Phelaidar's forum posts
[QUOTE="timma25"]What worries me is why do you think we're defending ourselves... more so than us actually enjoying video games as a hobby? What worries me is people taking this article way too far into your head. That's what leads to addictions and everything beyond imaginable. I think timma25 was not referring to you...Great article, helped me realize what I already feared about my gaming addiction. What worries me more however is all the people trying to defend what they do...
Addiction begins earlier... people don't realize it is ruining their life until it is already ruined. Though I love hardcore games, I'm a casual gamer when it comes to "time spent gaming"... I like to play it on my free time, but it doesn't stop me from dating, working out or studying... My boyfriend got addicted to "Heroes of Newerth" some time ago, and it was scary as hell. He would spend 6 to 8 hours playing, he abandoned his personal life, would forget to take showers and go to university exams. The scariest part of it, is that he did not even realise all that. It was like everybody was picking on him, as if he wasn't doing anything wrong. Those were really tough times for people around him. After getting really sick of him lying to me about gaming (he would avoid speaking or going out with me to play "HoN", and lie saying he was busy with a university project), I broke up with him. It was a good thing actually, that was the first time he realized that game was destroying him. He searched for help and is better now. Never thought addiction to gaming was such a serious thing until that...You'll know you are addicted to games when it starts ruining your life. That's addiction.
It's going to be tough for anyone under 30 to appreciate Duke for his accomplishments.JKnaperek21, and love Duke.
Of course it does. And he's right, GC version had amazing shader and lightning effects, PS2 was dumbed down, and PC version lacked any lightning or shader.The ps2 doesn't have any shaders lol
Heh, yeah, Legendary is pretty terrible. But this game is basically what I see DNF being reduced to: clunky controls, sloppy shooting mechanics, annoying enemies, frustratingly limited carrying capacity, total linearity, heavily scripted, so on and so forth. That's how it looked in the PAX demo anyway, at least to me.JN_FenrirBy the previews, shooting is not sloppy, it's old-school (simple and without many features). Most previews criticized the lack of linearity (which is present in modern games and they say duke ignores it), along with big scripted moments.
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