Ryse looked pretty damn great. There are some games these days that look better, but not a whole lot. Gameplay was pure crap though.
Uncharted 4 only has a few areas that look better than Ryse, but U4 in many places doesn't even beat U3 in graphics. Gameplay was boring.
Horzion looks pretty for the most part, but the foliage is far behind Ryse. It was static, and didn't carry shadows, versus Ryse fully malleable folliage with translucent leaves blowing in the wind. Horizon character models are typically better looking though. Gameplay was OK, but after a while really repetitive.
GOW looks pretty good. It will beat Ryse out. Gameplay though... remains to be seen. As long as it shies away from quicktime events and has some kind of gameplay evolution throughout it will be a better game no matter what.
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