"Prey is not a sequel. It's not a remake. It has no tie with the original. You have to look at it like a reimagining of the idea."
This doesn't make sense. If you are re-imagining the idea, it is tied to the original.
If the only tie is "Aliens abducted the main character", then WHY THE F*** are you calling it Prey?
The original had an amazing premise, an native-american in crisis with his identity and origin, alien abductions, portals, modified gravity shootouts... A re-imagining of Prey could be great, but this is NOT a re-imagining, it's just use of an old IP.
@Coseniath: I think ME1 did an amazing job in introducing to a whole new universe that is complex and absorbing.
ME2 expanded on that universe greatly, but with some poor and lazy hollywood style narrative mixed up, like:
1- "the perfect genetically engineered woman" is nothing more than a sexy white girl with boobs and ass for show
2- Ignored the politics, spectres and council almost through all the game, making the narrative less complex.
3- No discussion about how you "the good guy" are working with a company that do almost fascist or Nazi stuff... there is no moral dilemma in the game.
ME2 had a lot of qualities, like the suicide mission and some really nice story-arcs, and some good improvements on game-play.
But it also started (imo) a process of turning Shepard into a poor super-hero story, with no moral dilemma, no politics and easy narrative excuses for action and sexy stuff.
ME3 just finished the process, though the world presented in ME1 is so good, they didn't manage to destroy everything and make it a mainstream mess, though they managed to do it with the ending, the earth-mission and the kid dream sequences.
It looks awesome, but still feel like a f2p game to me.
Just not enough, MP is exactly the same with small variations all the time, most things are cosmetic, with some difference, but not really worth investing in the details since every match becomes a deathmatch.
This game deserved a SP story game... such a missed opportunity.
Phelaidar's comments