[QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="Philoshperstone"]What's the craziest story I don't remember? I don't know... :| I didn't mean it so literally. Crazy things happen and later on you piece it together. Anything like that? I don't think you realize the magnitude of my seriousness. Let me reiterate. :| :| :|
[QUOTE="rolo107"][QUOTE="Philoshperstone"]Eko and Farady are the only ones I didn't want to die. And Richard. Oh, I really did not like Eko... Faraday was great though, and Richard is too. Eko was cool in the beginning. By the end he got annoying. [spoiler] I smiled at his death. It didn't make me as happy as some others' though. [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="Dylan_11"][QUOTE="Philoshperstone"][QUOTE="clayron"] And I have no idea where this is going. *opens mouth* In there.Hey uh....my wife! Yes, that's it. My wife is uh.......hurt. Yes! Shes hurt and I need to go......help.....her? Yah that sounds right. Gotta go! Damn, I didn't think I was THAT rough.
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