Okay, I used GPU Z to track how my 560 ti is being used while I play and it's pretty much using every bit of its power. The stock core clock is 850Mhz
and the stock shader clock is 1700 Mhz. While running Skyrim it was logging in at 850 and 1700 respectively. So then I tried overclocking a bit, got it up to 950MHz for the core and 1900MHz for the shader and again, the log showed Skyrim using every bit of this. Game still runs about the same, 60 fps when I'm deep in the wilderness, 20-30 in towns, 20-40 when I'm moving toward a town.
I just feel like my system should be doing better than this.
Turn shadowsdown to low. Gave me 20fps boost and didn't look much difference.
And is anyone having trouble resting on the PC version? I set how long I want to rest for, then it says press enter but nothing happens. :(
Here's mine. His name is Leonde and he's a former Imperial Guard who fought in the battle of Cyrodil. He lost his entire family in that dreaded battle (generic I know, but hey, this is an Elders Scrolls game :P), aswell as his left eye. He's inept in Archery and Magic, and his mainskills are general Sword and Shield combat. He's been a wanderer ever since, and happened to have been "mistakened" for someone else and captured, awaiting execution (beginning of Skyrim).
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