if 3.5 million sales dont make a game successfull,then the developers are doing some serious financial mismanagement on the game production or they are pretty damn greedy on their financial goals...
in my opinion,every game that breaks even or makes a profit is considered a SUCCESS
the fact that a medium sized developer creates such a nice post-apocalyptic first person shooter ,is alone worth the praise....if there is a game you should buy in May,its Metro:Last Light...supporting efforts like this,gives gaming a brighter future :)
a System Shock 3 would be amazing,these guys have had much experience with the Bioshock trilogy,i think they are ready to step in the boots of System Shock and make a kickass 3rd entry
this guy took over in 2007 and managed to make EA the most hated video game publisher since then....and he says he is proud of what they accomplished xD.
I for one,know that the gaming industry wont miss him at all
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