- Half Life 2
- Myst Uru: Complete Chronicles
- Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater
- Metroid Prime Echoes
- Readon 9800 Pro
Too bad i have to wait till Christmas, but with my Readon i can even buy Doom 3 and Far Cry. Man, i feel happy.
Merry Christmas to all :)
Too bad i have to wait till Christmas, but with my Readon i can even buy Doom 3 and Far Cry. Man, i feel happy.
Merry Christmas to all :)
I have been thinking of this for a while and i have arrived in a conslusion: People don't pretend, people act the way they are in and out the forums. The way i act in the forums is the same as i act in the real world, and it's very difficult for me to start insulting people or make other forumites feel sad. I could do it, but i'm going to feel so bad that i'm going to end asking for forgivness.
Alot of forumites says "this is the internet, don't take the forums so seriously". Thats like saying: 'Hey man, don't take the telephone so seriously". Of course i'm going to take it seriously, you are talking to a human being not a puppet. When you talk to me you are not talking just to Pegnose, you are talking to Jorge Ruiz, the real me. The internet is a way of communication, not a way for disguise yourself. The sad things is that there are alot of people who likes to insult in and out the forums, and those people don't have feelings and heart. And all they say is: "Don't take the forums seriously" They should say better: "Don't take me seriously, i'm growing and someday i'll mature enough for you to take me seriously".
If someone has another opinion or if you agree with what i said, please... reply to my entry :)
and this means that i'm going to start playing videogames again. I'll start with San Andreas, then with Paper Mario, then with Tales, and so on.
This is going to be the best Christmahanukwanzaka ever! ^_^
Craig Mullins, one of the best artist i have ever seen, has done concept art for Halo 2 and i have seen some never before seen concept arts for the game. Also he has been doing some concept art for a new Bungie game. I don't know if those are for a cancelled proyect but it looks very interesting. According to each art, it looks like he has done them during September, 2004.
Here is the link. Go to commercial work and scroll down till you see Bungie.
Here are some pics:
I made it for a thread in another forum i go and i wanted to post it here also. Take a look at:
Click here to see Pegnose Simpson
Pegnose Simpson :)
Earth is such an interesting place, especially now that i know more about it. Try reading it and extend your knowledge.
Here is one cool fact:
101. Will Earth always be here?
Astronomers know that over the next few billion years, the Sun will swell so large as to envelop Earth. If we're still here, we'll probably fry and the planet will be vaporized. There's a chance, however, that the changing mass of the Sun will cause Earth to move into a more distant and pleasant orbit. One mathematical calculation shows it would be theoretically possible for humans to engineer such a move before it's too late.
It was a party of four but it owned. It was a 2 for 2 battle (assasin) and we used two TVs, we couldn't see where the other team where and that made the game alot more interetesting. When you play multiplayer with split screens you can know where exactly the players and that ruined the game a little. But with 2 TVs it was an awesome expereience!
LOL, you may think i'm crazy but i want to know how to moonwalk. So i searched the internet and found this:
First, with you right foot slightly ahead of your left foot, right knee bent, weight on your right toes.
Here is a clip: http://www.popandlock.com/moonwalk.mov
Now, that you know just keep practicing. I'm going to try it right now and i'll post later if i did it or not.
Good luck!
Christmas List:
Remember that all of those game are for my brother and i, and my grandma is going to buy the video card.
We are lucky because we recieve presents not only for Santa, but for the "Three Magical Kings" (Los Tres Reyes Magos) :D
Have a great day and try to spend time with your family instead of other people. Family will always be there and they are the most important thing in the world.
My family and I already ate turkey (poor turkey), and now we are decorating our Christmas tree. Right now it's looking preety! Man, Christmas is the best season, no doubt about it. So special, so full of joy and peace.
Have a nice day guys! :)
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