I can see what you saying with this, but there is one main thing I would like to point out.
I would have no problem with this whole used game thing if the game was delivered in a purely digital way (ie. over the internet). However, as soon as you introduce a physical game delivery (ie. a disc) that changes everything for me. I own that disc. It should be mine to do what I please with it.
Thats a good point. I have friends who had a playstation go bad, but it just seems to happen much more frequently with the xbox 360 then any other system. My original xbox 360 actually held out for 6 years before it pooped itself.
What made it an almost comically situation is that me, my roommate and 2 of my other close friends all got the RRoD within 2 weeks of each other. It was a virtual Armageddon.
One of the only reasons the current gen has so many sails is so many people had to buy replacements. I know I am on my second 360 and most of my friends are on their third ones.
They have confirmed there is no way to turn off the mic. And since it is listening for you to say "xbox on", even when the console is turned off, the mic is still listening in. Its in my bedroom, which I share with my girlfriend. The xbox one is a computer packaged into a box. Computers can be hacked. I'm not saying it would happen or even that the chances of it being hacked are anything but remote. However, the possibility is still there. Its a privacy issue, plain and simple. Ship me an xbox that doesn't require me to even plug in the kinect (like the xbox 360) and I suddenly become more interested in xbox one.
In regards to the kinect games. With xbox 360 I saw kinect in action at a buddy' place. My thoughts were that it was a gimmick that has an appeal to a younger crowd. How many of those 15 exclusive titles that microsoft announced are kinect-centric games, designed for the younger crowd or families? I am not saying any of those games will be like that, I was just pointing out a possible hole in the 'you guys are going to be shocked when microsoft rolls out these awesome exclusives at e3' defense/
I am withholding my final judgement until after e3, but after first impressions of both the ps4 and XboxOne based solely on hardware, ps4 is way out in front.
Laptop doesn't have a camera. When I bought my laptop, it was a feature I opted out of because I had no real interest or use for it. I don't skype, and if I did, my phone has an app for that anyways. And no matter how all-in-one this system is going to be, I am pretty sure it wouldn't replace my phone.
Here's my problem with the 15 exclusive titles. How many of those titles are going to be those dumb kinect games. My xbox 360 is in my bedroom, with my tv facing my bed. I don't have room to do some dumb motion capture gimmicks to play a game. I like to play games with a controller that does not require me to prance around the room. So if 10 or 11 of those games are based on using the kinect, then the total of exclusives for me just dropped significantly to 4 or 5. Either way doesn't matter, I won't be buying it anyway. Looks like I'm finally going to have to start getting used to a playstation controller.
I would have had no problems waiting until E3 to see all the great games, but the hardware package they showed me makes the games a moot point. I don't need or want any of the features they presented.
I rent a bedroom in a house; my xbox 360 is set up in my bedroom, not the communal living room. The last thing I want to do is set up a camera and mic pointing straight at my bed. Even being able to use the privacy settings to turn off that camera, its just not something that I would ever be comfortable with.
And on the whole issues of 15 exclusive games including 8 new ips, how many of those games are going to utilize the kinect? Cause even if I bought this POS machine, I would never play a game that utilized kinect.
Its unfortunate too, while I wouldn't consider myself a fan boy, I have always owned an xbox and never a playstation. I went straight from the N64 to the original xbox. The only thing I liked about the reveal was the xbox one controller, but I guess I'll never use that.
I agree that places like Gamestop are ridiculously overpriced. But it also has a drastic affect on services like GameFly. No more game rentals through the mail I guess.
PSPhoenix13's comments