That's nice. Now watch as Infinity War takes the mantel. It may have sold the most tickets, but for me Cap: Winter Soldier was leagues better, as was Guardians 1.
Honestly, just sounds like an old man complaining that his prestigious award has more competition. When you think about it, movies back 30 years ago had much smaller budgets and different formats, and by today's standards, would be classified under his 'tv format' view. Yet, back then, with those formats, he was winning Oscars. Honestly too, those awards shows are completely rigged and voted on by a small group of people who can easily be bribed, or swayed by their connections to the directors directly.
It was really quite boring. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. I hope DC halts all future movies and waits a bit for a full franchise wide reboot.
Seems a lot of reviewers really enjoy this game. I was waiting to see how it panned out but it's looking like I'll pick it up soon since the coop is supposed to be super fun manning the ships and hunting treasure and enemy ships.
Trump: "Oh kids are being bad and shooting up school? Lets take away all their video games, that must be where its coming from. All the students are from here on out, grounded from video games."
So, the final season was fabricated as a story she conceived to deal with Dan's death. So, what, then this series starts with it all being a dream that Dan died, and that she pretended to deal with his fake death by inception dreaming that they had won the lottery and he had been alive the whole time?
Maybe they should just write it in that she has mental health issues and was having an episode that whole season instead.
Phazevariance's comments