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I don't understand why they are only making this a week-long event. It's not like there's a lot of end-game content for Destiny. I see literally zero point in making this be an extremely limited time thing when it could just be up all the time.

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Edited By Patohua1

@troyhoward70 so you want them to go out of their way to hire a token black guy like IGN? There's a reason why they are called MINORITIES, because there's less of them...seriously, who gives a sh*t what color they are? Oh no wait, racists do. That's who.

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Okay, as an avid gamer who plays a plethora of genres of games and isn't loyal to any corporation, I want to lay something on the line here. I bought a PS4 on launch and the first games I got for it were Killzone, AC4, and Lego Marvel and I didn't pick up another game for it for 9 Months, when I got Destiny. I platinumed Killzone fairly early on and played a decent amount of Lego Marvel, but AC4 has remained pretty much untouched. I've been playing a ton of Destiny lately because I'm tired of it and want to platinum it so that I can sell it. I would say, as a console, the PS4 is the best of this generation and also as a company, Sony basically beats out everybody else in the console war. It's really not even a competition unless you really really gotta have you some Nintendo games. That being said, I primarily play PC games because everybody has a computer and I can get all of my games for a fraction of the cost using g2a, Steam Sales, and Humble Bundles. For <$100, I got 160 games in my Steam Library (thanks in part to Steam Family Share). That's exceptionally hard to beat. Plus, all of my friends have computers and we can play games online like Civilization, Battlefield, Age of Empires, Terraria, etc. PC games have better graphics, have more options for mulitplayer, and are cheaper. While I do not regret buying my PS4, I pretty much have it on the shelf while I wait for Kingdom Hearts 3, or some other exclusive that blows me out of the water. I see the PS4 as the best of this generation of consoles, but also the last. I don't foresee console gaming staying alive really past this generation honestly. It will be all Steam Boxes and Nintendo handhelds in 10 years. Consoles simply can't compete with how extremely cost effective it is to buy games on PC anymore.

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@troyhoward70 wow, that's super racist. You're right, their opinions would just be so much more valuable if their skin tone was different.

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This video should be titled, "Shoot all the black people", because that's literally what is happening. Jus' sayin...

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Edited By Patohua1

@Metallicwolf29 sure, a quality arcade experience. The WiiU isn't exactly brimming with games with complex storytelling or mechanics.

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Edited By Patohua1

And yet it still remains as a game about assholes, for assholes. GTA is basically Bully, but with guns and cars, which I guess shouldn't be that surprising since it's Rockstar. I might be able to get on board with this game if I could play JUST the online play, but I'm not entirely convinced that would be possible still.

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Edited By Patohua1

They couldn't compete with Battlefield in the realistic military genre, so they decided they would try and try and go against Titanfall instead, since they are much weaker prey. As much as I despise CoD games, I'm a little sad they are going future tech because this means they won't be pushing Battlefield to make better games anymore and we are probably going to get more BF4-like games. God save us all. That's okay though because Battlefront III comes out next year and will make basically every other online shooter obsolete....because Star Wars.

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Edited By Patohua1

In 50 years, Nintendo will become extinct because they will no longer be able to pull this kind of crash grab because all of the nostalgia junkies will be dead. 75% of their business still revolves around making money from games and consoles they made before 2000 instead of focusing on making new content. Sure, they make new Mario Kart's, Pokemon's and Zelda games every new piece of hardware, but let's be honest, those sell primarily because of nostalgia and because they generally release new HD versions of the old games first. If we hadn't played them in our childhood, we wouldn't know or care about them because in the grand scheme of gaming, they aren't particularly noteworthy. Only Nintendo has the balls to resell games at full price repeatedly. "Retro gaming" is a scam, people. A full on scam. If you want to play NES games, you've probably kept your NES and don't need this shit.

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Edited By Patohua1

You guys give a game a 9/10, but have no video review and only like 4 screen caps available. I'm interested in this game, but I don't enjoy having to do my own digging to even get a general feel for the game.