@shamatuu257: Switch has 2 AAAA games so.... you're already wrong. I think what you mean to say is that it won't have shared AAA multiplatform games, and even then you'll likely end up wrong. But this console is doing very well for games so far and seems often more enjoyable even than PS4/XO consoles. So much salt it burns.
Why change the character to a black woman? Why change it at all actually? How about creating a new IP with those desired physical traits and leave established canon as is. You don't see a fresh prince of bel-air reboot coming with an Asian female lead, or IP Man 50 with an Brazilian teenager as the main star....
Seems pretty obvious that Kylo Ren was trying to convert Rey to the dark side during that moment when he told her that her parent's were nobodies. It's clearly a lie he was spinning help push her, and in the 3rd movie we'll find out they were actually important. The second movie of this trilogy was very ... not what i expected. The characters did almost no development, large chunks of the story were pointless, but what I disliked the most is that space is just another room in this show. A hole opens in a ship, no vacuum effect. Bomber girl at the start is sitting right over the open bomb bay ... in space... no suit... still breathing.
@kthulhu: Obvious that you haven't played it, seeing as it is nothing like Contra. In fact, most levels are not even run and gun, they are strictly boss battles start to finish.
@shadowwarrior4: The easy solution is to maintain the Fox branch they purchased under a new name, and release their R rated movies under that brand, or move all of Marvel under that branch.
@marportex: You mean how in the MCU its Vibranium/Steel composite, but in the comics it's Proto Adamantium/Vibranium composite? Proto Adamantium (Cap Shield) is the only metal stronger than standard Adamantium (Wolverine).
I wouldn't mind if MCU was or had R rated movies in it. They don't need to be full constant swearing and over the top gore, but I'd like the movies to be free to not hold back their punches when its appropriate. That would allow them to keep characters like Deadpool as they are, and still fold him into mashups.
Phazevariance's comments