I you like stealth you will most likely have a blast, the gameplay is very smooth and the levels are very open ended. My personal GOTY 2012 up there with Far Cry 3.
Don't worry about having low specs. You wil not be able to run the newest games but there are tons of amazing pc games you will be able to run. Half Life 1 and 2 Portal 1 and 2 FEAR 1 Condemned 1 Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Deus Ex series STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl Torchlight 1 and 2 Oblivion / Morrowind Rome Total War Minecraft World of Warcraft Mass Effect Doom 3 Tomb Raider Anniversary And so much more. Also look out for indie titles if that's your thing, there are some great ones out there and they will often run on lower specced machines! Have fun!
-Only serious lag I remember was with the Battlefield Bad Company 2 launch day, but that was just a server overload on EA's side. Besides that my experiences only have been lagfree. -I don't own a 360 with xbl, so I can't really comment on that. All the basic feautures are there on the PSN, friendlist, chat, messaging, game invites, achievement comparing, a store (which is a bit unpelasant to navigate), avatar, profile etc. - Exclusives exclusives exclusives. And I prefer the controller. MGS4, Demon Souls, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, 3D DOT Game Heroes, God of War, Resistance, Journey, Killzone, Uncharted, etc :)
Keep in mind the graphics have aged now, so it will be less scary. I always found Silent Hill to have more of a creepy atmosphere than really creepy gameplay, though it does have it's moments. I would recommend Silent Hill 1, 2 and 3. In my opinion the series wasn't worth it anymore after that.
For your own sake just play it. Reading a plot summary of (one of) the best storyheavy game(s) ever made would be a terrible and undoable mistake, if you ask me.
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