Captain obvious and yet you didn't get my point until I posted screenshots for you. Hmm, seems like you are trying to recoup your obvious revelation.
As for Uncharted, to me a PC gamer it looks horrendously jagged, the textures look horrible, in one of those screenshots there are some flowers that look worse than the flowers in Minecraft (I'm not joking). I'm sure it looks good by console standards and is impressive. To me it isn't. That's because I play games on a PC so I expect to have high quality graphics.
As is clear in the screenshots, comparing it to the Witcher 2 graphically or even Battlefield 3 graphically is a complete joke. You can like the art style all you want, but it is technically vastly inferior to both games as you seemed so blissfully unaware of in earlier posts.
This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuwrUdJwIvk
looks better than this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psmm_-SZjdg
For some reason I keep getting annoying errors when trying to link.
Wow, you still don't get it do you. Epic denial. You are watching youtube videos, whose resolution is defined by whatever the person recorded them in. Often not even 720p even though they've uploaded them to youtube in that format. Certainly not 1080p. That Witcher video is clearly not even recorded in 720p, nevermind in that actual PC resolution it plays at 1080p. Look at the text, it is barely readable with the screen maximised. Not only are you comparing two videos where one is half the resolution it actually runs in, that half resolution isn't even its actual resolution because quite obviously text is readable at actual 720p.
This is why you can't judge graphics from youtube videos. They fool you as you have been fooled here. You have to look at actual proper full size screenshots. I thought that would be clear by now. Go back a page and look at the screenshots properly. Do I have to repost them again? Honestly it is getting a bit silly.
edit - if you were a PC gamer, then you would know instantly that the witcher 2 video is recorded in horrible quality. The only real comparison you can have is with a true resolution recorded video, of which there are none on youtube (because 1080p videos take a looong time to upload) or you simply compare the screenshots as I have done on the previous page. If you can say with a straight face when looking at those comparisons that Uncharted 3 is even in the Witcher 2's league graphically, then I say you are a giant flying potato from mars.
I've played both ****ing games. i know how they both look. Uncharted 3 has scenes that look better than Witcher 2, ****ing hell. :roll: That desert scene when you're riding the horse looks better than the Kayran fight from Witcher 2, it just does. The Kayran fight looks like ****, despite all it's high res glory.
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