Went to start up my great faithful lump of a console today. As per usual it started quietly and without fuss.
However about half an hour into playing it turns of randomly. I turn it back on and... YELLOW LIGHT! I have had absolutely problem with it until now, it has always been dust free, plenty of air and I never lug it around. I spent the remainder of the afternoon turning on and off letting it sit for a while and about every other trick imaginable without voiding the warranty (which is up anyway)
Having finally come to terms with the loss of my beloved behemoth I have come up with two options and was hoping for advice.
1.Send it to Sony who will fix it for a flat fee of $315
2. Hand it over to EB who will offer me $150 for an unopened defective console, which I can them put t'ward a shiny (or matte Slim) new one.
Right now it is obvious what I was really hoping for were some more options if there is any.
---Just a side note my PS3 died on the 18th, THE VERY SAME DAY THE SLIM WAS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED!!1! Am a suggesting an elaborate conspiracy on Sony's behalf? Not really, but it is a pretty strange coincidence.
Kinda late..but..I have the same problem! I just posted here asking for advice as well! How did yours go?
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