95% of your posts have something to do with you being ugly, or failing at getting girls-_MURS_-lol he learns from personal experience...
Pegasus_Shade's forum posts
Wolfmother anyone? and maybe Priestess FTW!wolfbane67Wolfmother.... Rip off a classic band and then try to pass off the sound as 'new' and 'unique'...
Hell, it seems to work in their case...
BASIC overview...
Central planning for strategic goods
Private market
The problem here is you are comparing a political party to a construed ideology...
"The consistent liberal is not an anarchist" as it has become in modern day terminology...
The Canadian Liberal Party, just as the Australian Liberal Party, the Australian and UK Labor Party and the American Democratic Party and all Party's in todays western societies, are not socialist or liberalists... They are Social Democratics which reflects its ideas through private property, market production, redistribution through taxation and social security...
This discussion is more than useless without context... Who is invading who, where, when, tactics etc etc... Same conversation could have occurred about the Vietnam War, and the mighty US of A did awesome in that one, didn't they?
No one can invade the US, primarily due to their high quality border defences and agencies such as the NSA... However, the US would be on the short end of the stick of war if they chose to invade the likes of China and Russia, surrounded by huge borders and often barren landscapes. Germany had the same issue if the US tried to invade any country of decent land mass.
I have had it for a while, I have just been too lazy to post at Gamespot for a while (for other reasons...)
Anyway, It's DesperateCry :D
Yes I know many games are given to editors before the official and public release, and actually I'm talking about users' reviews.sisominuxWell thats no problem... sorry bout the confusion
Really other ppls opinions will always be bias but nothing to complain about really... Its about what you think. Anyway because of that bias most user reviews arent really worth it (ie 'This game is da best 10 10 10 10 10')
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