Twitch is absolutely terrible. Chatlag, tons of downtime, scaling issues, subscription issues, server overloads that cause complete disconnects for hours straight, the only thing that keeps it going is that no other site did the same thing but better yet. Missed opportunity because IMO twitch does not deserve to be invested in.
But good news for Xbone people since Microsoft has a deal with Twitch streaming aswell.
@A_Rabid_Dog @PetJel watch dogs is also available on current gen, watch dogs is a launch title for a new generation of consoles wheres rockstar has had 7 years to optimize for current gen consoles
@Gamerhomer @PetJel That's because it goes with small increments to get consumers to accept every small step instead of jumping 3 steps ahead.
If you throw in too much policies that gamers don't like they will rise against your product.
But if you take it slow, with small increments, people will accept and get used to those new models and in the long run accept the entire policy that you as a dev or publisher aimed for.
If I steal your entire wallet you will hunt me down and call the police.
If I steal 10 cents from you once a week for 3 years you won't be bothered to raise the alarm even though in the long run it's the exact same thing.
@Gamerhomer @PetJel And they also send the message that it somehow justifies microtransactions. That is another message that other companies will pick up.
Does this mean it's ok for every game that scores over 8.5 metacritic should get a greenlight for microtransactions?
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