun, but they really need to fix the servers! All this Livesync data nonsense is just making people leave the multiplayer! Its all over the internet!

So here are the things I want in Uncharted 3:

- Better Multiplayer with "actual working" servers!

- Want some "innovation", Naughty Dog don't play it safe, bring me something IVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!

- If you don't know how to make Boss fights, guess what?!? DON'T!!! The Boss fights are the worst thing in this franchise! I'd rather have a chase scene at the end than this nonsense! Please don't make them!

Until Next Year...

I actually did it! I got my 13th Platinum! :D I owe my bro a lot for his help with the zombie trophies!! Those were the most pain *** trophies Ive had to get since Red Dead! But I managed to pull through, and I will say goodbye to Call of Duty until November! The game really has grown on me since I first played it... Treyarch really made a great game! Although uncomparable to MW2 in my opinion...

First Platinum of the year, many more to come. The Uncharted franchise is NEXT! Not to mention I will be getting Fallout 3! One hell of a year ahead of us and theres no better way to start it than Platinuming Black Ops!

Until Next time...

2011 Gaming Resolution

Exactly last year I made a gaming resolution in which i will buy a X360... A month later I got it! Ironically, Mass Effect 2 became my Game Of The Year! Now is the time for another resolution. New Year, New goal :) Here we go:

This year is a bit different! I want to get my 1000th trophy by the end of the year :) Im currently about 700 trophies, and I achieved that in over 2 years! So I'm gonna really push myself to get my 1000th! I don't care what I need to do to get it, but I WILL make sure it'll happen! The spring break for us college students is coming up and I plan on playing Uncharted 1 & 2, Fallout 3, going back to LittleBigPlanet!! Not to mention the Amazing titles coming this year such as ICO collection and Twisted metal, Uncharted 3 etc... Its gonna be one hell of a year!


Whats your Gaming Resolution?!?

Game of the Year

It's that time of year again, the time where we sit down and acknowledge the very best games of the year. This year was probably was one of the most hardest years to pick a winner in my opinion. All were very close but one stood high, VERY HIGH! To all my readers, I present you the nominees:

God of War III

Halo Reach

Mass Effect 2

Red Dead Redemption




Its rare for a game to look great, have an excellent story, offers innovative gameplay, and expand the experience with downloadable content. But Mass Effect 2 does it all.

Lets start with innovation: Sure Mass Effect 2 uses alot of gameplay from the original, but it does something I've never seen before..

Choices made from the first Mass Effect carry on to the sequel.

What you do in Mass Effect 2 branches out the storyline futher for the final storyline in the trilogy. And the choices you make REALLY do matter.

Characters you care for die if you choose the wrong person for a mission or if you don't have everyone prepared.

How you approach every conversation in the game can alter the final outcome in Mass Effect 2.

RPGs are all about story, and Mass Effect 2's story is captivating, powerful and satisfying. This is a space EPIC, but its the small personal moments that have the greatest residence.

Despite coming out in the beginning of the year, Mass Effect 2 managed to hold my attention.

Mass Effect 2 gave me touching moments, Amazing Action sequences, and an INCREDIBLE universe to explore!

When it comes to Game of the Year, there comes Mass Effect 2, then everything else...


Watch this trailer!! You will die to play this game! :D

I'm gonna say something very BOLD, I believe this is the best game of this GEN! Thank You!

Last Platinum of the Year!!!!

There you have it... The last Platinum of the year! Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2! Ok, from all the games Ive ever played, this has the most broken online system I've ever experienced! Higher ranked players fighting beginners, LAG at its worst! even if you have the fatsest internet (I checked the forums) No online patches, SPAMMING! Just sticking to one charactar and we press square until the opponent died! Its really UGLY! Dear Cyber Connect 2 (The developers) GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER! PATCH THIS ONLINE NOW!!! Not even one Patch.... Oh and you could disconnect from a match if your losing and they dont count it as a loss! So guess what?!? COWARDS ARE IN THIS GAME! You have 90% health and he has 10%.. Couple of hits and he dies, but he quits the game and the match was practically forgotten!!! Dont get me wrong, its fun but broken! So I hope to god they fix it, or I'm not touching this game again... Still got the 12 th Platinum though :)

I'm buying Enslaved at the end of the month, finish that then announce my GOTY nominees and awards! In the mean time make sure to watch the VGA's on Saturday, 13 World Premieres! Including Batman: Arkham City, Resistance 3 , and Prototype 2! Also some Uncharted 3 rumors!!! Its gonna be BIG!

P.S: 2011 is nearly here!! WTH?!?!?

My Most Anticipated Games of 2011

Less than a month.... Less than a month, and 2010 will end and another year of Gaming will rise!! You get the point, Every year I type a blog counting down the games I'm most excited about! Just for the record this doesn't mean these will be the best! Anyways, Here I Go:

10.L.A Noire

The recently released trailer reminds me of another trailer I saw last year,Red Dead Redemption. I remember last year watching that trailer for RDR where it just showed a posse of cowboys riding in the wild west stalking a train… I immediately fell in love with it (Although no real gameplay was shown) and I predicted this game was going to be the Dark Horse of 2010! (I think I was very much spot on..) Mark my words, L.A Noire will be BIG and it will ROCK! Did you see how their lips moved in that trailer?!? INSANE!! This is the Dark Horse of 2011!!

09. Killzone 3

I've played the original Killzone, played the sequel and loved BOTH! Yes even the first, despite its flaws… From what I've seen the third does not disappoint! Jetpacks, Controls have been made a bit tighter so the LAG that everyone hated is gone (which I had no problems with) I seriously can't wait to see how they evolved the series! Just one wish Guerrila Games: PLZ MAKE THE TROPHIES EASIAR!!!! :evil:

08. RAGE

Whoever doesn't know id Software should just stop playing games. They created the first person shooter genre with games like Doom, Wolfenstein and Quake! Are you tired of all these modern military shooters flooding the market these days? Well if there is one developer who will actually innovate in this genre it will be the creators right?!? RAGE looks incredible! Think Borderlands with steroids.. Racing, shooting freakish looking enemies… I've always wanted a fresh First Person shooter since the original Bioshock and most likely this will shut me up! N.B: This game won best game at E3 so its BIG!!!

07. Gears of War 3

I'll be honest; the last Gears game really disappointed me… It went all over the place and the campaign was nowhere as good as the first! After E3 my anticipation to this game rose quite a bit! The demo was badass, but again we all know the gameplay is solid but the story is very weak! Its uninteresting most of the times and the voice acting is the cheesiest thing I've ever heard in video games! Let's hope the finale won't disappoint!

06. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 2 was my GOTY of 2009 and I can't wait for infinity wards next game! Although I'm starting to get sick of Call of Duty games, I can't help but get excited for some more Spec Ops missions!!! (I don't like zombies, very boring… ZzZzZz) I really appreciate Treyarch's work, but seriously... Noone knows Call of Duty like the original creators! They're the reason the franchise is so HUGE! Infinity Ward is BACK! MODERN WARFARE 3... Biggest game of 2011 no doubt about it!

05. Batman: Arkham City

Remember how awesome Arkham Asylum was?! The Dark Knight is back and he has a couple of new moves up his sleeve! New Villains, A possible Co-op mode, the potential is really sky high!The only question is whether it will out do its predecessor. First Gameplay will be shown at this year's VGA's which is on DEC 11th!! So make sure to not miss it!

04. Twisted Metal

Back in grade 3 I owned the original Playstation… And I remember playing a lot of random games!!! All very Japanese! But one game stood out from the rest of the pack and that was Twisted Metal! I bought all 4 and played all of them daily with my friends and family! And finally my prayers have been heard, Sweet Tooth is finally coming to PS3! One wish: Please don't let the online have LAG and bad servers!!!

03. ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection

Yes I am cheating.. But seriously! The ICO Collection! I remember playing ICO when I was young but had no idea what the hell I was doing; it was way too deep for me back then and I never completed it!! And as for Shadow of the Colossus?!? I have no idea why I never bought this game! Both look Phenomenal, and are considered to be among the best PS2 games of all time! I will finally experience both in HD and trophies come along too!

02. The Last Guardian

Another Team Ico game! The only reason I'm more excited about this than the collection is because I don't know anything about it! Also it's on PS3 so the potential is HUGE! Teams ICO very well maybe create the best PS3 game, not to mention the most emotional! Q4 2011… WHY?!?

01. inFAMOUS 2

You might not have seen this one coming but there is no doubt I loved inFAMOUS! I spent over 50 hours in this game, completed the campaign 2 times, Platinumed it and gave it a 9.5! The sequel promises to be BIGGER and BETTER than the first in every way! From aiming to graphics to cutscenes!! New City, New Powers… AND 1 BIG PLATINUM TROPHY! Another game that has HUGE Potential! Sucker Punch is learning from Naughty Dog! They're seeing how big of a change Uncharted 2 was from the original and they're trying to replicate that same Jump! They're heading towards the right direction and only time will tell if it could be Game of the Year, but I know one thing it's my Most anticipated game of 2011!

What are your most anticipated games of 2011?!? Sound off in the comments below...

Why Android is better than iPhone!!!

See in the last couple of days some friends and family have been annoying me with this statement : iPhone is better than Android.. Well I always answer the same thing.. based on what facts are you saying this statement?? See I would agree with you if you can give me a few convincing reasons! Just because you like apple or simply OWN an iphone does not mean the device you have is the best!!

Lets talk a few numbers shall we??? Sales-wise, Android is kicking iPhones Butt.. Android owned over 40% in market share while iphone only had 25%!!! Your argument might be that Android has much more phones, well Microsoft also does, and they only had 3% market share! More does not mean always win!!! Does it now? RIM (Blackberry phones) are 3rd place behind Apple and they have much more phones than Apple!!! So If you simply say that reason then your not really thinking right!!

Maybe you dont care about sales! You care about the actual software! The Wii is the best selling console but its definitely not the best :P Well Android has the worlds fastest Web Browser... Watch Youtube comparison videos between Froyo and iphone!!Its easiar to develop for, and Most of its apps are for free! No Jail breaking! I'd like to see those iPhone users live without Jail breaking, they simply cant!

You see I hate when people say stuff and they don't really have facts behind their statement!! If iPhone isn't outselling Android and it doesn't outperform it technically then in what way is it better?!? It smells nicer?!?!?? Seriously! This fanboyism is starting to annoy me!!! For example when I say you don't have Adobe FLASH (Yes AMD91 Im looking at ya) You don't!!! Dont just say iphone users do!! Go to Fricking and try to play games from your phone! You cant!!! That simple...

Im not saying iPhone is crap... I still think without iPhone there wouldn't be Android!!! The Quality in iPhone is of highest quality and really untouched to tell you the truth! But its NOT better than Android!

To Conclude: Watch this video which gives you 5 reasons why Android is better than iPhone and you might actually learn something...


These Angry Birds are looking at Ya!

Another Reason why I love Android :P Angry Birds (Full Version) was released in the Android Market today for FREE! I'm guessing some Apple users are really going to be pissed about this! Angry Birds is still for money in the APP Store while we get it for free… Very weird if you ask me, guess the developers are Android bias or something! :)

For those wondering we always had Angry Birds but a lite version.. And the full version came at a price, but starting today that is no more. Still, one downside! There are small Ads at the bottom. You want Ad Free version?!? You got to pay.. But the ads don't get in the way, or drag the experience in any way! So I'm ok with them.

This is the best mobile game if you're wondering… That's why I'm happy. If you get this for free than it's the ultimate offer in a way. I know what I'm going to do in my college breaks this week!!!


I had a problem of laying out my game purchases for each month till the end of the year! Too many games.. But that's no more.

October - $50 PSN Card for Ghost of Sparta and Ratchet PSP + Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

November – Black Ops + FIFA 11

December – Enslaved + $50 PSN card for Twisted Metal Head On & Chains of Olympus (again, long story…)

Q1 2011 – Don't know but maybe Fable III, Fallout: New Vegas, some other games! Depends on my mood really..

I think some people aren't going to be happy about some games being purchased later rather than earliar but I'm short on money so be patient…

Also my next blog I will be showing you guys my Architecture models.. So make sure you don't miss it.

Talk to you later!

My Controversial Decision...

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! I'm buying FIFA 11 instead of PES 2011.... Now before you go to the comments and start insulting me, or go pick up the phone to call me (yes AMD91, I'm looking at you) I'm sorry. Some of you reading this probably will not understand why I'm apologizing, but I have grown up playing PES all my life.. I was very anti-FIFA. I remember playing the old FIFA games and hating them! My Uncle and I kept playing every new entry in the PES franchise! Some of my favorite gaming moments were from that franchise, and ever since I have been very loyal to PES!!! Me and a bunch of peple were supposed to buy PES 2011 this year, so we can all play online, but today a funny thing happened... I download FIFA 11 demo, just to try it, and I INSTANTLY FELL IN LOVE WITH IT, AND TO SOME EXTENT GOT ADDICTED... I've already played a total of 9 matches in a row... And I've only had the demo for a couple of hours!!! They actually have licenses in this game!! Chelsea FC is actually called Chelsea FC... not London FC!!!!

I'm sorry to PES, I still love you, but its time to CHANGE!! I actually can't believe I'm actually saying this, but FIFA is the superior video game! I'm just mind blown by how Amazing FIFA actually is...

You might not understand how much I want this game but I might just postpone buying Enslaved to this.. Thats how much I want it! This decision was taken by me and my brother.. This game is worth my money, and I can actually see myself playing it for 2 years.. (Until PES 2013 or FIFA 13) Anyways... PES until after 2 years if not more :(

FIFA 11 here I come!