I sort of agree with your sentiment except for one big facet. If I am buying a purely digital copy than I could understand the whole 'buying the license not the game' argument. My personal feelings are if I buy a physical copy of the game, then I am not only buying the licensing for the game but an actual copy of the game, and therefore it should be mine to do whatever the hell I want with it.
I'm a little confused on how it is a single device. First off, it comes in two pieces, the console and the kinect. The Xbox One doesn't actually replace your cable box, the cable box has to plug into it. So thats 3 devices. Its not backwards compatible so your xbox 360 makes four devices. Not really reducing any clutter around my TV at all.
Coming from someone who actually is a rocket scientist, I took exception to the reveal. Rocket Scientists could definitely build something better than a VCR with a camera
I did not go into the reveal expecting an onslaught of games. They announced before that they would not be showcasing a lot games. I did, however, tune in the reveal because I thought that Microsoft would address the big rumors that had been swirling in the weeks leading up to the reveal (ie. Always online, used game policy, kinect required). Besides the kinect, the reveal didn't do any direct addressing to any of these big issues that people had. Most of the info that came out about these rumors came from interviews immediately following the reveal and even that was often contradictory and no less confusing.
The reveal did nothing to excite me about the new xbox. In fact the only thing it did for me was assure me to hold on to my 360 longer and actually seriously give playstation a look for the first time in my life.
Yes, E3 will have the games. Yes the reveal was about the console. I did not expect to see tons of games at the reveal. I, however, did expect to see at least real gameplay footage of at least one game though. That would demonstrate to me that the new xbox is at least moving forward as a gaming upgrade to the 360.
The biggest problem with the 'wait until E3' argument is that the reveal left a bad taste in my mouth because I didn't like the hardware or Microsoft's policy. If they had shown me a system that didn't require kinect (i will never use something like this), didn't require regular internet check-in and showed me a reason why this console is so much better than my 360; then I would not of had a problem with waiting until E3 to hear about games. As it is, all their reveal did was made me seriously consider a Sony product for the first time in my life.
He meant that he didn't have cable for a month by saying no TV. Come on, use a little bit of common sense. The sentence immediately proceeding said that the power came on first.
PSPhoenix13's comments