[QUOTE="callmewaffle"][QUOTE="Chack1598"][QUOTE="callmewaffle"][QUOTE="Chack1598"][QUOTE="PabbssPS3"][QUOTE="lespaul1919"]its nice that you care about spending that much money on graphics. ill just play halo 3.PabbssPS3
dude! lol honestly man, with tah tatittude u arent goin nowhere, U make it seem taht PC are way to much when its only , $600 or $1000 more than a console. u only live life one time, so enjoy it and enjoy What its out there, Just save ya money and wait!!! u rush it to get a xbox360 u spend$399+taxes+ wuareanty+ xbox live+ games = arround $700 i just sepnd $1300 inparts to build my own computer, during all that time u could saved more monye and could to get a nice rig and pc to play future games like crysis,. just do the math! how much money u spend in games already or extra stuff for ya console?
Anyone got any idea what this actually says?
I'm glad taht u took time to go back and bring old posts! ;p who is the poor guy? the one that got your attention or the one who tells everyone and bring old posts?
Many of us are concerned For Pabbs state mental health, look over his posting history, he gets into arguments about Radiation causing real mutation at chernobyl whenever someone brings up stalker.
Poor guy.....
Read this http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25534999
I'm glad taht u took time to go back and bring old posts! ;p who is the poor guy? the one that got your attention or the one who tells everyone and bring old posts?
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