@Sweetew to be fair I think during the time of the review the game was playing just fine. I remember a certain sweet spot where BF4 worked totally fine for like a month before everything went to hell for all eternity.
@iAmWiReD I would honestly be completely stunned if ANY Nintendo game worked flawlessly online, much less a Smash game with 8 players. If they have finally figured out how to use the internet, it might make the WiiU not a worthless pile of garbage after all.
Wait, it has essentially non-functional online play and it only gets 1 point off for that? It should be dropped down to an 8 if the online is useless. Nintendo still doesn't seem to understand that confounded interweb machine still. So sad.
sh*t, wtf? They patched the priest method for under the platform? That's such BS. People wouldn't be exploiting the game levels if they weren't f*ckin impossible to do. Bungie, fix your sh*tty OP boss fights already. It's just like, hey, you get no ammo and everything takes a billion bullets to kill, have fun! I always just end up running out of ammo and having to melee or super minions until I find some, then I have to go back to the bullet sponge of a boss.
@jonnyc0mbat this isn't shaky at all really, they are just trying to pull off a multicam setup with a single camera and get nice OTS shots on both subjects. It's a little distracting and a 2 cam setup would have been better, but if you only have one camera, it's really the only way to go unless you want to film each individual response separately, which doesn't work well without lots of takes or trained actors. Also, why the hate for film students? You say that like its a bad thing.
Patohua1's comments