Every Devloper should hold their unique perspective of what their game should be. The market is what's really holding their creative flow back and also making anticipated titles to become stale on release, but it is also what pushes games out faster for the most part.
@RE2LeonS My words also. PS4... M$ Durango Box are pushing me further away from being interested in consoles. I have a Ouya on the way. More exited for that than these other $$ ploys. Being that it's hacker friendly I'm open minded to other console ports being built on. :)
So now we have: Benchmark Loading of a game --> disclaimer screen --> Intended Non-skipable display of game publi sher company, then developing company, and game engine logo load screens --> load to main menu --> load time to connect to severs --> *press start* load saved data (tolerable) --> *game starts* load cutscene. >___<
The RAM and processing power better be a beast. I'm not very hopeful. Oh, lets not forget Playstaion Move display screen, Legal jargon, Photosensitive & Siezure screen, and "The characters of this story in not base on real persons; if so, it's just coincidental" screen.
And I thought this generation would severely damp out load times. Do we really want 10-30 second load times. I could foresee problems with this as PAID users would end up getting booted by this load time benchmark. If PS4 would have tech problems by ported titles that bring load extensions like on PS3 than... brace yourselves.
@nickpeck36 @beuneus12 It's an exaggeration/Hyperbole buddy. It that rhetoric device/figure of speech we get from English class. Ok sarcasm aside, it is bad to get dlc that obviously does not seem to be bonus content. We're all smart enough to realize that we're getting screwed over deeply by a company over and again.
Philly04's comments